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[其他] pirikli.github

A poetic journey where words meet code. Follow the footprints of a storyteller turned coder, crafting a saga for beginners. Each commit is a unique verse in the coding landscape. Explore the art of learning in concise tales at the intersection of prose and programming. Join the adventure of my Pilgrimage! (2024-02-05, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Catalog-2

Catalog-2是一个基于ruby的终端用户界面项目,其中您可以根据各种项目对象(如书籍、音乐、视频等)来组织您的东西。Catalog Catalog2的高级版本是一个完全OOP(面向对象编程),具有继承、多态和私有方法
Catalog-2 is ruby based with terminal user interface project in which you can organize your things according to various item object such as book, music, video etc And advance version of Catalog Catalog-2 is a totally OOP (Object Oriented Programming) with inheritance, polymorphism and private methods (2023-12-25, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] python-doc-27-34

Python算法解释了Python算法分析和设计的方法。Magnus Lie Hetland写的,开始的Python作者,这本书清晰地聚焦于经典的算法,但它也提供了一个坚实的理解基本算法解决问题的技巧。*本书讨论了一些最重要和最具挑战性的编程领域和C语言。
Python Algorithms explains the Python approach to algorithm analysis and design. Written by Magnus Lie Hetland, author of Beginning Python, this book is sharply focused on classical algorithms, but it also gives a solid understanding of fundamental algorithmic problem-solving techniques. * The book deals with some of the most important and challenging areas of programming and c (2018-01-25, Ruby, 341KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] chap7-9

本光盘为《精通Visual Basic.NET网络编程》配书光盘,提供了本书第7~9章的实例源代码。读者需要安装Visual Bascic.NET或更高版本才能将它们打开。声明:本光盘中的源程序以及资源文件仅可作为学习和参考之用,未经许可不得用于任何商业等其他用途。
The CD-ROM proficient Visual Basic.NET network programming with CD-ROM, provides the book chapters 7 to 9 examples of source code. Readers are required to install Visual Basic .NET or later to open them. Disclaimer: This CD-ROM source files and resources can only be used as a learning and reference, without permission shall not be used for any other commercial purposes. (2017-01-21, Ruby, 325KB, 下载4次)
