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按平台查找All Processing(46) 

[虚拟化] ExperienceMineCraft

My best 3D programming adventure. Using (also) 3 dimensional array of bytes to store plenty of data. Visibility detection algorithm, to save memory. Perlin noise to create virtual landscape... (2024-03-12, Processing, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] CatchTheShape

A game basic (Fruit Ninja) written in Processing language to help learn to program. You need to click on the actual shape to get points. To (2024-02-27, Processing, 0KB, 下载0次)


[雷达系统] Radar-detector-using-Arduino

The primary objective of this project is to design, build, and program a radar detector that can effectively detect the presence and distance of objects in its vicinity. The radar detector employs ultrasonic or microwave sensors to transmit and receive signals, enabling it to calculate the distance to an object accurately. (2024-01-27, Processing, 0KB, 下载0次)


[物理/力学计算] mming-free-Physics-Minigames-Development-Platform

A programming-free HCI solution for easier implementing creative physics minigames, feasible for all ages and all level. Users can directly export their idea as the executable file or save the source code, that has been generated simultaneously while editing things on the canvas. (2021-08-22, Processing, 340328KB, 下载0次)


[雷达系统] Arduino-Based-Radar-system

This Radar system is based is based on ArduinoUNO microcontroller and ultrasonic sonar sensor. the programmed Arduino board command the ultrasonic sensor . the sensor uses the echo principal to detects the objects in its range the range is set by the developer. the detected object is pointed on the screen graph also with the distance between (2021-02-10, Processing, 1299KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 爱上processing

Processing最初是面向艺术家和设计师开发的程序。由Casey Reas和Ben Fry编著的《爱上Processing》适合零基础的初学者。《爱上Processing》的1~6章介绍了Processing的基础用法,而7~10章则结合计算机高级编程语言的基础知识,通过示例让初学者更加透彻地理解编程的逻辑思路以及语言。第11章结合Arduino物理模块进行了延伸。《爱上Processing》与《爱上Arduino》一书相呼应,向大家展现了Processing的强大拓展性和创造性
Processing was originally developed for artists and designers. Love processing, written by Casey reas and Ben fry, is suitable for beginners with zero foundation. Chapter 1-6 of "falling in love with processing" introduces the basic usage of processing, while chapter 7-10 combines the basic knowledge of computer advanced programming language to make beginners understand the logic thinking and language of programming more thoroughly through examples. Chapter 11 extends the Arduino physical module. "Falling in love with processing" echoes with "falling in love with Arduino", which shows us the powerful expansibility and creativity of processing (2019-11-22, Processing, 19832KB, 下载0次)
