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[网络编程] -TCP-

本项所使用的编程语言为python,通过socket和TCP实现客户端与服务器之间一对一的 网络通信、可以对客户端与服务器之间的聊天记录进行查询,实现客户端发送文件到服务器的功能, 涉及的系统有windows 10(必须配置好Python的安装环境),ubuntu18.04.
The programming language used in this item is python. One to one network communication between client and server can be realized through socket and TCP, and chat records between client and server can be queried to realize the function of client sending files to server. The involved systems are Windows 10 (Python installation environment must be configured), ubuntu18.04 (2023-08-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] Network-basic-programming-experiment

计算机网络 网络基础编程实验 项目包含4个子内容 均由python语言编写 - 代码有注释 - 采用TCP进行客服端与服务端的聊天程序 - 采用UDP进行客服端与服务端的聊天程序 - 多线程 线程池服务器端的对比 - 写一个简单的chat程序,并能互传文件,编程语言不限。,
The experimental project of computer network basic programming includes four sub contents, all of which are written in python language - the code is annotated - the chat program between the customer service end and the server end is implemented using TCP - the chat program between the customer service end and the server end is implemented using UDP - the comparison between the server end of the multithreaded thread pool - write a simple chat program, and can transfer files to each other, with unlimited programming languages., (2022-04-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] EAGET忆捷N860网络存储器固件 0 8

升级软件前请先备份好硬盘中的重要数据,以免出现意外造成数据丢失 V0.8软件更新内容: 1.优化BT下载速度 2.增强系统使用的稳定性 3.修复无法修改管理员密码的Bug
Before upgrading the software, please back up the important data in the hard disk to avoid accidental data loss V0.8 software update content: 1. Optimize BT download speed 2. Enhance the stability of the system 3. Fix bugs that cannot modify the administrator password (2020-05-10, Python, 30135KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] turtle square

The Python language is simple and easy to understand. Through simple small games, a quick initial understanding of Python makes it easier for beginners to build confidence in learning programming. (2020-02-14, Python, 1KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 实验三socket编程代码

The code can be used to test the server's one-to-one processing of the client's information, sending it back in reverse order, or one-to-many processing of the client's information, i.e. iterative and concurrent processing. Finally, it can simulate the multi person chat room of UDP, with exception capture and message exchange (2019-12-03, Python, 33KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 网络爬虫-Python和数据分析

网络爬虫-Python和数据分析从技术、工具与实战3个维度讲解了Python网络爬虫: 技术维度:详细讲解了Python网络爬虫实现的核心技术,包括网络爬虫的工作原理、如何用urllib库编写网络爬虫、爬虫的异常处理、正则表达式、爬虫中Cookie的使用、爬虫的浏览器伪装技术、定向爬取技术、反爬虫技术,以及如何自己动手编写网络爬虫; 工具维度:以流行的Python网络爬虫框架Scrapy为对象,详细讲解了Scrapy的功能使用、高级技巧、架构设计、实现原理,以及如何通过Scrapy来更便捷、高效地编写网络爬虫; 实战维度:以实战为导向,是本书的主旨,除了完全通过手动编程实现网络爬虫和通过Scrapy框架实现网络爬虫的实战案例以外,本书还有博客爬取、图片爬取、模拟登录等多个综合性的网络爬虫实践案例。
Web crawlers - Python and data analysis explain Python web crawlers in three dimensions: technology, tools, and combat: Case. (2019-06-03, Python, 3166KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] 2、客户端与服务器端的数据交互

Implementing the communication between client and server and the application of thread in network programming (2019-04-24, Python, 5KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] python绝技:运用python成为顶级黑客

Python 是一门黑客语言,它简单易学,开发效率高,大量的第三方库,学习门 槛低。Python 提供了高效的开发平台来构建我们自己的攻击工具。如果你用的 是Mac OS X 或者是Linux 系统,Python 已经内置在你的系统中。丰富的攻击 攻击已经存在,学习Python 可以帮助你解决那些工具不能解决的问题. 活用python,能让你成为顶级黑客.
Using Python to become a top hacker (2017-12-28, Python, 1386KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] download

The manual downloading of web pages is tedious and takes a lot of time and effort. And inefficient. This procedure to python programming language, batch capture the picture files on the web. For reference only (2017-09-05, Python, 4KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Learn-Python-The-Hard-Way

A good article for learning python language including many simple examples. Step by step, learners can gradually know how to program with python and how to make web page with python. (2016-01-26, Python, 592KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] Python-Network-Programming

"The basis of Python Network Programming" in English, can be used as reference books of all levels Python, the Web and network program developers book technology used in practical work, the better. (2012-04-12, Python, 2954KB, 下载30次)


[网络编程] Python_Network_Programming

Python 网络编程pdf格式的电子书,非常优秀的一本书,python最适合做为脚本处理网络以及与文本有关的问题,这就是一本你需要的书,绝对不会错!
Python_Network_Programming , I bet you need it badly! (2009-06-24, Python, 238KB, 下载43次)
