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[WEB开发] 9种html5+css3隐藏侧边栏导航菜单动画效果 - 副本

To recommend you a 9 kinds of HTML 5 and CSS programming effect column, quite good, but also please support more Kazakhstan (2018-11-21, Java, 352KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] DormManage

JSP开发校园学生宿舍信息后台管理系统 用户名:admin 密 码:admin 运行环境: 硬件平台: CPU:酷睿II。 内存:1GB以上。 软件平台: 操作系统:Windows。 数据库:MySQL。 编程平台:MyEclipse 浏览器:IE Web服务器:tomcat 分辨率:最佳效果1024×768像素。
JSP development of the campus student dormitory management information system background (2018-01-04, Java, 1415KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] ruby_v2

Ruby是一种为简单快捷面向对象编程(面向对象程序设计)而创的脚本语言,由日本人松本行弘(まつもとゆきひろ,英译:Yukihiro Matsumoto,外号matz)开发,遵守GPL协议和Ruby License。Ruby的作者认为Ruby > (Smalltalk + Perl) / 2,表示Ruby是一个语法像Smalltalk一样完全面向对象、脚本执行、又有Perl强大的文字处理功能的编程语言。其他特色包括: 运算符重载 自动垃圾回收 弱类型(动态类型 | 标量变量) 变量无需声明 (不必事先宣告变量) 在Windows上,加载DLL 巨大的标准库(函式库;Library)
Ruby is a simple object oriented programming (OOP) and a scripting language, by Matsumoto Yukihiro Japanese (Ma Zu moo and beauty with better, English Translation: Yukihiro Matsumoto, nicknamed Matz) development, comply with the GPL agreement and Ruby License. Ruby s authors think that Ruby (Smalltalk+ Perl)/2, that Ruby is a syntax like Smalltalk as fully object-oriented, script execution, and has a powerful Perl language programming language features. Other features include: Operator overloading Automatic garbage collection Weak type (dynamic type | scalar variable) Variables need not be declared (no need to declare variables) On Windows, load DLL Huge standard library (Library) (2017-04-15, Java, 12029KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Java-Programming-ideas

本书假定读者对编程多少有些熟悉。应已知道程序是一系列语句的集合,知道子程序/函数/宏是什么,知 道象“If”这样的控制语句,也知道象“while”这样的循环结构。注意这些东西在大量语言里都是类似的。 假如您学过一种宏语言,或者用过 Perl 之类的工具,那么它们的基本概念并无什么区别。总之,只要能习惯 基本的编程概念,就可顺利阅读本书。
This book assumes that the reader is somewhat familiar with programming. Should have been aware of the program is a set of statements, you know what the subroutine/function/macro is known Road like If this control statement, also know as while This cycle structure. Note that a lot of these things in the language are similar. If you learn to live a macro language, or used a tool like Perl, then their basic concept is no difference. In short, as long as the habit Basic programming concepts, you can smoothly read this book (2016-04-02, Java, 1854KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] a

编程爱好者博客地带 本章的博客系统主要分为:个人博客空间、个人博客管理和博客后台管理3部分。结合目前博客系统的设计方案,本项目具有以下特点:界面设计美观大方、操作简单。功能完善、结构清晰。个人博客浏览。能够实现后台用户管理。能够实现推荐博客操作。能够实现后台文章管理。能够实现后台相册管理
Chapter blog system consists of: personal blog space, personal blog and blog management background management section 3. Combined with the current design blog system, the project has the following characteristics: elegant interface design, simple operation. Functional, clear structure. Personal blog browsing. It enables user management background. Recommended blog operation can be realized. Enables management background articles. Background can be realized album management (2016-02-06, Java, 12684KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] JAVA-YinYueTaiwan

Yin Yue Taiwan an imitation website contains Sign, Wyatt friends, upload, V standings, reviews and other features to help beginners to learn. This site uses java programming, MySQL . (2015-04-23, Java, 18955KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] huiyiguanlixitog

This paper mainly used PHP programming, WEB development and links to other related knowledge. The main need to master the dynamic Webpage related technology development, the knowledge to real life, and give full play to the benefits in real life. (2015-04-02, Java, 2225KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] jsgame

Both super powerful Javascript web games, design is absolutely beautiful, beautiful, it is also fun to play, these two games are the Snake and billiards, which is a lot of people like to play the game, especially in a game of billiards, visible author indeed level enough cattle, interface realistic, high-level code, but the key part comes with Chinese comments, engaged JS programming friends definitely help. Now download package. (2015-03-11, Java, 65KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] steel-blue

