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[其他] 嫁给我好不好

Used for programming learning and entertainment. Design a pop-up computer window to express the person you want to express. The pop-up window cannot be closed unless you click on the consent. First change the suffix to. TXT format, modify the Chinese content, and then change the suffix back to. VBS to use. (2018-11-22, VBScript, 1KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程] MCGS脚本驱动开发工具使用指导手册

MCGS脚本驱动开发工具,可以学习开发基于MCGS嵌入式组态软件相关的仪表驱动,可直接用MCGS触摸屏和仪表进行通讯交互。 脚本驱动是一种使用MCGS增强语言编写的设备驱动程序。 目的,是给用户提供一种与传统MCGS组态软件中驱动程序功能兼容的、编程简便的驱动开发方法。
MCGS script driven development tool can learn and develop instrument driven based on MCGS embedded configuration software, and can communicate directly with MCGS touch screen and instrument. (2018-07-15, VBScript, 719KB, 下载15次)


[数据库系统] 小型企业管理

VBA programming language design is adopted in the system, the system mainly for data management and statistical design. This system is mainly for selection and statistics of each project by window operation. Thus greatly facilitate the user's input and management system. (2017-08-05, VBScript, 455KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] vbscript-tour

五个VBscript初级编程学习文档,全是word格式的,简单易懂,有志学习VBscript的初学者必看。microsoft visual basic scripting edition 是程序开发语言 visual basic 家族的成员,即使您没有学过 visual basic,只要学会 vbscript,就能够使用所有的 visual basic 语言进行程序设计。虽然您可以从本教程的几个 web 页面中学习 vbscript。
Five VBscript primary programming study documents, all word format, easy to understand for beginners who wish to learn VBscript must-see. microsoft visual basic scripting edition visual basic programming language is a member of the family, even if you did not learn visual basic, just learn vbscript, will be able to use all of the visual basic language programming. Although you can start the tutorial several web pages to learn vbscript. (2013-11-08, VBScript, 59KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] Lan-chat

本项目是在Visual Basic 6.0环境中,利用Winsock控件开发一个基于局域网的聊天工具。具体内容是局域网内部的聊天软件,基于VB编程的基础上,利用Winsock控件,选择TCP协议提供可靠的、面向连接的传输控制,选择协议的配置,确定你的计算机名 ,然后进行连接。
This project is in Visual Basic 6.0 environment, the the Winsock control the development of a LAN-based chat tools. The specific contents of the internal LAN chat software, the VB programming based on the basis of using the Winsock control, select TCP protocol provides reliable, transmission control, select the protocol connection-oriented configuration to determine the name of your computer, and then connect. (2012-11-23, VBScript, 8412KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] pudnBCForum

User (in this case refers to the purpose of the XX University School of Software) is to provide a platform for the exchange of programmers, to exchange experiences and explore the communities of the problem for the majority of programming. Therefore, the most basic functions of the online forum of programmers first keynote, followed by the other based on the theme to express their views. In addition, in order to record the theme of respondents published and subject information, the system also need to provide user registration and login functions. Only registered users to log on before we can publish and reply to topics, browse (also sometimes referred to as passing) can only query theme information. (2012-07-13, VBScript, 915KB, 下载3次)


[行业发展研究] pudnBCCcommunity

随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业的生存和发展之路更加的艰难,要想使企业保持旺盛的生命力,企业必须要跟上时代发展的脚步,不断为企业注入新的活力。某科技公司为适应市场的需求,增加公司在互联网上的影响力,将开发一个社区网站,为广大的编程爱好者提供一个交流的平台,并且以此来推广该公司的软件产品及企业形象。 本网站分为前台和后台两个部分进行设计。前台主要用于会员注册、管理员登录、在线留言、图书信息查询以等;后台主要用于会员信息管理、图书信息管理、留言信息管理、经验技巧信息管理、退出登录等。
With the increasingly fierce market competition, corporate survival and development of the road more difficult, in order to enable enterprises to maintain the vitality, the pace of enterprises must keep up with the development of the times, continue to inject new vitality. A technology company to meet market demand, to increase the influence of companies on the Internet will develop a community website to provide a communication platform for the majority of programming enthusiasts, and in order to promote the company' s software products and corporate image. The site is divided into two parts of the foreground and background design. The main front for member registration, the administrator login, Feedback, book information queries, etc. background for member information management, library information management, message information management, experience, skills of information management, and Sign. (2012-07-13, VBScript, 2116KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] hlsg

“欢乐时光”其实就是利用了超文本邮件中可以夹带脚本语言的特点而棋高一招的。我们知道,邮件的格式可以有两种: 纯文本和超文本。超文本(html)功能强大就不用多说了,它可以内嵌数种脚本语言,常见的就是vbscript和javascript。“欢乐时光”在超文本中夹带的就是vbs。从源代码中可以看得出来,该作者很可能是长期从事网络编程的高手,他对vbs的认识可谓精通,使用的许多技术细节都鲜为人知,尤其是利用了类型库(type library)成功地避开了安全审核的手段更是令人叹为观止。
" Happy Hour" is actually a text message using a super-scripting language that can be entrained the characteristics of a move in chess high. We know that the message format can have two types: plain text and hypertext. Hypertext (html) on the powerful Needless to say, and it can be embedded in several scripting languages, the common is vbscript and javascript. " Happy Hour" in the entrainment of hypertext is vbs. From the source code can see that the author may be long-term expert in network programming, vbs knowledge about his proficiency in the use of many of the technical details are known, in particular the use of a type library (type library) success to avoid a security audit tool is amazing. (2010-08-27, VBScript, 10KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] VBS_HTA_GUI

