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按平台查找All Fortran(439) 

[物理/力学计算] 顶盖驱动流

顶盖驱动流是不可压缩黏性的典型流动,可以用来检验各种数值算法计算精度和可靠性,目前尚不能求得它的解析解。基于Fortran 编程,采用 SIMPLE 算法求解二维方腔流动,得到流动达到稳定状态时各物理量的分布。
Lid-driven cavity flow is an incompressible viscous flow, which can be used to test the accuracy and reliability of various numerical algorithms. In this paper, based on the Fortran programming, SIMPLE algorithm was used to solve the lid-driven cavity flow. The distribution of physical quantities in the stable state was obtained. (2019-03-18, Fortran, 3KB, 下载6次)


[数学计算] !涡度、散度、涡度平流、温度平流计算代码

Using Fortran vorticity, divergence, vorticity advection, temperature advection calculation code. (2018-01-29, Fortran, 1KB, 下载27次)


[数学计算] UMAT-JC

A subroutine of J-C module based on abaqus, which has been completely successful. pay attention that you should give the value of devpar. (2016-03-01, Fortran, 2KB, 下载21次)


[Windows编程] CUDA-Fortran

CUDA Fortran程序设计 此书是面向开发或维护fortran中的计算机模拟和应用或者是想利用GPUs的并行处理能力处理单元(GPU)来加速运行代码的科学家和工程师。这本书的目的是利用CUDA Fortran以及一些典型的例子向读者提供GPU编程的基础,而不必使读者实质上将开发CUDA Fortran代码作为一项任务。
CUDA Fortran for Scientists and Engineers This document is intended for scientists and engineers who develop or maintain computer simulations and applications in Fortran and who would like to harness the parallel processing power of graphics processing units (GPUs) to accelerate their code. The goal here is to provide the reader with the fundamentals of GPU programming using CUDA Fortran as well as some typical examples, without having the task of developing CUDA Fortran code become an end in itself. (2015-10-11, Fortran, 3335KB, 下载12次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] paixu

This procedure is used to drain the remaining rectangular nesting nesting kind of rectangular pieces of the program, application software programming matlab produced. Program can be ranked based on user input for a given sample solution 25 in the width of a rectangular piece of sheet 15 in the nesting, and draw a rectangular piece nesting map. (2014-06-21, Fortran, 1KB, 下载14次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] IMSL

IMSL libraries. Install the add good (method found online) after the library, by calling the library to an existing program, the programming save a lot of time and space. (2014-03-24, Fortran, 17172KB, 下载31次)


[进程与线程] Intel_Visual_Fortran

本书针对 Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF)6.6 的后继编译器 Intel Visual Fortran (IVF)9.0,系统 介绍 Visual Studio.NET 环境下各种 Fortran 应用程序的开发,重点讲解 Fortran QuickWin、Fortran Windows、 动态链接库及多线程应用程序的开发, 以及对话框和控件、 自动化服务器和 ActiveX 控件的 使用,并全面、深入地探讨 Intel Fortran 与 Visual C++/Basic.NET 的混合编程。另外,本书对 Visual Studio.NET 开发环境、Intel Fortran 9.0 编译器以及 CVF 向 IVF 的转换等也进行了简要介绍。
This book is aimed Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF) 6.6 successor Compiler Intel Visual Fortran (IVF) 9.0, Visual Studio.NET environment system introduced various Fortran application development to highlight the Fortran QuickWin, Fortran Windows, dynamic link libraries and multithreaded application development, as well as dialog boxes and controls, and ActiveX automation server controls, and a comprehensive, in-depth study Intel Fortran and Visual C++/Basic.NET programming mix. In addition, the book Visual Studio.NET development environment, Intel Fortran 9.0 compiler and the conversion of CVF to IVF, also briefly introduced. (2013-08-11, Fortran, 2270KB, 下载17次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Rails.Recipes

Ruby,一种为简单快捷面向对象编程而创的脚本语言,在20世纪90年代由日本人松本行弘开发,遵守GPL协议和Ruby License[1]。它的灵感与特性来自于Perl、Smalltalk、Eiffel、Ada以及Lisp语言。由Ruby语言本身还发展出了JRuby(Java平台)、IronRuby(.NET平台)等其他平台的Ruby语言替代品。
There is a new way to communicate with your fellow Ruby developers. Introducing the new Facebook group for the Ruby Programming Language (2012-09-03, Fortran, 1408KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] CZM_for_instability

ABAQUS allows the addition of a variety of user subroutines. We define a user element by UEL. Information of element and nodal displacements can be obtained from ABAQUS, and we update the stiffness matrix and the residual vector following the cohesive zone law. More coding details can be found in ABAQUS manual. (2012-03-11, Fortran, 3KB, 下载98次)