Share a blue classic animated jquery three expandable menus, foreign website works compatibility performed well, especially through jQeury generated animation part, it is worth using jquery library friends learn programming, operating results as shows, I like a menu style. (2014-12-18, Java, 58KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] One-Page-Template

CSS+ jQuery based implementations consisting netnew rolling TAB, click the page menu, basically a rolling display, CSS+ jQuery perfect application, front-end developer must-see programming WEB sample program. (2014-12-01, Java, 11KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] ZxjayUBBEditor

A multi-platform support UBBEditor web editor, using Javascript to write object-oriented thinking, multi-browser support. Function is not very powerful, had practiced hand attitude is learning to write, you can use this as a basis to continue to improve. Parsing code according to their own programming language to write their own, can also be used to resolve Javascript. To maintain platform independence, no to the package for ASP.NET custom control. (2014-12-01, Java, 7KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] openwysiwyg_v1.4.7

openWYSIWYG是一个跨浏览器的、纯JavaScript开发的,功能强大开源的WYSIWYG编辑器。支持多种Web编程语言:PHP,ASP,ASP.net,Perl,Java,Cold Fusion。
openWYSIWYG is a cross-browser, pure JavaScript development, powerful open source WYSIWYG editor. Supports a variety of Web programming languages: PHP, ASP, ASP.net, Perl, Java, Cold Fusion. (2014-11-18, Java, 99KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] highslide-4.1.12

highslide is a nice Js script library, regular study Ajax programming friends will know, even being handy to use, the latest official free version and Demo files, compressed script repository file contains the complete package, Sample sample documents, etc. with highslide we can develop a lot of special effects to Ajax, such as personalized custom modules, numerous picture effects, Web interaction, is engaged in a good assistant wEB front-end programming (2014-11-14, Java, 1851KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] MovingBoxesContent

Moving Boxes Menu是一款菜单,但更像是一款带有JS特效的相册,综合运用了许多常见的网页特效,比如弹出浮动层,JS滚动,淡入淡出效果等,对研究前端JS编程相当有用,你可以把它当作一个相册来用,也可以借鉴菜单的功能,推荐下载。
Moving Boxes Menu is a menu, but is more like a photo album with JS effects, integrated use of many common web effects, such as pop-up floating layer, JS scrolling, fade effects, the study of the front-end programming quite useful JS you can use it as a photo album to use, you can also learn the function menu, it is recommended to download. (2014-11-05, Java, 594KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] PHPRegex

This document details an important part of the programming- the regular expression, detail the document is said about the PHP-style rules and the use of partners who want to learn regular! (2012-11-07, Java, 9KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 09

Programming experience, the most basic function of BBS-Forum is the first keynote, followed by other officers to express their views on the theme. In addition, in order to record the theme and the theme of the publication of information on respondents, the system also need to provide user registration and login. Only registered users logged in to be able to publish and reply to topics, visitors (tourists) can only view topic information. (2011-04-01, Java, 1397KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 123

the system development process in the development of basic software engineering methods to follow completely the use of structured programming methods. The main functions of the system can be convenient for the student hostel management, system uses MYSQL database data with strong integrity, good features such as data security, as well as help provide a standard, allowing users convenient access to the necessary帮助. Friendly interface, easy operation, complete functions, good man-machine interface are the biggest advantages of the system. (2010-04-17, Java, 4732KB, 下载9次)


[WEB开发] JavaWeb3

With the essence of the book JavaWeb programming code, Chapter 9, Chapter 11 and Appendix, Chapter 10, the contents of the larger, can not upload, and other details have been meeting upload. (2009-06-18, Java, 17601KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] mysql

MySQL是一个精巧的SQL数据库管理系统,虽然它不是开放源代码的产品,但在某些情况下你可以自由使用。由于它的强大功能、灵活性、丰富的应用编程接口(API)以及精巧的系统结构,受到了广大自由软件爱好者甚至是商业软件用户的青睐,特别是与Apache和PHP/PERL结合,为建立基于数据库的动态网站提供了强大动力。 在某一个盒子中,这里的珠宝就代表组件,盒子就代表容器。因此若您想在JFrame加入任何组件时,必须 先取得JFrame的容器来放置这些组件,而由于JFrame、JDialog、JWindow与JApplet是显示Swing组件的源头,我们可以称它们为根 组件,也就是所谓的最上层组件。
err (2007-11-25, Java, 469KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] randomNum

fourth year of programming, from your website to the next point learning things, So their addendum to the self that are more useful for beginners the simple procedure for the review of the professional, non-professional learning. (2006-10-20, Java, 3KB, 下载3次)
