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按平台查找All tcl/tk(59) 

[其他] Tcl_Tk入门经典(第2版)

This book introduces Tcl language, TK tool set and programming with TCL and C language. (2019-12-17, tcl/tk, 21392KB, 下载0次)


[*行业应用] opensees 弯矩-曲率分析

Through TCL programming, the bending moment-curvature relationship of simple rectangular section is analyzed by fiber method. The accessory is the analysis source code. (2018-09-27, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载19次)


[文章/文档] 徐士良 Fortran常用算法程序集(第二版)

徐士良 Fortran常用算法程序集(第二版)教材 配合清华算法程序集使用
Xu Shiliang Fortran Common Algorithm Assembly (second edition) (2017-09-29, tcl/tk, 11871KB, 下载3次)


[汇编语言] TCL

tcl脚本,TCL(Tool Command Language)是一种解释执行的脚本语言(Scripting Language)。 它提供了通用的编程能力:支持变量、过程和控制结构;同时TCL还拥有一个功能强大的固有的核心命令集。
Tcl script, TCL (Tool Command Language) is an interpretation of the implementation of the scripting language (Scripting Language). It provides general programming capabilities: support for variables, processes and control structures and TCL also has a powerful, powerful set of core commands. (2017-05-28, tcl/tk, 87KB, 下载2次)


[其他] tcl

Tcl/tk 编程参考书籍, 希望对一些人有用。 只是作为手册, 真正还要以练习为主。
Tcl/tk programming reference books, hoping to be useful for some people. Just as reference, real practice-based is the best way. (2015-06-29, tcl/tk, 266KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Tcl-jiaocheng

About TCL programming language to learn a good reference book that can be targeted for study and grasp the TCL language (2014-06-03, tcl/tk, 614KB, 下载5次)


[游戏] game

本游戏源码为TC小游戏!已在TC上运行良好!读者可直接将其拷贝到你的…..tc\\...project\\目录下! 但仍需注意的是:首先应对TC的图形编程有点了解!
The game source code for the TC game! Already running on TC good! Readers can directly copy it to your ..... tc \ \ ... project \ \ directory! But still need to be noted: first deal with a little understanding of graphical programming TC! (2014-01-17, tcl/tk, 23KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] harmony-search

Harmony search matlab, matlab development environment of harmony search programming, and provide examples for individuals to develop (2012-07-28, tcl/tk, 5KB, 下载215次)


[网络] tcl

TCL 和 ANSYS 的接口编程 - 作者:Ansys 创始人本人John A. Swanson。 文件涵盖内容:Ansys原版内部培训资料以及调试手册
TCL Interface to ANSYS- Autor: Ansys Inventor John A. Swanson. Included files: Ansys original training material and programing manuell (2011-12-05, tcl/tk, 108KB, 下载14次)


[网络] tcl

TCL 和 ANSYS 的接口编程指南 - 作者:Ansys 创始人本人John A. Swanson。 文件涵盖内容:Ansys原版内部培训资料以及调试手册
TCL Interface to ANSYS- Autor: Ansys Inventor John A. Swanson. Included files: Ansys original training material and programing manuell (2011-12-05, tcl/tk, 121KB, 下载12次)


[Linux/Unix编程] gnumake-v3.80_cn.pdf.tar

(中 文版)详细讲述了基于 GNU MAKEFILE的 规则 以及使用 是 UNIX环境下 编程人 员 的 必备工 具
matirial of introduce using gnu make under unix os,which a really useful way to code with (2011-07-25, tcl/tk, 904KB, 下载8次)


[Java编程] GUI2.0

Source requirements for at least five C or Java source code, or other good source code or programming learning materials, the higher the quality the more the number of downloads received (usually upload 5, you can download 200.) (2011-05-12, tcl/tk, 4809KB, 下载2次)


