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[数据库系统] SIE-557.SQL

Final project of Database Applications graduate level course. I created a schema, user interface, and connections to create a working database of Primary Investigators and postdocs that work on all campuses of the Jackson Laboratory. It also shows their focus of research and their primary campus. (2024-02-03, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Calculator

Small calulator im making with streamlit that include things i m learning at school. Right now i have functions, quadratic formula, and a chemistry molecule balancer. I plan on adding one to balance chemical equations soon but that might take a while. (2023-12-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Gurobi-and-Algorithm-for-solving-VRP

Gurobi was used to model and solve four types of problems, namely VRP, CVRP, CVRPTW and CVRPPDTW. The data set used was mainly Solomon (R-101) and part of the road network in Jiulong Lake Campus of Southeast University., (2023-10-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Data-Structures-Algorithms

Everything I self-taught myself about Data Structures and Algorithms whenever I was 16 for School State Competitions & used to freshen up my knowledge on CS. Everything you need to know to get a software engineering job :) (2021-07-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Air-Detect-for-RespberryPi3

目前市面上的空氣監測設備相當昂貴,每台儀器可以監測的項目也有限,亦須定期更換耗材,維護成本高。本研究設計、開發體積小、價格相對便宜的空氣監測系統,用以監測校園中室內空氣,俾利往後整合空調系統。本究所設計之裝置適合布置於各個具有無線網路(Wi- Fi)環境的校園室內空間中,監測...,
At present, the air monitoring equipment on the market is quite expensive, and the items that can be monitored by each instrument are limited, and the consumables must be replaced regularly, so the maintenance cost is high. This research designs and develops a small and relatively inexpensive air monitoring system to monitor the indoor air in the campus, so as to facilitate the future integration of air conditioning systems. The device designed in this study is suitable for arranging in each campus indoor space with Wi Fi environment to monitor, (2021-09-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] job_spider

This project is used to access recruitment information published by 51job, Zhilian recruitment, LaGou and other recruitment websites, including nearly 30 fields such as job name, job requirements, company name, experience requirements, etc., which can be used for data analysis of current recruitment markets in different regions and industries. (2018-12-23, Python, 77KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] awesome-sdu-scripts

Some scripts about the life at SDU. 与 SDU 日常相关的一些脚本,如绩点查询器、选课助手、图书馆预约助手、教评助手、青岛校区电量查询、校园网认证脚本、实验报告 LaTeX 模板等,欢迎研究、使...
Some scripts about the life at SDU Some scripts related to SDU daily, such as grade point finder, course selection assistant, library appointment assistant, teaching evaluation assistant, Qingdao campus electricity query, campus network authentication script, LaTeX template of experimental report, etc. Welcome to research and make (2022-05-04, Python, 362KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] UCLA_Marine_Data_Visual

UCLA Marine Data Visualization application/GUI in development in python for the Marine Operations Program at UCLA. Used to depict Ocean temperature along with GPS data ovelayed on a map. Check out the Marine Operations Program at: <https://dept.atmos.ucla.edu/marineops> (2018-09-17, Python, 567KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] MusicGenreClassification

This is my final project at my school. I used knn algorithm for train model, Flask for web interface and basic html,css,js. Also i took advantage from bootstrap and jquery. Project runs when you upload .wav file, after the upload process my project find and write that what is the type of music. (2022-06-27, Python, 231121KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] frozen

Projeto desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ciência e Tecnologia de S?o Paulo - IFSP Campus Itapetininga em parceria com a Escola de Engenharia de S?o Carlos (Universidade de S?o Paulo) - EESC USP, com orienta??o do Prof. Dr. Carlos Henrique da Silva Santos e Prof. Dr. Leonardo André Ambrosio, para a modelagem de feixes de bessel (2021-04-01, Python, 10625KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] fw

Projeto desenvolvido no Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ciência e Tecnologia de S?o Paulo - IFSP Campus Itapetininga em parceria com a Escola de Engenharia de S?o Carlos (Universidade de S?o Paulo) - EESC USP, com orienta??o do Prof. Dr. Carlos Henrique da Silva Santos e Prof. Dr. Leonardo André Ambrosio, para a modelagem de feixes de bessel (2021-04-01, Python, 4705KB, 下载0次)


[能源行业(电力石油煤炭)] Library-Actions

Booking library seats is suitable for working with similar universities such as Xi an University of Architecture and Technology, Central South University, Shandong First Medical University Jinan Main Campus, Weifang University of Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Shandong University, Fudan University Medical Library, Chizhou College, Zhejiang Normal University, Lanzhou University, Shandong Youth Political College, Anhui Agricultural University, Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Henan University, and Shanghai Electric Machinery Co., Ltd (2022-08-16, Python, 930KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Algorithm_Interview_Notes-Chinese

Algorithm_Interview_Notes-Chinese,2018 2019 校招 春招 秋招 自然语言处理(NLP) 深度学习(Deep Learning) 机器学习(Machine Learning) C C++ Python 面试笔记,此外,还包括创建者看到的所有机器学习 深度学习面经...
Algorithm_ Interview_ Notes Chinese, 2018 2019 Spring School Recruitment Autumn School Recruitment natural language processing (NLP) Deep Learning Machine Learning C C++Python interview notes, in addition, including all the machine learning in-depth learning experience seen by the founder (2018-12-04, Python, 46633KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 123

支付功能:包括线上支付和线下支付。 线下支付: 1.食堂就餐 用于浙大各个校区食堂。 2.商贸超市刷卡消费 在浙大商贸所属的各超市网点内可使用校园卡刷卡消费,方便使用,避免找零。 3.体育场馆消费 用于收费场馆刷卡消费。 4.刷卡自助复印 布设在学校图书馆各校区分馆的校园自助复印设备全程实行复印无人化管理。各位读者可在校园内任意一台自助打印复印一体机上,方便地选择自助复印功能项,使用校园卡进行刷卡确定开始复印,并在复印机上完成复印任务、刷卡完成缴费。
Payment function: including online payment and offline payment. Offline payment: 1. Dining in canteen It is used in the canteen of Zhejiang University. 2. Credit card consumption in commercial supermarket In the supermarket outlets affiliated to Zhejiang University of Commerce and trade, campus card can be used for consumption, which is convenient to use and avoid change. 3. Stadium consumption It is used for card consumption in charging venues. 4. Self service copy by card The campus self-service copying equipment set up in each campus branch of the school library implements unmanned management of copying throughout the whole process. Readers can conveniently select the self-service copy function on any one of the self-service printing and copying machines in the campus, use the campus card to swipe the card, confirm to start copying, and complete the copying task on the copier and swipe the card to complete the payment (2020-10-10, Python, 48KB, 下载3次)
