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[CAD] AutoCAD2000 AutoLISP 参考

AutoLISP是由Autodesk公司开发的一种LISP程序语言,LISP是List Processor的缩写。AutoLISP语言作为嵌入在AutoCAD内部的具有智能特点的编程语言,是开发应用AutoCAD不可缺少的工具。
AutoLISP is a LISP programming language developed by Autodesk Company. LISP is the abbreviation of List Processor.AutoLISP language, as an intelligent programming language embedded in AutoCAD, is an indispensable tool for the development and application of AutoCAD. (2019-03-04, LISP, 7178KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 新建文件夹

(Taobao guest official SDK file, which provides the function package calling API, encapsulates the API request method, which is used to integrate into the server program and get relevant data.) (2018-09-22, LISP, 491KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] tse-parity-data

In the analog digital communication channel, the discrete data is encoded by the parity check code and modulated by FSK, then transmitted, demodulated and decoded at the receiving end. (2018-07-30, LISP, 208KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 5800

大地转施工 施工转大地 断面放羊,坐标正反算,左边正算,左边反算。一次性解决5800计算机基础程序。
Earth conversion construction, the earth section sheep, coordinate positive and negative calculation, the left is calculated, the left counter. One time to solve the 5800 computer basic program. (2017-11-10, LISP, 1645KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] 2008121019361345090

even many lisp hackers think of the features of design errors and mimic. As for ruby, if back to 1975, you claim that it is a lisp dialect, no one will object. The development of programming languages, but has just caught the level of the lisp language in 1958. (2017-03-23, LISP, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] SSD3Ver7

Northeastern University, the introduction of the SSD3 course in Carnegie Mellon University. Mainly talked about the java object-oriented programming knowledge, courseware for the whole english. (2015-10-19, LISP, 4142KB, 下载2次)


[绘图程序] AutoLISP_-entry

Auto LISP 可以直接调用几何所有的AutoCAD命令,为AutoCAD提供了使用高级语言开发编程的途径,使得用户能充分利用它对AutoCAD进行二次开发。
Auto LISP can directly call all geometry of the AutoCAD command, AutoCAD provides access to high-level language programming, so that users can make full use of it to secondary development of AutoCAD. (2015-05-17, LISP, 830KB, 下载11次)


[绘图程序] TheEvolutionofLisp

Lisp是世界上最伟大的编程语言或它的支持者认为的Lisp语言的结构使得它很容易扩展语言,甚至实施全新的 没有从零开始的方言。
Lisp is the world’s greatest programming language—or so its proponents think. The structure of Lisp makes it easy to extend the language or even to implement entirely new dialects without starting from scratch. (2014-07-07, LISP, 522KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] Hackers-a-Painters-

是硅谷创业之父paul graham 的文集,写相当好,很有启发性,有助于了解计算机编程的本质、互联网行业的规则
Father of Silicon Valley s entrepreneurial paul graham anthology, writing is quite good, very enlightening, help to understand the nature of computer programming, the rules of the Internet industry (2014-02-22, LISP, 28990KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] Advanced_AutoLISP_Programming

高级autolisp 编程指南 A step-by-step approach provides practical, easy-to-follow instruction for mastering the AutoLISP programming language. Content ranges from basic to advanced programming techniques and includes all AutoLISP functions through Release 14. Complete instructions describe how to create useful and productive routines and programs.
Advanced AutoLISP Programming A step-by-step approach provides practical, easy-to-follow instruction for mastering the AutoLISP programming language. Content ranges from basic to advanced programming techniques and includes all AutoLISP functions through Release 14. Complete instructions describe how to create useful and productive routines and programs. (2014-01-16, LISP, 492KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Hackers-and-Painters

" Hackers and Painters: Father of Silicon Valley start-paulgraham Collection" is the father of Silicon Valley start paulgraham anthology, introduces hobby hackers that good programmers and motivation, to discuss the growth hacker, hackers contribution to the world as well as programming languages ​ ​ and hackers working methods All people interested in the computer era some of the topics. (2013-08-18, LISP, 921KB, 下载3次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] The.Little.Schemer.4th.2

The Little Schemer (2012-12-06, LISP, 2095KB, 下载3次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] tempo-sat-tlp-gp

