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[进程与线程] NET.4.5.Parallel.Extensions

.NET parallel extensions brings the power of parallel and asynchronous programming to a much wider developer audience than ever before. This book will give a developer with no multithreaded development experience the ability to write highly scalable parallel applications that take advantage of modern multicore processors.If you are an experienced .NET developer who wants to put parallel extensions to work in your applications, this book is for you. “.NET 4.5 Parallel Extensions” is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear step-by-step recipes that will introduce parallelism into your applications and take advantage of modern multicore processors. This book is a crash course in using the extensions, with theory and concepts kept to a minimum. “.NET 4.5 Parallel Extensions” offers a wide-ranging presentation of parallel development concepts, and provides a working knowledge of key technologies that are important to developers who want to take advantage of mult (2013-11-30, C#, 4743KB, 下载1次)


[进程与线程] thread

单个写入程序/多个阅读程序在.Net 类库中其实已经提供了实现,即 System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock 类。本文通过对常见的单个写入/多个阅读程序的分析来探索c# 的多线程编程。
Single writer/multiple readers program. Net class library already provides a realization that System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock classes. Based on the common single writer/multiple readers to explore the analysis of multi-threaded programming c#. (2013-09-02, C#, 1647KB, 下载2次)


[进程与线程] DragNoFrameWindow

C# Programming drag no borders, no title bar of the form, examples need to set the form' s FormBorderStyle property to None, set the ContextMenuStrip property to add to the current instance, use the user32.dll the API function to release the current thread a window to capture cursor. (2013-07-10, C#, 59KB, 下载2次)


[进程与线程] csharpbenzhilun

Shot, features, and dynamic programming, multi-threaded, asynchronous and concurrent involving all the important aspects of the C# language. It is preferred for learning the C# language. (2013-04-08, C#, 7479KB, 下载15次)
