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[开发工具] MovieApp-application

此应用程序是在我在Mobiversal公司实习期间创建的。该应用程序是使用Android Studio作为开发环境和Kotlin编程语言构建的。
This application was created during my internship at Mobiversal company. The app was built using Android Studio as the development environment and Kotlin programming language. (2024-03-18, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] App_Motivation

使用Kotlin编程语言在Android Studio中开发的Android应用程序。该应用程序旨在通过鼓舞人心的短语和引语为用户提供每日剂量的动力和积极性
Android application developed in Android Studio using the Kotlin programming language. This app is designed to provide users with a daily dose of motivation and positivity through inspirational phrases and quotes (2024-02-08, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] MyShopNetApp

利用Android Studio和Kotlin作为编程语言,以及Firebase作为后端的MyShopNet移动应用程序项目非常成功。在整个项目中,使用敏捷方法也很有用,因为我负责开发满足所有需求的高效应用程序。
The MyShopNet mobile application project that utilized Android Studio and Kotlin as the programming language, along with Firebase for the backend, had been highly successful. Using the Agile approch was also useful throughout the project as I was ale to develop efficent application that meets all the requirments. (2024-01-29, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)
