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[其他] AD9910中文2008版

AD9910是一款内置14位DAC的直接数字频率合成器 (DDS),支持高达1GSPS采样速率。AD9910采用高级DDS 专利技术,在不牺牲性能的前提下可极大降低功耗。 DDS/DAC组合构成数字可编程的高频模拟输出频率合成 器,能够在高达400MHz的频率下生成频率捷变正弦波形。 用户可以访问三个用于控制DDS的信号控制参数,包括: 频率、相位与振幅。该DDS利用32位累加器提供快速跳频 和频率调谐分辨率。在1GSPS采样速率下,调谐分辨率约 为0.23Hz。这款DDS还实现了快速相位与幅度切换功能。
Ad9910 Chinese version (2020-11-08, PDF, 2043KB, 下载1次)


[其他] CS1259B AFE用户手册v1.2

CS1259B 是一个包括一个 ADC 信号链,其中 ADC 信号链包括有输入 MUXP/MUXN,可编程低噪声 增益放大器(PGA),以及一个 Sigma-delta ADC 及数字滤波器 Digital Filter;其中 MUXP/MUXN 分别具有 8 输入通道,包括 5 个外部模拟输入通道和 3 个内部输入通道;MUXP/MUXN 之后有电平移位模块 LVSHIFT,可以对地轨附近的输入信号移位后送入 PGA; PGA 和 ADC 具有多种增益选择,数字滤波器 可配置为多种输出速率。 CS1259B 内置有低漂移 LDO 和电压基准 VREF,高精度振荡器 OSC 等。 CS1259B 可以通过 3 线串行接口进行多种功能模式的配置,例如用作桥式传感器应用、温度检测、 单端输入应用等等。
Cs1259b can be configured with multiple function modes through 3-wire serial interface, such as used as bridge sensor application, temperature detection, single end input application, etc. (2020-04-09, PDF, 1258KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 感应加热电源的研究

超音频串联谐振式感应加热电源为研究对象,应用锁相环和PID 技术,采用数字信号处理器(DSP)和复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)联合控制的数字化技术实现感应加热电源的频率跟踪和0°~180° 自由移相调功,为感应加热电源系统的数字化、信息化、柔性化、智能化控制提供了优质、可靠的技术基础。
Superaudio series resonant induction heating power supply as the research object, the application of PLL and PID technology, using digital signal processor (DSP) and complex programmable logic device (CPLD) to achieve frequency tracking of induction heating power supply and 0 degrees to 180 degrees of freedom PS-PWM digital technology combined control for induction heating power supply system. Digital information, flexible and intelligent control to provide high-quality and reliable technical basis. (2018-01-31, PDF, 1171KB, 下载15次)


[其他] PlantSimulation

It supports new users of the software to get started quickly, provides an excellent introduction how to work with the embedded programming language SimTalk, and even helps advanced users with examples of typical modeling tasks. The book focuses on the basic knowledge required to execute simulation projects with Plant Simulation, which is an excellent starting point for real-life projects. (2017-07-20, PDF, 2826KB, 下载38次)


[其他] software-engineering_5th_zhanghb

本书的前4个版本累计销售近一百万册,已成为软件工程领域的经典教材,先后荣获全国普通高等学校工科电子类专业优秀教材二等奖、一等奖,并被评为全国优秀畅销书(前10名)、全国高校出版社优秀畅销书和北京高等教育精品教材。为了反映最近4年来软件工程的发展状况,作者对第四版作了下述的精心修改:增加了日前比较流行的Rational统一过程、以极限编程为杰出代表的敏捷过程以及微软过程的介绍,并且对书中的一些具体内容作了适当的增删或修改。 本书全面系统地讲述了软件丁程的概念、原理和典型的方法学,并介绍了软件项目的管理技术。本书正文共l3章,第1章是概述,第2章至第8章顺序讲述软件生命周期各阶段的任务、过程、结构化方法和工具,第9章至第12章分别讲述面向对象方法学引论、面向对象分析、面向对象设计和面向对象实现,第13章介绍软件项目管理。正文后面有两个附录,分别讲述了用面向对象方法和结构化方法开发两个软件的过程,对读者深入理解软件工程学很有帮助,也是上机实习的好材料。  本书可作为高等院校“软件工程”课程的教材或教学参考书,也可供有一定实际经验的软件工作人员和需要开发应用软件的广大计算机用户阅读参考。
Before the book version of the cumulative sales of nearly 4 million copies, has become a classic in the field of software engineering textbook, has won the National College of Engineering Outstanding electronic course materials second prize, first prize and was named the outstanding best-selling Books (top 10), National University Press, best-selling book and the Beijing Higher excellent quality materials. 4 years to reflect recent developments in software engineering, on the fourth edition of the well-made the following changes: an increase of more popular before the Rational Unified Process to Extreme Programming is an outstanding representative of the process of agile processes and Microsoft s presentation, and Some of the specific content of the book made the appropriate additions, deletions or modifications. This book systematically describes the small range of software concepts, principles and typical methodologies, and describes software project management techniques. A total (2011-05-11, PDF, 18531KB, 下载4次)