VBS脚本的GUI界面——HTA简明教程 内嵌脚本到一个GUI界面 scriptomatic源代码——hta的经典代码 解决HTA中文件名有空格 简单的邮件发送客户端-hta
VBS script GUI interface- HTA Concise Guide (2010-07-26, VBScript, 60KB, 下载39次)


[其他书籍] vbjm

《VB程序设计简明教程》高清淅PDF格式,本书的内容面向基础VB编程用户,简单讲解了使用VB程序设计的基本方法,包括VB程序开发环境的简单介绍、VB程序设计语言基储VB常用控件和其他功能,适合VB程序设计初学者参考使用。 (2010-06-27, VBScript, 688KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] NewVisualVBSsoftware

Visual VBS 脚本程序开发工具测试版 可视化脚本VBS编程开发工具。 功能:将vbs脚本编译成EXE文件,方便您的使用同时又保护vbs代码不被他人偷窥。
Visual VBS script development tools, test version of the script VBS visual programming tools. Function: vbs script compiled into EXE files, easy to use while protecting your vbs code peeping by others. (2010-05-26, VBScript, 2551KB, 下载15次)


[其他小程序] 522.121jkhjj44

 44个实用VB小技巧的打包.rar   Ping,扫描,Whois IP.rar   QQ密码截取,内含说明书.rar   vb的远程监控程序(全源码提供).rar   vb控件ping.rar   Windows安全黑客全部是注册表的修改.rar   Windows超级黑客得到windows运行程序的信息,很经典的.rar   Winsock API高级编程调用大全.rar   WinSpy一个VB编程辅助工具(主要是针对窗口函数).rar   保护电脑防止电脑被bo侵入.rar   比较无聊的程序.rar   不用介绍了吧.是有名的netbus源程序.rar
 44个实用VB小技巧的打包.rar   Ping,扫描,Whois IP.rar   QQ密码截取,内含说明书.rar   vb的远程监控程序(全源码提供).rar   vb控件ping.rar   Windows安全黑客全部是注册表的修改.rar   Windows超级黑客得到windows运行程序的信息,很经典的.rar   Winsock API高级编程调用大全.rar   WinSpy一个VB编程辅助工具(主要是针对窗口函数).rar   保护电脑防止电脑被bo侵入.rar   比较无聊的程序.rar   不用介绍了吧.是有名的netbus源程序.rar (2010-01-27, VBScript, 3907KB, 下载82次)


[WEB开发] VBScript

从HTML入手,首先介绍了VBScript作为Web页面脚本语言的基本结构:函数、控件和对象,接着介绍了VBScript作为一种编程语言的高级内容:错误处理、调试和建立动态Web页面。另外,也讨论了与VBScript相关的技术:JAVA DLL等。
From HTML to start, first introduced as a Web page VBScript scripting language' s basic structure: functions, controls, and objects, and then introduced the VBScript programming language as a high-level content: error handling, debugging, and build dynamic Web pages. In addition, also discussed with the VBScript-related technologies: JAVA DLL and so on. (2009-09-21, VBScript, 21784KB, 下载5次)



CAN protocol, this group of self-development team to develop the CAN communication module, the CAN set up self-development software, the performance of the poor than the public Zhou, the source including the VB source code, and software programming CAN set up rules, summary of the independent development CAN communication module helps a lot. (2009-05-30, VBScript, 83KB, 下载11次)


[其他小程序] QQmibaokaxiazai

免费领取QQ密保卡,帮助您免费领取密保卡! 我是第一次编程,所以很不好!有任何意见请发Email到:hanyecong8@gmail.com
Receive a free QQ secret security cards, help you close security card to receive free of charge! Is the first time I programmed, so it is not good! Have any comments please send Email to: hanyecong8@gmail.com (2008-10-08, VBScript, 2KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] VB

VB6无疑是当前最先进的编程工具之一,无论是它的代码编写还是与视窗98的完美结合, 都令人们特别是程序员们赞叹不已。在这里,我将自己在编程实践中对LISTVIEW控件的一些使用经验和心得体会与广大的同仁们作以探讨,希望大家批评指正,或者有所借鉴
err (2008-01-11, VBScript, 124KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] jintiechengxu

This is my year of preparation, "the staff payroll system," VB link SQLSEVER programming, is now in trial operation of our school, the results were pretty good. interested to see flash open her cloak (2006-08-25, VBScript, 78KB, 下载10次)


[浏览器] hjemail

黄金海岸线 电子邮件系统 支持内嵌入微软IIS(Internet Information Server)内的Web下系统管理以及通过浏览器收、发电子邮件等功能。   黄金海岸线 电子邮件系统 组件可以完全融合到动态Asp页面中,使您可以自由定制十足个性化的Web管理以及收、发电子邮件页面。只要具有一些Asp编程的经验,就可以轻易给您的网站增加标准的Web电子邮局服务。
gold coastline e-mail system to support the embedded Microsoft IIS (Internet Inform ation Server) Web under the management of the system through the browser admission, e-mail and other functions. Gold coastline e-mail system components can be fully integrated into the dynamic pages Asp, You can make full freedom to customize personalized Web management, and received and sent e-mail pages. So long as some Asp programming experience, we can easily to your site to increase the standard of Web electronic postal service. (2006-07-13, VBScript, 73KB, 下载17次)


[WEB开发] Professional_ASP_XML

《ASP与XML 高级编程》配书源码 【原书名】 Professional ASP XML [原书信息] 【原出版社】 Wrox Press 【作者】 Mark Baartse&Richard Blair等
"High ASP and XML programming" distribution [original source book title-- Professional AS P XML [information on] [original publisher Wrox Press---- [Author Mark Baartse (2006-06-05, VBScript, 154KB, 下载5次)
