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按平台查找All Visual Basic(46) 

[数学计算] HeatCompute

This program is mainly used for heat dissipation calculation of hot objects such as furnaces. By inputting parameters such as measured furnace body, ambient temperature, and heat dissipation surface area, surface heat flux and heat dissipation can be calculated. Although the program is simple, it can assist beginners in VB programming to achieve engineering calculation applications. (2024-02-24, Visual Basic, 5KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] LargeNumsCalculator

提供两个十进制数字字符串,并按位计算,模拟竖式计算。可实现超大数相加、相减、相乘(考虑到小数精度问题,除法暂不提供)。运用小学知识编程,最多可计算约 20 亿位数。参数不能为小数、负数、科学计数。
Provide two decimal num strings, and bitwise calculations are performed to simulate vertical calculations. It can be achieved super large number of addition, subtraction, multiplication (taking into account the decimal precision, the division calculation is not provided temporarily). I use of primary knowledge to program, up to calculate about 2 billion digits. Parameters cannot be fractional, negative, scientific count. (2017-02-08, Visual Basic, 9KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] HDB3

VB of the message code conversion algorithm of the AMI code HDB3 code. And with a decoding function can AMI code and HDB3 decoding the message code. Can be used as digital signal processing programming reference. (2012-05-21, Visual Basic, 8KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] 2007double

一个lbm的程序,即可以计算单相流场也可以计算有大密度比自由面存在的自由面流动 采用vb.net编程
1 lbm program that can calculate the single-phase flow can also calculate the free surface with large density than existing free surface flow using vb.net programming (2008-07-20, Visual Basic, 1266KB, 下载130次)


[数学计算] Zuixiaoerchengqiuquxiannihe

First introduced multiple linear regression formula (ie, least-squares method to calculate the formula), and then proceed to VB programming, curve fitting algorithm to achieve on many occasions. (2008-01-17, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载176次)


[数学计算] chinapi_demo

这些是我特地制作的分布式计算的示例程序,仅供各位相关开发人员参考使用 本作以ChinaPI的第一个内部测试版作为蓝本修改而成,旨在提高中国分布式计算的设计水平 架构完整,包含除安全组件的其他重要组件(为了突出分布式计算和ChinaPI的安全,各个组件均进行了简化) 对PI的计算使用BBP公式(计算核心部分并非重点,写得比较乱) 为了通俗易懂,使用VB6.0编写 文档并非标准文档,只是示意性的 相关源码及文档可以经修改后再发行,但须遵循以下条款: 1、源码及公开文档需包含下列文字: 修改自分布式计算开发示例 原作者 郝佳男 2、不得用于以下用途: 1)非法项目 2)商业项目 3)与个人功利有关的方面(如论文、毕设等) 3、经原作者特殊授权的不受此条款制约 由于制作仓促,难免会有疏漏,敬请指正 欢迎大家讨论(http://www.equn.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=2) 但下列问题请大家自己查阅相关资料(我希望重点讨论与分布式计算有关的部分) 原因:这些都是实现的细节,并非分布式计算设计的重点 1、Windows编程方面的 2、VB编程方面的 3、BBP公式相关 4、WinSock编程方面的 5、数据库方面的
which I specially produced by the example of distributed computing procedures, is for staff development related to the use of the reference to ChinaPI for the internal test version of a blueprint for modification %, aimed at improving China's distributed computing framework for the design standards integrity, Apart from the safety component contains other important components (in order to highlight ChinaPI distributed computing and security, various components have been simplified) on the PI BBP calculated using the formula (not part of the core focus, written more chaos) for user-friendly, using Visual Basic 6.0 is not a standard document prepared documentation, only indicative of the source code and related documentation can be modified after issuance, subject to the following condit (2007-07-07, Visual Basic, 111KB, 下载23次)
