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按分类查找All IP电话/视频会议(66) 

[IP电话/视频会议] sdk

大华网络sdk开发手册 欢迎使用网络SDK编程手册,网络SDK是软件开发者在开发网络硬盘录像机、网络视频服务器、网络摄像机、网络球机、智能设备等产品监控联网应用时的开发套件。本文档详细描述了开发包中各个函数实现的功能、接口及其函数之间的调用关系和示例实现. 本开发套件主要包括业务操作和设备管理两大部分: 业务操作 状态侦听、实时监视、实时预览、字符叠加、音频控制、录像回放和下载、数据保存、云台控制、语音对讲、透明串口、码流统计、智能分析等功能。 设备管理 远程升级、远程重启/关闭、设备参数配置(系统通用配置、报警布/撤防设置、录像配置、串口配置、图像配置、日志管理、用户管理、设备校时、动态检测配置、网络配置)等功能。
dahua sdk (2013-07-11, Visual C++, 2681KB, 下载86次)


[IP电话/视频会议] daima

The comprehensive application of the design of Windows low-level audio API of G.729A encoding algorithm, SOCKET programming, multi-threaded programming technology to achieve a PC in the LAN point-to-point narrow-band full-duplex voice communication system. Interface through the MFC. In order to ensure the correctness of the information of sending application layer protocol and chat, using the TCP send interactive information. The voice module startup and shutdown command and control by the interaction. Taking into account the voice and data delay, here sent using UDP. (2012-05-10, Visual C++, 203KB, 下载31次)


[IP电话/视频会议] RTP

Detailed analysis of the book and the introduction of streaming media transport protocol RTP, believe that the video transmission will be committed to help a friend. (2008-07-23, C/C++, 2956KB, 下载1328次)


[IP电话/视频会议] SampleRTC

学习如何创建或集成实时通信(RTC)应用编程接口(API)的基本知识以实现音视频会议、应用程序共享、白板、简单的点对点聊天和音视频调节向导。RTC API 提供了卓越的基于PC的通信革新,这可应用于所有基于 Microsoft Windows XP的应用程序。 源代码下载 SampleRTC.zip.
learning how to create or integrate real-time communication (RTC) Application Programming Interface (API) to achieve the basic knowledge of the Music video conferencing, application sharing, whiteboard, the simple point-to-point audio and video chat and regulatory guides. RTC API provides an excellent PC-based communications innovations, which can be applied to all Microsoft Windows XP-based applications. SampleRTC.zip download the source code. (2005-10-11, Visual C++, 51KB, 下载81次)


[IP电话/视频会议] MPEG-4编解码实用源代码的实现

MPEG-4 codecs realized. MPEG4 video and audio codec. (2005-04-06, Visual C++, 6542KB, 下载245次)


[IP电话/视频会议] JRTP

使用JRTPLIB库实现RTP的传输RTP是目前解决流媒体实时传输问题的最好办法,如果需要在Linux平台上进行实时流媒体编程,可以考虑使用一些开放源代码的RTP库,如LIBRTP、JRTPLIB等。JRTPLIB是一个面向对象的RTP库,它完全遵循RFC 1889设计,在很多场合下是一个非常不错的选择,下面就以JRTPLIB为例,讲述如何在Linux平台上运用RTP协议进行实时流媒体编程。
JRTPLIB use of RTP for achieving the transmission RTP is to solve real-time streaming media transmission problems the best way, if necessary on the Linux platform for real-time streaming media programming, can consider using open-source library of RTP, as LIBRTP, JRTPLIB so. JRTPLIB is an object-oriented library RTP, which fully comply with the RFC 1889 design, in many occasions is a very good choice, following on to JRTPLIB example, on how the Linux platform on the use of RTP for real-time streaming media programming. (2005-03-30, Unix_Linux, 8KB, 下载232次)
