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[Ftp服务器] course_project_multithreaded-ftp-server

A multi-threaded FTP server as part of a coursework project for the Operating Systems and Systems Programming subject in the second year of study at BSUIR. Also included is a custom simple client for this server. (2024-04-26, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] SysPro-FTP-Replica-2022

具有线程池库实现的类FTP客户端服务器应用程序,用于Spring的DI UoA系统编程课程...,
Client-server FTP like application with a Thread-pool library implementation for the Systems Programming course of DI UoA for the Spring semester of 2022 (2023-10-10, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] java-FTP-client-using-TCP

一个简单的FTP程序,用于1个服务器和3个客户端,使用java TCP套接字编程。所有客户都必须在ord...中提供用户名和密码...,
A simple FTP program for 1 server and 3 clients using java TCP socket programming. All clients have to provide username & password in order to copy files from other clients. For simplicity, only text files are copied here. (2016-01-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] Network-Programming-Course-Project

Client Side and Server Side Code for Network Programming. Implement simple file server using sockets. The file server should be able to take the request from any client and return the requested file to the client or return error message, status to client. Consider all the possible inputs for the file server. Implement using programming. Compare ... (2022-01-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Ftp服务器] tftp_up-and-down

Support TFTP upload, download software source code, command parsing and execution is very classic, learning network programming is a good software protocol. (2013-08-29, Unix_Linux, 8KB, 下载11次)


[Ftp服务器] FileZilla_FTP_Server_Source_Compile

FileZilla Source Compile (2013-06-07, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载14次)


[Ftp服务器] zjhftp

Write your own FTP server, including the complete makefile, upload and download, HTTP, speed limits, change directories and more. For learning to use custom hash table read and write Linux multi-document multi-process programming, multi-process communications. (2012-08-16, C/C++, 20KB, 下载37次)


[Ftp服务器] Ftp_server_client_VC_Programming_classic_code

Ftp服务器与客户端VC++编程开发经典代码Ftp server and the client VC + + Programming classic code
Ftp server and the client VC++ Programming classic code (2010-08-25, Visual C++, 43KB, 下载150次)


[Ftp服务器] FTPserver--net

c#实现的ftp服务器端的源码,基于socket 编程实现,有一定的参考价值
c# to achieve the ftp server-side source code, based on socket programming, has some reference value (2008-08-11, Others, 179KB, 下载97次)


[Ftp服务器] src

计算机网络实验环境建立在TCP/IP 网络体系结构之上。各计算机除了安装TCP/IP 软件外,还安装了TCP/IP 开发系统,使各计算机具备了4.3 BSD UNIX 中进程通信套接字socket 的编程接口功能,可为用户提供网络进程通信功能。本实验利用这些功能,设计和实现一个简单的文件传送协议。
Experimental computer network environment based on TCP/IP network architecture above. In addition to the computer to install TCP/IP software, also installed the TCP/IP development system so that all computers have a 4.3 BSD UNIX socket socket communication in the process of the programming interface features to provide users with the process of communication networks. The experimental use of these features, design and realization of a simple file transfer protocol. (2008-06-22, C/C++, 9KB, 下载10次)


[Ftp服务器] TFTPclientandserver

不论你是热衷于黑客技术的爱好者, 还是从事编写网络应用程序的程序员, 都需要掌握熟练的编程能力, 以及具备扎实的TCP/IP协议的扎实基础. 很多初学者都有这样的经历, 要么是能编一些复杂算法的程序,却不能结合到实际的应用中, 要么就是三卷W.Richard Stevens的圣经《TCP/IP详解》熟记于胸, 却无法用熟悉的编程语言将其实现. 这真是件很令人郁闷的事. 出于这样的目的, 本文就结合TCP/IP协议中的TFTP协议来分析, 并简单实现了Windows下TFTP的服务器和客户端.
Whether you are interested in hacking technology lovers, or engaged in the preparation of web application programmers, need skilled programming capabilities, and a solid TCP/IP agreement, a solid foundation. A lot of beginners have such experience , or some complex algorithm will be allocated to the procedure, but not into the actual application, or W. Richard Stevens is the three volumes of the Bible, (2008-03-26, Visual C++, 81KB, 下载51次)


[Ftp服务器] UdpChat_exe

1、说明:   本程序是一个局域网内的字符界面聊天程序,使用UDP协议及端口729,在VC6.0+Windows XP下编译通过。程序分为发送端与接受端,使用一个Workspace,打开ChatSrv文件夹下的ChatSrv.dsw文件即可。程序的编制也较简单,建立UDP连接后一方发送一方接收,可以算是一个基本的UDP编程范例。 2、用法:   使用本程序在局域网内聊天,需知道服务端的IP地址,可在服务端的cmd下运行ipconfig/all命令查看。使用时在一方先运行ChatSrv.exe等待,然后在另一端的cmd下运行“ChatClient 服务端IP”,然后即可进行通讯。欲使通讯结束可在任意一方输入小写字母‘q’。当运行ChatClient时不带参数则各本地机器连接,可用来测试。
err (2008-03-03, Visual C++, 30KB, 下载7次)


[Ftp服务器] SERVER

ftp server-side code, network programming is to learn from a good reference. (2007-07-31, Visual C++, 180KB, 下载94次)


[Ftp服务器] javatext

FTP服务器和客户端(自己的协议) 想学网络编程的可以看一下
FTP server and client (the Agreement), like the network programming can look at the (2006-04-23, Java, 89KB, 下载74次)


[Ftp服务器] ftp服务器源码

ftp server programming, using VC (2005-10-12, Visual C++, 121KB, 下载42次)
