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[mpeg/mp3] MP3

MP3帧头中除了存储一些象private、copyright、original的简单音乐说明信息以外,没有考虑存放歌名、作者、专辑名、年份等复杂信息,而这些信息在MP3应用中非常必要。1996年,FricKemp在“Studio 3”项目中提出了在MP3文件尾增加一块用于存放歌曲的说明信息,形成了ID3标准,至今已制定出ID3 V1.0,V1.1,V2.0,V2.3和V2.4标准。版本越高,记录的相关信息就越丰富详尽。ID3 V1.0标准并不周全,存放的信息少,无法存放歌词,无法录入专辑封面、图片等。V2.0是一个相当完备的标准,但给编写软件带来困难,虽然赞成此格式的人很多,在软件中真正实现的却极少。绝大多数MP3仍使用ID3 V1.0标准。此标准是将MP3文件尾的最后128个字节用来存放ID3信息。此段C语言程序基于VS2010的编程环境,采用文件访问的方式,通过编程实现多mp3文件最后128个字节信息的读取显示和更改。
Private copyright original,.1996, ID3 in the MP3 FricKemp, V1.0 V2.3, ID3 V1.1, MP3, V2.0, Studio, MP3,, V2.4 V1.0ID3V2.0 is a fairly complete a lot of it is very rare in the software, but the vast majority of MP3 still uses the V1.0 ID3 standard, which is the most MP3 file tail. The last 128 bytes are used to store ID3 information. The C language program is based on the VS2010 programming environment, using the file access method, and the last 128 bytes of MP3 file to read display and change. (2015-11-17, Visual C++, 5149KB, 下载2次)


[mpeg/mp3] mp3_player

This is a written with VC++, similar to Winnamp MP3 player, to learn windows interface programming, audio file playback are very good reference value. (2011-12-23, Visual C++, 2466KB, 下载2次)


[mpeg/mp3] music-player

基于MFC编程编写的简易音乐播放器 功能有:打开文件 播放文件 暂停播放 停止播放自动播放 调节音量 显示音乐详情 退出程序 适用于学习C++的初学者
MFC-based program written in simple music player functions: Play the file to open the file automatically play pause stop playing adjust the volume to exit the program displays the details for music to learn C++ for beginners (2011-06-15, Visual C++, 63KB, 下载44次)


[mpeg/mp3] ACTIONS-SDK

炬力MP3 SDK开发文档,属内部机密资料,和大家分享了
Actions MP3 SDK development documents, an internal confidential information to share with you (2011-03-11, C/C++, 1177KB, 下载200次)


[mpeg/mp3] s1mp3demo

s1mp3的一个C demo程序。 它可以在cygwin环境下对炬力的MP3进行编程。 最后在屏幕上看到自己的测试程序。 参见包里的位图文件
s1mp3 a C demo program. It can be programmed Actions of MP3. Finally on the screen to see your test program. See the bag bitmap file (2010-08-21, C++, 205KB, 下载23次)


[mpeg/mp3] BaiduMusicGather

Vb version of Baidu MP3 music thieves, WEB programming friends like this program, the search for songs, he may simultaneously search the lyrics and listen address, if you listen properly to start playing. Although compile-time prompted some controls could not be found, but does not affect the compilation, some small features may not work properly. Meanwhile the singer also has a list of procedures, Baidu ranked classification, song download, LRC synchronization. (2010-04-10, Visual Basic, 167KB, 下载12次)


[mpeg/mp3] MP3Player

程序功能是基于DirectX8的MP3播放编程实现。运行环境为操作系统:WINDOW2000 Server, Directx 8.1版本,开发工具为Visual C++6.0
Program features are based on the MP3 player DirectX8 programming. Operating environment for the operating system: WINDOW2000 Server, Directx 8.1 version of development tools for Visual C++ 6.0 (2008-10-18, Visual C++, 87KB, 下载8次)


[mpeg/mp3] c++mp3

用C++实现的能播放mp3的播放器源码 想学习多媒体编程的可以下来研究下
With C++ Realize that can play mp3 player want to learn multi-media programming source of the study can be down (2008-09-26, Visual C++, 2256KB, 下载48次)


[mpeg/mp3] mp3display

mp3播放器 一个简单漂亮的C++编写的mp3播放器,研究C编程的可以下载后学习。
a simple mp3 player beautiful C++ prepared mp3 players to study the C programming can be downloaded after the study. (2007-08-26, C/C++, 3270KB, 下载108次)


[mpeg/mp3] mp3player

小型MP3播放器,小巧实用,学习多媒体编程的必修课。 这是本人经过研究摸索编制出来的最小巧,代码最少最简练的MP3播放器。 这只是一个模型,仅供初学者学习研究,供高手以参考。各位可以根据需要进行扩充,补充功能,使其成为真正实用的MP3播放器。也可以把他引入其他程序中,制作使用MP3的程序背景音乐等。
small MP3 player, compact and practical, learning multimedia programming for graduation. This is why I prepared after studying exploration of the most compact, concise code for at least most of the MP3 player. This is a model, is for beginners study for a master reference. You may need to expand, add function as a truly practical MP3 player. He can also introduce other procedures, making use of the procedural background MP3 music. (2007-07-03, Delphi, 198KB, 下载7次)


[mpeg/mp3] ZipAmpmp3

c language programming, mp3 player source, there is a Chinese translation help understand, learning programming helpful mp3 (2007-04-07, C/C++, 44KB, 下载141次)


[mpeg/mp3] Voice_net_aac

AAC (catch up with a sound quality of MP3 audio coding) voice codecs, including telecommunications and transmission functions use Microsoft MFC programming. VC environment. (2007-03-09, Visual C++, 3922KB, 下载329次)


[mpeg/mp3] xp163.com.7.163

音量控制的程序源代码 软件语言: 简体中文 软件类型: 编程源程序/代码 / VB源程序 运行环境: Win2003, WinXP, Win2000, NT, WinME, Win9X
volume control of the source code software languages : English software types : source programming/code/VB source runtime environment : Win2003, WinXP, Windows 2000, NT, WinME, Win9X (2006-05-27, Visual Basic, 13KB, 下载4次)


[mpeg/mp3] 将AVI文件转换成MPG文件

将AVI文件转换成MPG文件,由MPEG Software Simulation Group的mpeg2encoder改成。用C语言编程
to AVI file conversion into MPG, by MPEG Software Simulation Group mpeg2encode r changed. Using C Programming Language (2006-01-09, Visual C++, 175KB, 下载71次)


[mpeg/mp3] mp3播放源码.rar

mp3播放器的源代码,采用C语言 编程,使用C编译器,开发很方便。
mp3 player of the source code, using the C programming language, the use of the C compiler, development is very convenient. (2005-05-07, MultiPlatform, 36KB, 下载38次)


[mpeg/mp3] miniplayer

This source code completely uses the SDK development, uses the high level connection. Takes the resources few, the development mentality is clear, has the better reference value to the WINDOWS programming. (2004-06-24, C++, 1088KB, 下载33次)