[其他] Fortranreader

它是世界上最早出现的计算机高级程序设计语言,广泛应用于科学和工程计算领域。FORTRAN语言以其特有的功能在数值、科学和工程计算领域发挥着重要作用。这是一本非常好的fortran 编程的学习书籍
It is the first appeared computer high-level programming language, widely used in science and engineering calculation domain. FORTRAN language by its unique function in numerical, scientific and engineering computation field plays an important role. This is a very good FORTRAN programming learning books (2011-12-13, Fortran, 5488KB, 下载12次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux

This book was originally embedded in education for the Beijing Asian Research Center Embedded Linux Systems Engineer job class curriculum materials tailored one. The course is a four-month full-time vocational training, ask participants to graduate with a very Solid C programming ability, be proficient in the use of Linux systems, and computer architecture and instruction set, operating system and device drivers are the principle a better understanding. (2011-10-20, Fortran, 6555KB, 下载8次)


[其他] genetic-algorithm

Binary genetic algorithm (2011-10-16, Fortran, 228KB, 下载66次)


[其他] Introduction-

Ian Chivers和Jane Sleightholme,"Introduction to Programming with Fortran",译作《Fortran权威指南》,人民邮电出版社。 它的章节安排和其他说不太一样,各章节似乎有点专题的味道,当然也不大。入门书籍感觉有彭国伦那本就足够了,2k3的新特性可以看你的推荐的这本。入门,即学会写fortran程序很容易,但编程风格这些应该属于更进一步的内功吧,“权威指南”似乎更适合于修炼“内功”
Ian Chivers and Jane Sleightholme, " Introduction to Programming with Fortran" , translated as " Fortran Definitive Guide" , Posts & Telecom Press. It said arrangements and other chapters are not the same, each chapter seems a little taste of the topic, of course, is not great. Peng Guolun introductory books feel that this is sufficient, 2k3 new features you can see this recommendation. Entry, that is, learn to write fortran program is easy, but the programming style they should belong to the internal strength it further, " The Definitive Guide" seems more suitable for cultivation, " Strength" (2011-04-12, Fortran, 1109KB, 下载5次)


[其他] 2ETVD

This is a format used to solve two-dimensional TVD calculation of arc-wing programming package, containing a number of procedures, from Tsinghua University, Department of Computer Science, format rigorous, but not much, hoping to TVD of the students are learning a little help, is Internal data transfer, and now offer the hope that owners adopted, the program can be used to calculate the two-dimensional wing aerodynamic characteristics, of course, so readers can be extended to 3 dimension to, or can in the time format used Runge-Kutta 5 order form, change a lot. (2011-04-01, Fortran, 57KB, 下载31次)


[数学计算] 1D-MT

One-dimensional magnetotelluric forward modeling process is the basis of electromagnetic program, first set the geoelectric section and then forward modeling electromagnetic propagation in the form of the earth to get the resistivity of underground geological conditions, which are underground geological conditions. (2010-12-14, Fortran, 769KB, 下载160次)


[其他] programming_the_finite_element_method

IMSmith book " Programming the finite element method," the third edition of Fortran programs. Finite element analysis of classic books, included the relevant sections of the source (2010-10-02, Fortran, 8316KB, 下载128次)


[数学计算] chengxuxuexiji

There fortran language learning materials, in particular Peng Guolun book, there is its library functions, for the convenience of beginners fortran learners, while the value fortran program written in English and MATLAB numerical method of teaching, learning materials are very good trouble to review, thank you! If wrong please explain, thank you! (2010-08-07, Fortran, 16406KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] Complete_self-study_manual_FORTRAN(source_code)

FORTRAN 完全自学手册源代码(编程红宝书)这本书首先从比较基础的地方讲起走,把握住了我们真正应该学的,应该用得着的东西。
Complete self-study manual FORTRAN source code (programming Little Red Book) This book begins with a place from a basis of comparison Let' s talk about walking, grasp of what we really ought to study and should be useful to something. (2010-02-04, Fortran, 243KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] uniform_dataset

生成均匀随机分布数据点集的程序。Fortran90编程。 The program allows the user to choose: M, the spatial dimension N, the number of points to generate SEED, the initial seed value. Once these parameters are set, the program generates the data, and writes it to a file. The user may then specify another set of data, or terminate the program.
UNIFORM_DATASET is a FORTRAN90 program which creates a uniform random dataset and writes it to a file. (2009-09-20, Fortran, 4KB, 下载7次)
