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[输入法编程] CPPPrimer

C ++ Prime Electronics Chinese third edition, once when programming beginners learning materials for a long time, this version of the electronic version of the text is relatively clear, relatively detailed content for beginners to learn (2015-02-04, Visual C++, 3890KB, 下载1次)


[输入法编程] CPP-Primer-source-code

这个是《C++ Primer》第三版完整版的源码,里面包含了所有的例子。对于正在学习C++的同学,应该非常有帮助的。可以边编程边看书。可以加深对C++知识点的理解。这是非常有用的。
This is the " C++ Primer" the third edition of the full version of the source code, the students are learning C++ should be very helpful. Side edges can be programmed to read. For their own learning a great help (2014-05-04, Visual C++, 200KB, 下载6次)


[输入法编程] tsf-samples

TSF provides a simple and scalable framework for the delivery of advanced text input and natural language technologies. The package provides 11 steps for building tsf input methods. (2014-04-06, Visual C++, 689KB, 下载27次)


[输入法编程] CPP-Primer-3rd-Edition-

c++ primer-friendly rather easy-to-use self-learning guide, suitable for is used as a programmer teaching materials, also of available-for-familiar with the the development of personnel of the other languages ​ ​ Reference (2013-04-08, Visual C++, 3926KB, 下载1次)


[输入法编程] Tibetan_input

After Microsoft released a new input technology TSF for the TSF has been lagging behind, this input rule of thumb is to use Microsoft s new input method the TSF has great significance for the implementation of the TSF input method. (2012-03-13, Visual C++, 1429KB, 下载91次)


[输入法编程] shurufa

Looks like everyone on the input program is also very interested in personal research in this area is not deep, so the Internet is a input method in several examples of source code for your research study (2011-07-05, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载9次)


[输入法编程] input-method

浅谈输入法编程 本文拟结合作者的亲身体验简要介绍一下在Windows环境下如何编写输入法程序。
On the input method of programming with this first-hand experience to be a brief overview of how to write in the Windows environment, input method program. (2011-05-13, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载24次)


[输入法编程] Reco

Win7 development library based on handwriting recognition input method programming, basic handwriting recognition, require win7 or xp install handwriting recognition development library (2010-08-20, Visual C++, 5370KB, 下载71次)


[输入法编程] TypingWord

The entire source code input methods, including search algorithms and UI interface, comparable to the input method Google. Would like to know the input method for programming a friend to download (2009-04-30, Visual C++, 2873KB, 下载146次)


[输入法编程] pinyin_input

Collected from the Internet to the freedom of Pinyin input method of the source, if you are learning programming input method, it must be a good choice! (2008-12-30, Visual C++, 565KB, 下载67次)


[输入法编程] 20070707

很好的东东。对于搞输入法编程的人来说是个很好的参考和启发-A good input method sample for learning input method program.
good. Input method for operating the program is a good reference and inspiration-A good method's input ample input method for learning program. (2007-06-28, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载37次)


[输入法编程] 软键盘输入法原代码

软键盘输入方法原代码 其设计方法简单易懂 便于初学者学习输入法的编程
soft keyboard input methods original code designed to facilitate simple easy beginners to learn the programming input method (2005-10-27, C++ Builder, 5KB, 下载1429次)


[输入法编程] Dll_Ime

this dynamic link library support users of this machine include all input to a ComBox, after selected for TextBox can automatically input methods. Outside the performance level it needs its own programming procedures. . (2005-06-07, Visual Basic, 8KB, 下载9次)


[输入法编程] IME输入法编程

Windows systems Chinese character input method is actually imported to the standard ascii string of coded according to certain rules into Chinese or Chinese character strings, into the destination. Because the application is not the same, users will not be able to design their own conversion process, it naturally fell on the importation of Chinese Windows system management. (2005-05-25, Visual C++, 11KB, 下载179次)


[输入法编程] have a try

open source "Giant pandas input method" for the development and testing-- the use of giant pandas input method, learning programming input method, the experience the feeling of autonomy and freedom! (2004-11-25, C++, 1884KB, 下载219次)
