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[C#编程] 学生选课系统

设计了一个学生自助选课系统,要实现选课系统的一些基本功能,如:学生选课、选课限制、计算学费、退课等。储存学生信息和课程信息等数据,并有一个易于理解的图形化界面供管理与查询这些信息。选用了visual studio 2017用于编程,MFC窗体用于制作易于理解的图形化界面与来共同实现这些功能。
A student self-selection system was designed to achieve some basic functions of the course selection system, such as: student selection, restrictions on course selection, calculation of tuition fees, and withdrawal of classes. Store data such as student information and course information, and have an easy-to-understand graphical interface for managing and querying this information. Visual studio 2017 was chosen for programming, and MFC forms were used to make easy-to-understand graphical interfaces and to implement these functions together. (2018-05-12, Visual C++, 3157KB, 下载16次)


[C#编程] C#编程

, on the keyboard to receive 15 integer value of user input, the input is completed, receiving the command input by the user, if the user input a (not case distinction) in ascending order, if the input D (not case distinction) in descending order, or prompt the user to input, output and content of the sorted sequence before ordering the. (2018-01-04, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载2次)


[C#编程] 2week2-2

我国有4大淡水湖。 A说:洞庭湖最大,洪泽湖最小,鄱阳湖第三。 B说:洪泽湖最大,洞庭湖最小,鄱阳湖第二,太湖第三。 C说:洪泽湖最小,洞庭湖第三。 D说:鄱阳湖最大,太湖最小,洪泽湖第二,洞庭湖第三。 已知这4个湖的大小均不相等,4个人每人仅答对一个, 请编程按照鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖、洪泽湖的顺序给出他们的大小排名。
China has four major freshwater lakes. A said: the largest Dongting Lake, Lake Hongze minimum, third Poyang Lake. B: Hongze Lake is the largest, Dongting Lake is the smallest, Poyang Lake is the second and Taihu Lake is the third. C said: Hongze Lake minimum, Dongting Lake third. D said: the largest Poyang Lake, Taihu Lake minimum, Lake Hongze second, third Dongting Lake. The size of the four lakes are known are not equal, 4 individuals each answer only one, Please program according to the Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Taihu Lake, Hongze Lake in the order given their size. (2016-11-30, Visual C++, 1691KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] JR_KeyBoard

WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation)是微软推出的基于Windows Vista的用户界面框架,属于.NET Framework 3.0的一部分。它提供了统一的编程模型、语言和框架,真正做到了分离界面设计人员与开发人员的工作;同时它提供了全新的多媒体交互用户图形界面
WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) is Microsoft s Windows Vista-based user interface framework, and is part of the .NET Framework 3.0. It provides a unified programming model, language and framework, truly the work of separating interface designers and developers at the same time it provides a new multimedia interactive graphical user interface (2015-06-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] code

LabWindows/CVI是National Instruments公司推出的一套面向测控领域的软件开发平台。它以ANSI C为核心,将功能强大,使用灵活的C语言平台与数据采集,分析和表达的测控专业工具有机地接和起来。它的集成化开发平台,交互式编程方法,丰富的控件和库函数大大增强了C语言的功能,为熟悉C语言的开发人员建立检测系统,自动测量环境,数据采集系统,过程监控系统等提供了一个理想的软件开发环境。
LabWindows/CVI, National Instruments has introduced a software development platform for measurement and control field. ANSI C as the core, will be powerful, flexible platform for the C language and data acquisition, analysis and presentation of the monitoring and control professional tools to pick and up. Its integrated development platform, an interactive programming methods, controls and libraries greatly enhanced the function of the C language, to establish a detection system for developers familiar with C, the automatic measurement of the environment, data acquisition systems, and process monitoring systems, etc. an ideal software development environment. (2012-05-17, Visual C++, 243KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] CSharp100APP

Learning materials, all source code, 100, suitable for beginners, experts do not waste points (2012-02-23, Visual C++, 3967KB, 下载13次)


[C#编程] CSharp121

Based on C# development PC USB communication, USB to CAN functionality can be achieved (2011-11-02, Visual C++, 15739KB, 下载185次)


[C#编程] 1

Frequently engage in VC++ programming friends may be aware, the use of dynamic controls great, but work is very tedious to create, so many of my friends have been intimidated, afraid to use, source code describes a relatively simple way to create a dynamic control, dynamic control and can support the incident response, save and read other functions, worth a visit. (2011-05-10, Visual C++, 24KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] shiyaner

调度的实质是操作系统按照某种特定的分配策略来分配资源。进程调度的目的是分配CPU 资源。由于进程调度程序执行的频率很高,因此调度算法的好坏将直接影响到操作系统的性能。本实验的目的是编程模拟实现几种常见的进程调度算法,通过对几组进程分别使用不同的调度算法,计算进程的平均周转时间和平均带权周转时间,比较各种算法的性能优劣。
Scheduling is the essence of a particular operating system in accordance with the allocation strategy to allocate resources. The purpose of the process of scheduling is to allocate CPU resources. Since the implementation of the process of a high frequency of the scheduler, the scheduling algorithm will directly affect the operating system performance. The aim of this simulation is to achieve some common programming process scheduling algorithm, the process by several groups using different scheduling algorithms, respectively calculate the average turnaround time for the process and the average turnaround time with the right to compare the performance of the merits of various algorithms. (2010-12-28, Visual C++, 368KB, 下载92次)


