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按分类查找All VC书籍(162) 
按平台查找All C++(162) 

[VC书籍] C-Object-Oriented-Software-

Book to help the reader master the C++ object-oriented programming and efficient method for the purpose described in detail various concepts and application skills C++ programming. The book is divided into two parts, the first part introduces the basic and applied object-oriented programming, such as data abstraction, inheritance, exception handling, and so on the second part explains how to establish abstract concepts and strategies, and studied C++ object model. The book with a lot of code examples, so that readers can be enhanced not only theoretically, but also can easily apply in practice. (2017-04-04, C++, 29269KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] CPPprimerplus(version-6)answer

C++primerplus(第6版)中文版编程练习答案.pdf 几乎包含课后所有的习题答案,并且给出了多种解题方法,需要的人帮助很大!
C++ primerplus (6th edition) Chinese version of the programming exercises answer. Pdf almost all of the exercises after-school answer, and gives a variety of problem-solving methods, the need to help a lot! (2017-02-10, C++, 197KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] 1

Books in the name of improving the performance C++ programming techniques, the publishing house for the Electronics Industry Publishing House, a classic book learning C++ (2015-09-22, C++, 21964KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] Ruminations-on-CPP

C++编程方面的经典书籍,作者是一对享有盛誉的技术伉俪,Andrew Boeing和Barbar Moo。本书基于作者在知名技术杂志发表的技术文章、世界各地发表的演讲以及斯坦福大学的课程讲义整理、写作而成,融聚了作者10多年C++程序生涯的真知灼见。
Ruminations on C++: A Decade of Programming Insight and Experience (2015-07-08, C++, 7436KB, 下载12次)


[VC书籍] c

In addition to complete outsider and truly master the programming, the first reading of the book, you feel will be the first to panic: " wow! I had fabricated the C++/C program how would there be so many problems?" (2010-08-23, C++, 106KB, 下载1次)


[VC书籍] C

Common algorithm based on c language programming, gives a detailed explanation and the algorithm flowchart, and gives a complete program that can run the simulation directly with VC (2010-05-18, C++, 12474KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] c

提高c++性能的编程技术 一书介绍了各种提高c++性能的高级方法和技巧 适合有一定c++基础的人看
To improve the performance of c++ programming techniques the book describes ways of improving the performance of c++ advanced methods and techniques suitable for a certain c++-based people will look at (2009-11-20, C++, 4203KB, 下载24次)


[VC书籍] theArtofCplusplus

The author of this text applies C++ to a wide variety of high-powered, practical applications, each focusing on a different aspect of the language. 该书用非常时髦的方法展示了如何使用C++进行设计和编程,是提高c++编程技巧和学习loki,stl,boost库的好书,如:A Simple Garbage Collector for C++;Building a Custom STL Container;A Mini C++ Interpreter
The author of this text applies C++ to a wide variety of high-powered, practical applications, each focusing on a different aspect of the language. The book is very popular method used to display how to use C++ design and programming, is to improve the c++ programming skills and learning loki, stl, boost the Treasury' s books, such as: A Simple Garbage Collector for C++ Building a Custom STL Container A Mini C++ Interpreter (2009-07-29, C++, 1049KB, 下载7次)


[VC书籍] cpluscplusprimer

Of C++ the basic concepts and technical comprehensive and authoritative exposition of modern C++ programming style to emphasize that to make this book as a C++ beginners guide to the best (2009-07-22, C++, 3811KB, 下载25次)


[VC书籍] Cplusplus_book_part3

C++书籍合集第3部分 Refactoring-Improving the Design of Existing Code.pdf The C++ Programming Language Special 3rd Edition.pdf VC编程经验总结.chm
C++ Books Collection Part 3 Refactoring-Improving the Design of Existing Code.pdf The C++ Programming Language Special 3rd Edition.pdf VC programming experience. Chm (2009-06-08, C++, 5436KB, 下载2次)


