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[游戏机] godot_go_2dstation

该项目类似于3D投影。具有光稳定性和反射性。这是一个PlayStation 2斗篷时钟副本。但是,Y远程轴存在问题。它像通常在B样条线上一样抛出它的基础。即使它是用C++作为基础编程的。
This project is the similar to a 3D projection. With light stability and reflection. This is made to be a PlayStation 2 cloak clock replica. But, there is an issue with the Y remote axis. It throws it s base like always on B-Spline. Even if it s programmed in C++ as Basis. (2024-02-16, GDScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] tetris-game_bbg-finish-project

I implemented the Tetris game using a simple C programming language; the game is a console application based on classic Tetris rules, providing users with the ability to rotate and place shapes. (2024-01-27, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] Random-Number-Game

Welcome to the "Random Number Game" repository! This is a simple Java-based console application where users can try to guess a randomly generated number within a specified range. This project serves as a great introduction to basic Java programming concepts and logic. (2023-12-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)
