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[C/C++基础] http-client-server

Introduction to socket programming. Using sockets to implement a simple web client that communicates with a web server using a restricted subset of HTTP (2019-12-10, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] Game-Bang-Bang-Chiu

游戏Bang Bang Chiu是我的团队在编程课程中制作的。这是一款用C++语言编写的太空战争冒险游戏,图形界面由SDL库支持。
The game Bang Bang Chiu was made by my team in a programming course. This is a space war adventure game written in C++ language, the graphical interface is supported by the SDL library. (2022-02-17, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] pczero

experiments with bootable image of x86 and protected mode 32 bit code for the i386 platform written in assembler and C++ contains: * minimal assembler kernel supporting preemptive multitasking * sample toy application of a 2D game engine (2023-09-24, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] Lunar-Solar-Calendar-Converter

公历(阳历) 农历(阴历)转换,支持时间段从1900-2100 如果需要更长的时间段,利用generate.htm生成的数据即可。 支持各种编程语言 C#,java,Objective-C,php,Python,javascript(...
Gregorian (Gregorian) lunar (lunar) conversion supports a time period from 1900 to 2100. If a longer time period is required, use the data generated by generate.htm. Support various programming languages C #, java, Objective-C, php, Python, javascript ( (2022-01-26, HTML, 2137KB, 下载0次)
