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按平台查找All Assembly(467) 

[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] MBS-Assembly

Developed assembly code for a Microcontroller Based Systems assignment, efficiently calculating the square of a 16-bit signed integer. Employing a multiplication process, it processes two input registers and stores the 32-bit result in memory. Expertly manages memory addresses and carry bits, showcasing proficiency in low-level programming (2024-03-28, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] NESAssemblyGameDevelopment

A challenging game for the NES console, programmed exclusively in 6502 assembly language. Navigate through two stages of intricate mazes, reaching the exit before time runs out. Screen movement, dynamic tilesets, and limited time add excitement. Educational project for Computer Architecture II (2024-03-26, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] -Unix-programming-concepts-

Explore Unix programming concepts including internal data representation, assembly-level machine architecture, addressing modes, subroutine linkage, polled I O, interrupts, high-level language interfacing, macros, and pseudo-operations in this GitHub repository, offering insights crucial for understanding and optimizing Unix system development. (2024-03-20, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] x86-assembly-programs

This repository showcases x86 assembly programs developed using NASM and GCC, as part of coursework undertaken at the Pune University Computer Science Department (PUCSD). Additionally, the repository includes informative notes in PDF format, providing valuable insights into the concepts explored during the course. (2024-01-02, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] CMU_bomb_lab

This repository contains my solution and detailed writeup for the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Bomb Lab. The Bomb Lab is a programming assignment that challenges students to defuse a series of binary "bombs" by analyzing and understanding assembly code, debugging, and applying reverse engineering techniques. (2023-12-22, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[操作系统开发] os_core

The code is based on the single queue (ready queue) operating system kernel for multitask scheduling in flat mode implemented in Chapter 17 of Li Zhong s<>, and the multitask operating system kernel for simulating the blocking queue added in the autumn semester of 2015, which uses x86nasm assembly, and is attached with the link batch program on win, and can run on the bochs virtual machine, (2016-03-08, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] BelalHashmi-Assembly-Exercise-Solutions

该存储库为Bao Ji的书的后面章节中给出的练习中的大多数编程问题提供了解决方案...,
?? This repository provides solutions to most of the programming questions in the exercise given at the back of chapters for Bao Ji s Book (text book for course "Comp. Organization & Assembly Lang. EE213" at FAST). Sharing these with you, so that they might help you in understanding the concepts. (2023-01-03, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)
