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按分类查找All GPT/ChatGPT(108) 

[GPT/ChatGPT] api-client

A test repo to (1) develop some generic API interfacing code, (2) practice using TDD for code development, (3) play ping-pong programming with ChatGPT, (4) document it all in a Jupyter notebook so others can follow along (2024-04-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] QuartzAI

ChatGPT是免费提供的,它是使用QuartzAI API开发的,可以用多种编程语言访问。
ChatGPT, which is available for free, has been developed using the QuartzAI API and is accessible in multiple programming languages. (2024-02-10, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] PythonLearningJourney

A personal repository documenting my Python learning journey, including exercises, projects, and notes. Following a structured roadmap provided by ChatGPT, this repo serves as a live archive of my progression in Python programming. (2024-02-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] The-Keypad

一个完全可编程的USB键盘,由Arduino Nano、TLC5940 LED驱动器、Cherry MX黑色开关和X键相关的键帽提供支持。
A fully programmable USB keypad powered by an Arduino Nano, a TLC5940 LED driver, Cherry MX Black switches and X-keys relegendable keycaps. (2022-01-21, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] attiny1627-curiosity-nano-pga-demo-mplab-mcc

This code example demonstrates the use of the programmable gain amplifier (PGA) inside the ADC of the ATtiny1627 family of microcontrollers with MPLAB Code Configurator. (2023-03-16, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] Documentation-Wizard

使用ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo的编程语言的文档生成器,以提高代码的可读性。注意:该网站不再工作...
Documentation generator for programming languages using ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo, to improve code readability. ATTENTION: The site no longer works since my ChatGPT API key has expired! (2023-05-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chatgpt-cn-full-tutorial

ChatGPT 中文注册全过程。高速镜像网站、软件推荐、浏览器扩展,高效助力编程开发!
The whole process of ChatGPT Chinese registration. Metro image website, software recommendation, browser expansion, and efficient programming development! (2023-02-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] FLutter_Ai_Chat

I developed this Ai-Chat "(ChatGPT)" using Dart programming languages and Flutter framework. To see this visit ", (2023-08-02, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] mejais-soulstealer

A tracker web app in Python (Flask) that helps you track the competitive programming career. Written with great help of ChatGPT. , (2022-12-19, CSS, 1489KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] OpenAI-Project

With an elegant user interface that resembles the ChatGPT app, communication with advanced GPT3 model API, and most importantly, the ability to ask the AI for help regarding JavaScript, React, or any other programming language, giving it code and translating it to another programming language, and much more , (2023-03-31, JavaScript, 37KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] Open-AI

This project is a web application that resembles ChatGPT, You can have Communication with advanced GPT3 model API, and most importantly, you have the ability to ask the AI for help regarding JavaScript, React, or any other programming language, giving it code and translating it to another programming language, and much more. , (2022-12-28, JavaScript, 39KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chatbot-api

《ChatGPT AI 问答助手》 开源免费项目,涵盖爬虫接口、ChatGPT API对接、DDD架构设计、镜像打包、Docker容器部署,小巧精悍,流程全面。对于Java编程伙伴来说,非常具有学习价值。 ,
ChatGPT AI Q&A Assistant "is an open source free project that covers crawler interfaces, ChatGPT API docking, DDD architecture design, image packaging, and Docker container deployment. It is compact and sophisticated, with a comprehensive process. For Java programming partners, it has great learning value. (2023-03-22, Java, 2051KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] java-apache-openai

编程em Java para consumir a API da Open AI.No código estáfazendo um POST para o modelo text-davinci-003
Programa em Java para consumir a API da Open AI. No código está fazendo um POST para o modelo text-davinci-003 , (2023-04-14, Java, 17KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] chat-GPT-codex-app

This application is powered by Chat-GPT3 Artificial intelligence models that can answer almost all questions asked to it. It can also assist you in writing code for major programming languages, writing tests, and debugging , (2023-03-07, TypeScript, 921KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] engine-warvil

A comprehensive language tool that can answer questions, generate code, thesis titles, and grammatically correct text, as well as paraphrase, summarize, translate, explain programming code, evaluate mathematical expressions, and create study notes. , (2023-04-21, TypeScript, 13298KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] AI-ChatBot

这是一个聊天机器人,它使用OpenAI GPT模型来回答用户的问题。机器人可以被编程为作为任何组织的代表进行回复
This is a chat bot that uses OpenAI GPT model to answer question of users. The bot can be programmed to reply as a representative of any organisation , (2023-02-22, JavaScript, 5244KB, 下载0次)



CodeGPT是一个全栈人工智能工具,它使用OpenAI Codex以各种编程语言生成高质量的代码,具有干净直观的用户界面,易于使用。
CodeGPT is a full stack AI tool that uses OpenAI Codex to generate high- quality code in various programming languages, with a clean and intuitive user interface for easy use. , (2023-02-16, JavaScript, 43KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] rice-gpt

一个node.js cli工具,它使用GPT来自动化许多不同的javascript编程任务,如单元测试、存储库生成等
A node.js cli tool that uses GPT to automate a lot of different javascript programming tasks, like unit testing, repositories generation, etc , (2023-04-03, JavaScript, 1019KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] AutoDoc-ChatGPT

AutoDoc ChatGPT是一个Python脚本,它利用ChatGPT模型的强大功能自动生成任何编程语言的文档。使用AutoDoc ChatGPT,您可以轻松地为代码库生成全面的文档。
AutoDoc-ChatGPT is a Python script that leverages the power of ChatGPT model to automatically generate documentation for any programming language. With AutoDoc-ChatGPT, you can easily generate comprehensive documentation for your codebase. , (2023-03-10, Python, 24KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] SkyCode-AI-CodeX-GPT3

SkyCode是一个多语言开源编程大模型,采用GPT3模型结构,支持Java, JavaScript, C, C++, Python, Go, shell等多种主流编程语言,并能理解中文注释。模型可以对代码进行补全,拥有强大解题能力,使您从编程中解放出来,专心于解决更重要的问题。| SkyCode is an open source programming model, which adopts the GPT3 model structure. It supports Java, JavaScript, C, C++, Python, Go, shell and other languages, and can understand Chinese comments. ,
SkyCode is a multi language open source programming model that adopts the GPT3 model structure, supports multiple mainstream programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, C, C++, Python, Go, shell, and can understand Chinese annotations. Models can complement code and have powerful problem-solving abilities, freeing you from programming and focusing on solving more important problems| SkyCode is an open source programming model, which adopts the GPT3 model structure. It supports Java, JavaScript, C, C++, Python, Go, shell and other languages, and can understand Chinese comments. (2023-03-02, Others, 4KB, 下载0次)
