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[前端开发] reactNative_ToDoApp

这是一份报告,展示了我对基本但必不可少的编程概念的理解。本回购演示了以下技能:React Native前端跨平台移动应用程序设计
This is a repo to showcase my understanding of basic, yet essential, programming concepts. This repo demonstrates skills in: React Native front-end cross-platform mobile app design (2024-03-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Calculator

Calculator project: Simple, efficient tool for basic arithmetic operations. Supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimal numbers. Responsive design and user-friendly interface for seamless usage. Built with [programming language framework]. (2024-02-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] react-design-patterns-app

在这个应用程序中将实现6个 React设计模式,这些是布局组件、容器、函数编程模式…
In this app will be the implementation of the 6 react design patterns these are Layout Components, Container, Functional Programming Patt… (2024-01-12, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)



This project aims to visualize the popularity of programming languages on GitHub from 2011 to 2021. We use data obtained from BigQuery s public `github_repos` and `githubarchive` datasets, focusing on public repositories, pull requests (PRs), and issues. (2023-12-14, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Skylab_JS

This project is a record of my learning that includes the main languages and frameworks currently most used in web programming., (2023-09-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] mini-Vue3

The library is used to facilitate learning the source code of the Vue3 framework, gradually realize the functions of the Vue3 framework, and learn the programming skills and ideas therein, (2023-08-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] developed-by-george

Built an E-Learning Platform aimed to Teach all about Front End Web Development and other Web Programming Technologies and Skills. Link: [h…](https: developedbygeorge.netlify.app ), (2022-06-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] ui5-cap-event-app

在自由式SAPUI5应用程序和SAP Fiori元素应用程序中展示SAP云应用程序编程模型和OData V4。,
Showcase of SAP Cloud Application Programming Model and OData V4 with draft mode in a freestyle SAPUI5 app and an SAP Fiori elements app., (2023-04-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] blog-system

A personal blog system modeled after CSDN, which can use makedown syntax to edit articles, classify articles based on tags, and view them. The system is implemented in MVC framework, adopts the idea of separating front end from rear end, separates data, logic and interface, and simply uses singleton pattern and the idea of interface oriented programming (2021-01-29, JavaScript, 2947KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] SnackStore

SnackStore-零食铺子是在线零食网购系统。零食铺子,吃货的“天堂”,带给你“吃”的享受! 系统前端采用Jquery EasyUI框架,后台采用Spring MVC框架。编程语言使用JSP。
SnackStore - Snack Shop is an online snack shopping system. Snack shops, the "heaven" of food, bring you the enjoyment of "eating"! The front-end of the system adopts the Jquery EasyUI framework, while the backend adopts the Spring MVC framework. The programming language uses JSP. (2015-09-18, JavaScript, 12017KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] HJManager

华京进销存管理系统是基于服装行业分门店管理业务的一个脚手架系统。使用SSM和shrio框架,尝试了模态框、Apache POI、highcharts、pagehelper、AOP切面编程等技术,并应用了AdminLTE前端框架
The Huajing Inventory Management System is a scaffolding system based on the management of branch stores in the clothing industry. Using SSM and Shrio frameworks, we have attempted techniques such as modal boxes, Apache POI, highcharts, pagehelper, AOP facet programming, and applied the AdminLTE front-end framework (2018-11-01, JavaScript, 21231KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Koa2

Koa2 is currently the most popular web development framework based on the Node.js platform, which is small but highly scalable. Koa gives people a clean and tidy feeling, with small size and clean programming methods. Many well-known internet companies in China are using BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent). (2020-10-31, JavaScript, 2KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] advanced-go-programming-book

Advanced go programming book, an open source book titled "Advanced Programming in Go Language," covering advanced topics such as CGO, Go assembly language, RPC implementation, Protobuf plugin implementation, Web framework implementation, distributed systems, and more (2019-11-26, JavaScript, 283KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] gobang04

Gobang04, Gobang community, completely separated front and rear, SSM framework, CORS cross domain access, SSO single sign on, Bootstrap interface, RESTful architecture style, Netty instant messaging, Token password authorization, web and client communication. Asynchronous request, interface oriented programming. (2018-11-22, JavaScript, 1023KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Travel-Vue-App-master

Vue框架搭建适配web端与移动端端电商界面。 适用于简单的业务逻辑开发、Vue学习和编程训练。
Vue framework to build a web-based and mobile e-commerce interface. It is suitable for simple business logic development, Vue learning and programming training. (2020-09-28, JavaScript, 121KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 图解HTTP

HTTP is a necessary knowledge for web developers, not for such developers, so it is necessary to understand the corresponding knowledge. After all, the Internet is based on HTTP (2020-03-20, JavaScript, 11690KB, 下载1次)
