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[其他书籍] Cocoa-Programming-for-Mac-OS-4th

如果您正在开发用于Mac OS X的应用程序,可可® 编程为Mac® OS X,第四版,是这本书你一直在等待得到你的手。如果你是新来的Mac环境中,它可能是这本书你一直在说先阅读。写在引人入胜的教程风格,彻底级测试,以确保清晰度和精确度,它涵盖了大部分你所需要知道的开发全功能的应用程序 - 使其成为任何一台Mac程序员的宝贵资源。
If you’re developing applications for Mac OS X, Cocoa ® Programming for Mac ® OS X, Fourth Edition, is the book you’ve been waiting to get your hands on. If you’re new to the Mac environment, it’s probably the book you’ve been told to read first. Written in an engaging tutorial style, and thoroughly class-tested to assure clarity and accuracy, it covers the bulk of what you need to know to develop full-featured apps- making it an invaluable resource for any Mac programmer. (2014-05-08, Objective-C, 14064KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] Programming-in-Objective-C-2.0

objective-C程序设计第二版(英文) 本书共包括四部分:objective-C语言基础、Foundation框架、Cocoa and the iphone SDK、附录。总共有21章节,其中1-13章是关于objective-C语言的基本介绍以及语言基础知识,14-19章介绍foundation框架以及一些常用类,20-22介绍简单的iphone应用开发以及cocoa编程环境。
objective-C Programming, Second Edition (English) This book includes four parts: objective-C language based, Foundation framework, Cocoa and the iphone SDK, appendix. A total of 21 chapters, including Chapter 1-13 on the objective-C language is a basic introduction to the basic knowledge and language, 14-19 chapter describes some of the common foundation and framework of class, 20-22 introduced a simple iphone application development and cocoa programming environment. (2011-03-20, Objective-C, 2889KB, 下载74次)
