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[教育系统应用] 10

图书管理系统功能包括图书增加,删除,浏览。程序采用ASP.NET MVC技术进行编程
Library management system functions including books to add, delete, view. Program can be programmed using ASP.NET MVC technology,Library management system functions including books to add, delete, view. Program can be programmed using ASP.NET MVC technology,Library management system functions including books to add, delete, view. Program can be programmed using ASP.NET MVC technology (2014-02-13, C#, 2831KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] tushu

c# library management system source code file (2013-11-17, C#, 212KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] TeacherInfoManagementSys

Teacher Information Management System, through the database for data storage and query, to achieve information management teachers, this program uses a SQL database via C# programming, teachers of information visualization CRUD operations. Source code has been compiled through, there are executable files. (2013-10-10, C#, 5267KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] MysteryBookStore

图书借阅系统,开发软件为Visual Studio2010,数据库为SQL server2008,可以实现图书借阅、热门书籍,借还书籍,会员管理等模块功能。编程语言为C#,开发平台为asp.net。
Book lending system, developing software for the Visual Studio2010, the database is SQL server2008, borrow books, popular books, borrowing and returning books, membership management modules function. The programming language is C# development platform for asp.net. (2012-10-29, C#, 1583KB, 下载4次)