[其他] TCL

Tcl (最早称为“工具命令语言”"Tool Command Language", 但是目前已经不是这个含义,不过我们仍然称呼它为TCL)是一种 脚本语言。 由John Ousterhout创建。 TCL很好学,功能很强大。TCL经常被用于 快速原型开发,脚本编程, GUI和测试等方面.
Tcl (the first is called " Tool Command Language" " Tool Command Language" , but now is not the meaning, but we still call it the TCL) is a scripting language. Created by the John Ousterhout. TCL good school, very powerful. TCL is often used for rapid prototyping, scripting, GUI, and testing and so on. (2011-05-09, tcl/tk, 1148KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] collect_linux_information

tcl programming language by the management information system, automation system administrators helpful, I wrote a brother (2011-03-08, tcl/tk, 2KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] tcltalk

tcl network programming with c language with an example of interface to do with tcl, c language to the underlying data (2011-03-08, tcl/tk, 6KB, 下载48次)


[通讯编程文档] Default

[CPUID.rar] - 获取CPU信息/ID号 [CPUID123.rar] - 编程高手 讨论 [GetNo.rar] - 获取硬盘序列号。可以利用在软件保护等模块中。自由下载无需帐号。 [测试CPU的程序.zip] - 测试CPU程序,可以读取CPU的各种比较详细的信息。 [GetCPUInfo.zip] - 用VC获取CPU的厂家信息,主频,ID。 [SDcardPROTLPCB.rar] - SD卡的PROTEL PCB封装,适合于作电路板用 [CPU信息查询演示.rar] - CPU信息查询演示.如何获取CPU名称,标识、制造商名称、主频、个数等。 [windowsCPUid.rar] - 获取CPU ID,可判断CPU型号和支持的指令集 [CPUinfo一.zip] - 获取CPU信息。 [Get_ID.rar] - 得到电脑的硬盘序列号与CPU的识别号,可以用来绑定电脑
sdgsadg (2010-02-27, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载206次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] TCPip

国际知名的Unix和网络专家,《TCP/IP 详解》(三卷本)作者  W.Richard Stevens(1951-1999),是国际知名的Unix和网络专家;受人尊敬的计算机图书作家;同时他还是广受欢迎的教师和顾问。Stevens先生1951年生于赞比亚,他的家庭曾多次搬迁,最终定居于南非。早年,他就读于美国弗吉尼亚州的费什本军事学校,后获得密歇根大学学士、亚利桑那大学系统工程硕士和博士学位。他曾就职于基特峰国家天文台,从事计算机编程;还曾在康涅狄格州纽黑文市的健康系统国际公司任主管计算机服务的副总裁。Stevens先生不幸病逝于1999年9月1日,他的离去是计算机界的巨大损失。
TCP/IP (2009-12-18, tcl/tk, 49731KB, 下载15次)


[单片机开发] SoureCode

Provided by the source code there are two: namely, for the simulation of Iridium satellite communications system and the Teledesic satellite-communications systems. Using the programming language is TCL, simulated environment is NS2. By changing the Earth terminal location, you can simulate and analog satellite communication systems, and satellite systems performance analysis and testing. (2009-12-11, tcl/tk, 6KB, 下载65次)


[网络] tclcl[1].wiki

本文的主要目的是理解NS2的architecture, 了解NS2的基本原理. NS2采用了Tcl/C++分裂 的模型, 在这种模型中OTcl是处于比较关键的位置, NS2采用了Tcl的编程模式. 使用C++来编 写应用实例, 使用OTcl来操纵这些实例. 理解了OTcl就理解了NS2的框架. 本文先简述Tcl语言 的嵌入特性, 然后描述了NS2的应用场景, 进而分析NS2的架构, 以及实现该架构采用的技术
The main purpose of this paper is to understand the NS2 of the architecture, to understand the basic principles of NS2' s. NS2 using Tcl/C++ split model, in which the model is in a relatively OTcl a key position, NS2 using Tcl programming model. The use of C++ to the preparation of application example of using OTcl to manipulate those examples. OTcl understand the framework for the understanding of the NS2. This paper will explain briefly the Tcl language, embedded features, and then describes the application of NS2 scenario, and then analyze the structure of NS2, and the realization of the architecture features Technical (2009-11-24, tcl/tk, 89KB, 下载5次)
