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[菜单] CL1

Mainly related to the establishment and implementation of Windows menu and tool bar message, etc., windows programming message mapping mechanism, processing menu and toolbar and mouse messages. (2016-07-10, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载1次)


[菜单] W12_1_Menu

对菜单栏的编程,可以添加多个下拉项,可以对某个项目进行编写不同功能,如check,radio,read only 等
Programming menu bar, you can add multiple dropdown item, an item can be written in different functions, such as check, radio, read only, etc. (2014-06-29, Visual C++, 2312KB, 下载5次)


[菜单] LoadBmpRes

加载bmp图像到菜单的程序 ,作为c++界面编程初级爱好者必须用到的小程序。主要功能是:把BMP图像加载到菜单选项中
Bmp image to a menu to load a program, as the primary interface programming enthusiasts c++ applet must be used. Main functions are: to BMP image is loaded into the menu options (2013-08-11, Visual C++, 1034KB, 下载5次)


[菜单] ToolbarWithMenu

带下拉子菜单功能的VC++工具栏窗口  VC++制作实现一个带下拉子菜单功能的工具栏窗体,点击小三角标记会显示下拉菜单,在工具栏上点击右键,也会显示出下拉子菜单,较实用的窗体菜单编程知识,VC新手们要好好学习哦。
With drop-down submenu function the VC++ toolbar window (2013-05-18, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载5次)


[菜单] Lab_6_03

Write a window application which has a menu item, the menu under " Display" , " hidden" , " exit" items such as window, when select " Display" option, a dialog box appears, the dialog box shown in " We work together to learn Windows programming, the dialog box disappears when select" Hide " option " opt-out " option to exit the program run. (2012-10-14, Visual C++, 2219KB, 下载8次)


[菜单] Visual-CSharp

菜单是软件界面设计的一个重要组成方面。它描述着一个软件的大致功能和风格。所以在程序设计中处理好、设计好菜单,对于一个软件开发是否成功有着比较重要的意义。Visual C#是.Net框架中的一个重要组成部分,也是微软公司推出的下一代主流程序开发语言。它在设计、开发程序界面的时候和以前的某些程序开发语言有所不同。这一点也表现在其的菜单编程方面。
Visual C# (2011-04-11, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载2次)


[菜单] VC-right-click-menu

This is an entry for beginners learning VC right-click menu of a small program. Created through the context menu, better understanding and mastering the skills and VC programming power. (2011-03-07, Visual C++, 1819KB, 下载13次)


[菜单] kgdShutdown

This is what I used to write a multi-shutdown WIN32API small program, the program is only one tray icon, tray icon has a context menu, the program' s full functionality in the context menu. Which most of the features are already registered into Windows hot keys so as to facilitate daily use. Are interested in learning WIN32 programming can Naqu study. May be helpful to you. (2010-05-29, Visual C++, 107KB, 下载3次)


[菜单] moving

An integrated visual programming examples, you can achieve a simple drawing and press the M key will have a bitmap along the newly drawn graphics movement. (2008-10-05, Visual C++, 2383KB, 下载4次)


[菜单] B35

E:\VISUAL C++MFC扩展编程实例 实例35 添加帮助菜单项,在本例中将向应用程序中的H e l p菜单中添加C o n t e n t s和S e a r c h 菜单项。
E : \ MFC Visual C programming examples examples expansion added 35 to help menu items, in this case will be applied to the procedures H e l p menu add C o n t e n t's and S e r c h a menu item. (2007-05-19, Visual C++, 18KB, 下载36次)


[菜单] VC++动态加入和删除菜单的方法

VC++环境下菜单和工具栏的动态修改技术-界面类编程-VC利用Cmenu类的AppendMenu和Cmenu类的InsertMenu按 需在菜单上插入新的菜单项
VC environment menu and toolbar technology changes the dynamic- programming interface Class-VC Cmenu use category AppendMenu and Cmenu category InsertMenu demand in the menu to insert a new menu Xiang (2006-06-05, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载144次)


[菜单] tby_menu

This is a menu to teach you the use of small programs. To achieve the functionality of a single, alone to 000 menu. But can help vc beginners a good understanding of the programming menu (2006-05-21, Visual C++, 24KB, 下载11次)