SAT-TLP planning is developed by ML generic functional programming language optimized planning, and provides good support for understanding the functional languages ​ ​ large systems and intelligent planning theory. (2012-10-26, LISP, 5639KB, 下载6次)


[其他] GNU-Emacs-lisp

本书的作者罗伯特·卡塞尔是自由软件基金会的合创人之一,也是理查德·斯托曼博士青年时期结交的挚友,他精通GNU Emacs Lisp的每一个方面。本书是一本GNU Emacs Lisp的编程入门,全书循序渐进地介绍了GNU Emacs Lisp编程的各种基础知识和方法,文笔流畅、讲解透彻,对GNU Emacs用户提高对它的理解和运用帮助极大。
Robert Cassell, author of the book is co-founder of the Free Software Foundation, is one of the youth to make a close friend of Dr. Richard Stallman, he is fluent in every aspect of GNU Emacs Lisp. This book is a GNU Emacs Lisp programming entry book step-by-step introduction to the GNU Emacs Lisp programming of all kinds of basic knowledge and methods, the writing is smooth, and to explain thoroughly to improve its understanding and application of greatly helped GNU Emacs users. (2012-04-12, LISP, 5371KB, 下载6次)



lisp for autocad (2012-03-30, LISP, 1218KB, 下载112次)


[系统设计方案] ispLEVER

ispLEVER 是Lattice 公司最新推出的一套EDA软件。提供设计输入、HDL综合、验证、器件适配、布局布线、编程和在系统设计调试。设计输入可采用原理图、硬件描述语言、混合输入三种方式。能对所设计的数字电子系统进行功能仿真和时序仿真。
Lattice s ispLEVER is the latest set of EDA software. Provide design input, HDL synthesis, verification, device adaptation, layout, programming and debugging in system design. Input can be used to design schematics, hardware description languages, mixed type in three ways. Can the design of digital electronic systems for functional simulation and timing simulation. (2012-01-10, LISP, 890KB, 下载9次)


[Oracle数据库] Oracle_sjkjc

oracle数据库开发实例 本书以真实工作任务为载体组织教学内容,在真实工作环境中探索数据库的创建与设计。按照如下顺序传授知识与训练技能:体验数据库的应用→认识Oracle的工作环境、体验Oracle 10g环境中常用工具操作→数据库的创建与管理→数据表的创建与管理→管理视图→SQL编程语言→PL/SQL编程语言→管理PLSQL存储过程与触发器→管理安全性→数据库安全性→Oracle数据库的访问→数据库探索性设计。在讲解数据库知识和训练操作技能的过程中,遵循学生的认知规律,提高学生的学习效率
instances of oracle database development tasks book as a carrier to give a true organization of contents, in a real working environment to explore the creation and design of the database. In the following order to impart knowledge and training skills: Experience Oracle database applications work environment → knowledge and experience in Oracle 10g environment, common tools operation → → Database creation and management of data table view of the creation and management → management → PL → SQL programming language/SQL programming language → Administration → PLSQL stored procedures and triggers, managing security, database security → Access → → Oracle database, the database design exploration. Database knowledge and training in explaining the process of skills, knowledge of students follow the rules, to improve the efficiency of student learning (2011-04-14, LISP, 1327KB, 下载9次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] 2008120720255965687

实现 VC书籍 Java书籍 Delphi/CppBuilder 软件工程 认证考试资料 其他书籍 文章/文档 软件设计/软件工程 文件格式 技术管理 行业发展研究 人物传记/成功经验 通讯编程文档 系统设计方案 软件测试 [展开所有目录] [建议增加分类] (重要) 您上传的源码为何会被站长不采用或帐号被删除?
cccc (2010-06-22, LISP, 100KB, 下载1次)


[3D图形编程] tmp

Autolisp是一种内嵌式表处理语言,可以广泛应用在AutoCAD各个版本中,AutoCAD2000还专门设计了Visual Lisp编辑器,更方便于开发人员的编程调试。以上三个例子是Autolisp的一点应用,其实,通过Autolisp开发,还可实现更多图形的参数化绘图,提高CAD绘图的速度和准确性
failed to translate (2009-05-15, LISP, 1KB, 下载9次)


[其他] jiaotongdeng

Rockwell Automation of the United States Micrologix1000 series production of micro-programmable controller with a small, easy to use, high universality, fast and efficient and so on. (2009-05-13, LISP, 9KB, 下载3次)
