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按平台查找All C++(62) 

[开发工具] -using-Guide-Hair-Interpolation-And-Depth-Peeling

该项目是为我的最后一年项目(SW40106 SAINTIFIK II项目)执行的。项目使用C++作为编程语言,OpenGL库,Visual Studio 2019作为IDE,以及在NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650和Microsoft Windows 10作为其操作系统上运行的实验设备来执行。
This project is carried out for my Final Year Project (SW40106 PROJEK SAINTIFIK II). Project was carried out using C++ as programming language along with OpenGL library, Visual Studio 2019 as the IDE, and an experimenting device that runs on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 and Microsoft Windows 10 as its operating system. (2024-02-24, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] Bank-System-Console

This project is a console application developed as part of an online course to strengthen problem-solving skills and enhance proficiency in object-oriented programming using C++. The course involves completing tasks within the project and then studying the instructor s solutions to gain insights into proper problem-solving techniques. (2024-01-01, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)