[C#编程] class

面向对象的C#编程 设计一个图书卡类Card,用来保存图书馆卡片分类记录。这个类的成员包括书名、作者、馆藏数量。至少提供两个方法。Store书的入库处理,show显示图书信息。运行程序时,可以从控制台上输入需要入库的图书总数,根据这个总数创建Card对象数组,然后输入数据,最后可以选择按书名、作者、入库量排序。
Object-oriented programming to design a C# class library card Card, to save the library card sorting records. Members of this class, including title, author, volume of collection. At least two methods. Store book storage processing, show display book information. Run the program, you can enter from the console the total number of books need storage, according to this total to create an array of Card objects, and then enter the data, and finally you can choose by title, author, storage volume of order. (2010-11-30, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] lab

1.编写一个函数把华氏温度转换为摄氏温度,转换公式为..C=(F-32)*5/9。 2.编程计算图形的面积。程序可计算圆形、长方形、正方形的面积,运行时先提示用 户选择图形的类型,然后,对圆形要求用户输入半径值,对长方形要求用户输入长和宽的 值,对正方形要求用户输入边长的值,计算出面积的值后将其显示出来。 3.编写重载函数Maxl可分别求取两个整数,三个整数,两个双精度数,三个双精度,数的最大值.
1. Write a function to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, the conversion formula. . C = (F-32)* 5/9. 2. Calculate the area of graphics programming. Program can calculate round, rectangular, square area, run-time prompts the user to select the first type of graph, then the radius of the circle requires the user to input the value of a rectangular length and width requires the user to input the value of the input side of the square requires the user to long value, calculate the value of the area once it is displayed. 3. Write overloaded functions Maxl strike two integers, respectively, three integers, two doubles, three doubles, the maximum number. (2010-10-26, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] Csharp

Classic example of C# source code, which code can run directly to help C# learning cluster started to master (2010-04-21, Visual C++, 367KB, 下载32次)


[C#编程] YsfCircle

Numbered 1,2,3, ..., n of n individuals sitting around the circle clockwise, each holding a code (positive integer). Choose a positive integer beginning, as reported upper limit of the number of m, starting from the first person clockwise order starting from a report number, report m, stop. Who reported m out of the column, his password as the new m values in the clockwise direction from his next began to re-number from a newspaper, it goes on until everyone up all the columns. Program prints out the order. (2010-04-04, Visual C++, 236KB, 下载16次)


[C#编程] SourceFtp

C# write an FTP client to connect process, development environment VS2005, run-time program was initially asked to enter FTP server connection information, and enter the main interface, somewhat similar to CuteFTP, but a lot of functionality to be less, and After all this is to write programs for beginners hope that through this program to help to understand C# enthusiast some network programming knowledge. (2010-02-28, Visual C++, 90KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] Cpp1

FIFO URP (2009-12-02, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] duideng_c

This file contains the information about running the C# version of the application. You must have the following Software installed on your machine in order to run this application. 1. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Beta 2 2. Microsoft XML Parser 3.0 3. DirectX SDK 8.0* 4. Windows Media Encoder SDK 7.1* 5. Windows Media Player 7.0 or higher* 6. Windows 2000 Professional with IIS 5.0 7. SQL Server 2000 Setting up your Computer for Web server 1. You will need setup a website on your computer using IIS 2. Copy all the files present in the "SEREVER" folder of this CD-ROM to the web site path that you had set up. 3. Check your site by running any of the asp (even if the asp returns some error information, that means your site has been set up properly) 4. We are using "developers" as the computername, You will need to change the name of your computer or will have to change the asp s according to your computername. Setting up the SQL Server database 1. Make a databa (2009-09-17, Visual C++, 232KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] sportsmeeting

数据结构——运动会 为帮助同学们尽快进入编程状态特提供此例 1.将SqList.h、Mdefine.h、sport.c放在同一目录下 2.按下述方法编译运行即可,体验一下 编译包含有自定义的.h文件的.c文件 一种方法: ⑴.将.c和.h文件放在某一目录下(例如:datastruct) ⑵.改变用户工作目录(用户文件所在目录) 选择"File/Chaire Dir"打开新目录输入框,输入选择的用户工作目录datastruct,执行Change Dir 改变工作目录。否则对.c文件包含的自定义的.h文件提示No open ⑶.在编辑器中打开.c文件,进行编译,运行即可 另一种方法: 在上一种方法的基础上 ⑴. 打开project菜单,选择open project ,在.c和.h文件的同一目录下创建一个工程文件 ⑵. 打开project/Add Item菜单,输入项目名,然后将.c文件增加到工程文件中。不用将.h文件加入。 ⑶.在工程文件中双击.c文件,打开.c文件,进行编译,运行即可 3. ReadFormFile(SqList &L) 从文件读入运动员成绩信息操作作为示例
err (2008-12-22, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载37次)


[C#编程] S7-300

VC# With Siemens S7-300 communications programming source code, class libraries are prepared well, you can call directly. (2008-10-20, Visual C++, 70KB, 下载402次)


[C#编程] fuanzhuanqi

I originally wrote this procedure only for the study of conventional C# And. NET programming and make a practice. Reversi, as everyone knows, is a more popular and more interesting games, principles and rules are very simple. This allows it to be to learn a new language or tool of a good practice to choose. (2007-10-24, Visual C++, 250KB, 下载3次)
