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[其他游戏] stopgames

Parking game source code C#, imitation QQ network Flash parking games, of course, there are many features need to improve, it only provides a programming ideas. I hope to help beginners. (2013-07-07, C#, 39KB, 下载1次)


[其他游戏] baibianfangkuai

Variety Tetris game C# source code in the Debug directory useful to a lot of pictures in the resource file, do not delete, learning C# game preparation friends can learn about the source Oh, C# game programming is quite helpful (2013-06-03, C#, 5861KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] C-Sharp-Game

《C#游戏编程》 本书致力于教您如何通过Visual C#创建一个RPG。您将一步步地学习如何使用Windows Forms和GDI+构建游戏引擎的各个部分。如果你喜欢玩游戏,那么你也将会喜欢学习如何创建自己的游戏,因为这会使你拥有一个完全由自己控制的游戏世界。首先您将对Visual C#有一个基本的了解,给你一个游戏编程的基础以及使用工具创建游戏的能力。在您将学习的每一章中的代码示例都将会帮您创建一个不同游戏组件。直到本书最后,您将创建一个能够运转的完整的RPG游戏。
Book dedicated to teach you how to create an RPG using Visual C#. You will learn a step-by-step how to use the Windows Forms and GDI+ build various parts of the game engine. If you like to play the game, then you will also like to learn how to create your own game, because it will make you have a completely controlled by their own game world. First of all, you will have a basic understanding of Visual C#, the ability to create the game to give you a game programming and the use of tools. The code examples in each chapter you will learn will help you create a different game components. Until the end of the book, you will create a complete functioning RPG game. (2013-04-12, C#, 7201KB, 下载31次)


[其他游戏] 接弹球

C# done little game, it is worth learning games programmers reference, relatively simple, but absolutely classic. C# is the rare good example. (2005-08-30, C#, 102KB, 下载75次)