[其他] computer_systems_a_programmers

深入理解计算机操作系统 英文 2th 本书从程序员的视角详细阐述计算机系统的本质概念,并展示这些概念如何实实在在地影响应用程序的正确性、性能和实用性。全书共12章,主要内容包括信息的表示和处理、程序的机器级表示、处理器体系结构、优化程序性能、存储器层次结构、链接、异常控制流、虚拟存储器、系统级I/O、网络编程、并发编程等。书中提供大量的例子和练习,并给出部分答案,有助于读者加深对正文所述概念和知识的理解。   本书的最大优点是为程序员描述计算机系统的实现细节,帮助其在大脑中构造一个层次型的计算机系统,从最底层的数据在内存中的表示到流水线指令的构成,到虚拟存储器,到编译系统,到动态加载库,到最后的用户态应用。通过掌握程序是如何映射到系统上,以及程序是如何执行的,读者能够更好地理解程序的行为为什么是这样的,以及效率低下是如何造成的。
Book detail from the programmer s perspective the essence of the concept of computer systems, and show how these concepts affect the real accuracy of the application, performance and practicality. The book is 12 chapters, including information representation and processing, the program said the machine-level, processor architecture, optimizing application performance, memory hierarchy, links, exception control flow, virtual memory, system-level I/O, network programming , concurrent programming. The book provides numerous examples and exercises, and gives part of the answer, as described in the text help readers to deepen understanding of concepts and knowledge. The biggest advantage of this book is for programmers to describe the implementation details of computer systems to help them in the brain to construct a hierarchical computer system, from the underlying data representation in memory instructions to the pipeline structure, to the virtual memory, to Build systems to dynamic load (2011-05-11, PDF, 4258KB, 下载10次)


[其他] ThePrincipleoftheElectronicGearandItsRealization

 摘要: 文章分析了数字式交流伺服系统中的电子齿轮环节的作用, 介绍了电子齿轮的基本原理。给出了一 种在数字式交流伺服系统中实现电子齿轮功能的方法, 同时介绍了大规模可编程逻辑器件在这方面的应用。最 后分析了电子齿轮的控制精度
Abstract: This paper analyzes the digital AC servo system links the role of electronic gear, introduces the basic principles of electronic gear. Gives a digital AC servo system for electronic gear function method, also introduced a large-scale programmable logic device in this application. Finally the accuracy of electronic control gear (2010-11-13, PDF, 228KB, 下载17次)


[其他] CCT_Help

Metasys® 系统 BACnet® 现场设备控制器为Metasys 楼宇自动化系统(BAS)带来了全新一代的硬件设备。本系列现场设备控制器 FEC 、输入/输出模块 IOM 以及系列传感器与 Metasys 系统的高级组件之间具有无与伦比的兼容性 此文档为FEC的软件编程手册
Metasys 庐 System Field Device BACnet 庐 controllers for the Metasys Building Automation System (BAS) has brought the whole new generation of hardware devices. This series of field device controller FEC, input/output modules, as well as IOM Series Metasys system sensors and high-level components with unparalleled compatibility between this document for the FEC software programming manuals (2009-01-07, PDF, 4967KB, 下载179次)


[其他] cpld_51_IO

]本文介绍了如何利用CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)与单片机的结合实现并行I/ O(输入/输出)接口的扩展。该设计与用8255做并行I/O接口相比,与单片机软件完全兼容, 同时拥有速度快,功耗低,价格便宜,使用灵活等特点
] This article describes how to use the CPLD (complex programmable logic device) and the single-chip combination to achieve parallel I/O (input/output) interface expansion. The design and use 8255 to do parallel I/O interface as compared with the single-chip software is fully compatible at the same time have a fast, low power consumption and cheaper prices, the use of flexible features such as (2008-10-09, PDF, 190KB, 下载13次)


[其他] w78e51bcn

W78E51B 规格书 W78E51B 是宽频率范围、低功耗的8 位微控制器。它的指令集同标准8051 指令集完全兼容。W78E51B 包含4K 字节的Flash EPROM;128 字节的RAM;4 个8 位双向、可位寻址的I/O 口;一个附加的4 位 I/O 口P4;2 个16 位定时/计数器;一个硬件Watchdog 定时器及一个串行口。这些外围设备都由有7 个中断源和2 级中断能力的中断系统支持。为了方便用户进行编程和验证,W78E51B 内含的Flash EPROM 允许电编程和电读写。一旦代码确定后,用户就可以对代码进行保护。 W78E51B 有2 种节电模式,空闲模式和掉电模式,2 种模式均可由软件来控制选择。空闲模式下,处理 器时钟被关闭,但外设仍继续工作。在掉电模式下晶体振荡器停止工作,以将功耗降至最低。外部时钟 可以在任何时间及状态下被关闭,而不影响处理器运行。
W78E51B specifications W78E51B is broadband rates, low-power 8-bit microcontroller. Its instruction set with the standard 8051 instruction set compatible. W78E51B contains 4K bytes of Flash EPROM; 128 bytes of RAM; Four eight two-way, the bit addressable I/O port; An additional four I/O P4; Two 16-bit timer/counter; A hardware Watchdog timer and a serial port. These external equipment by a seven interrupt source and two interrupts the interruption system. For the convenience of users and certification program, W78E51B intron Flash EPROM programming and allow---- literacy. Once the code is finalized, users will be able to source protection. W78E51B are two kinds of power saving mode, idle mode and power down mode, the two models can be controlled by the software to choose. Idle mode (2006-04-01, PDF, 221KB, 下载8次)