[VC书籍] Cplusplus_book_part1

C++书籍合集第一部分 C++ Primer中文非扫描版.pdf effectiveC++.chm Sams.C.Primer.Plus.5th.Edition.Nov.2004.eBook-DDU.chm 高质量C++编程指南.pdf
C++ Books Collection Part I C++ Primer Chinese non-scan version. Pdf effectiveC++. Chm Sams.C.Primer.Plus.5th.Edition.Nov.2004.eBook-DDU.chm high-quality C++ Programming Guide. Pdf (2009-06-08, C++, 7698KB, 下载6次)


[VC书籍] MFC

本书通过85个实例全面讲述了应用MFC进行Visual C++编程的思想。每个实例均以编写一个应用程序要走的步骤编写。
This book, through 85 examples of the application of a comprehensive story of MFC for Visual C++ programming ideas. Each instance of an application are prepared to take steps to prepare. (2009-05-24, C++, 11451KB, 下载15次)


[VC书籍] expert

Expert C Programming, Internet downloads are not bookmarks read it very inconvenient degree, this is finished I added a bookmark, looks much more convenient. (2009-01-08, C++, 6517KB, 下载79次)


[VC书籍] C

C语言进阶——嵌入式系统高级C语言编程,很不错,强烈推荐C语言进阶 (东大 凌明 非常不错)
Advanced C language- embedded system High C language programming, is pretty good, strongly recommended C language Advanced (East Grand Ming Ling very good) (2009-01-07, C++, 616KB, 下载18次)


[VC书籍] C++gamekaifa

Introduction c++ Game programming, from simple for the user how to use c++ For game developers to carry out the guide, very popular. (2008-07-13, C++, 337KB, 下载10次)


[VC书籍] SDH

Visual C++开发环境是一个基于Windows 操作系统的可视化、面向对象的集成开发环 境(Integrated Development Environment,IDE)。在该环境下用户可以开发有关C 和C++ 的各种应用程序,应用程序包括建立、编辑、浏览、保存、编译、链接和调试等操作,这 些操作都可以通过单击菜单选项或工具栏按钮来完成,使用方便、快捷。它还提供了项目 工作区(WorkSpace)、应用程序向导(AppWizard)、类操作向导(ClassWizard)和WizardBar 等实用编程工具。
Visual C++ Development environment is a Windows-based operating system visualization, object-oriented integrated development environment (Integrated Development Environment, IDE). Users in the environment can be developed on the C and C++ A variety of applications, including applications to create, edit, view, save, compile, link and debugging operation, these operations can by clicking the menu option or toolbar button to complete and easy to use, fast. It also provides project work area (WorkSpace), Application Wizard (AppWizard), type of operation Wizard (ClassWizard) and WizardBar practical programming tools. (2008-06-23, C++, 2591KB, 下载77次)


[VC书籍] C++_programes

高质量C++编程 电子版 林锐  如果输入参数以值传递的方式传递对象,则宜改用“const &”方式来传递,这样可以省去临时对象的构造和析构过程,从而提高效率。  【规则6-2-2】函数名字与返回值类型在语义上不可冲突。 违反这条规则的典型代表是C标准库函数getchar。
High-quality C++ Programming the electronic version of Mr (2008-03-04, C++, 70KB, 下载3次)


[VC书籍] Visual C++.NET数据库编程

recently found a very good book for learning C++. Net a good tool for everyone to share! ! ! ! ! 1 (2005-12-23, C++, 8235KB, 下载254次)


[VC书籍] Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition

classic books, learning C Watchable book, and learn to think before they learn how to program, the book is also part of code (2005-10-15, C++, 1472KB, 下载46次)


[VC书籍] C++.Slides.Coursework

C Object-Oriented Software Design courses, including the C programming design basis, and several of the universal application of C code in the world. (2005-09-19, C++, 1162KB, 下载32次)
