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[网络编程] socket

Fujian Sinosat company receiving procedures socket. Application and home-school pass industry (2007-11-06, Java, 21KB, 下载11次)


[Java编程] wuliu

物流系统,用户的注册登陆,购物车功能,实现物品的出库入库,库存的管理,以及货物的运输 [wuliu.rar] - 本系统主要构建一个网上物流平台,以让物流的物资准时,准确,无误的送达目的地。而在后台实现公司管理物流信息,以备货物无误差的配送,让顾客无忧的接收货物。 本系统实现前台实现公司方面的信息发布等,后台实现客户上门的需求录入,以及仓储的信息配送等功能。 [javaDATABASE.rar] - JAVA数据库系统项目开发实践,包括了酒店信息管理系统、电子书店管理系统、办公自动化、会员管理、物流管理、学生信息管理系统的开发。
Logistics systems, registered users login, shopping cart functions to achieve the objects library storage, inventory management, and transportation of goods [wuliu.rar]- The system to build an online logistics platform, to allow the logistics of supplies on time, accurate, correct destination. In the background to achieve logistics information management, to prepare error-free delivery of goods, so that customers worry-free reception of the goods. Implementation of the system to achieve the reception of information publishing company, customers come back to realize the needs of entry, as well as information warehousing and distribution functions. [JavaDATABASE.rar]- JAVA database system project development practice, including hotel information management system, the development of electronic bookstore management systems, office automation, membership management, logistics management, student information management system. (2014-06-01, Java, 1409KB, 下载10次)


[Java编程] Java_Assetsys_Team

Fixed assets management system, which is when I write in school if not, then please forgive me (NOTE: You may need your own copy of the mysql driver to the classpath, the database has provided the script, mysql, database) (2010-12-24, Java, 182KB, 下载10次)


[百货/超市行业] qsglxt)

Prepared by the management system for their own bedroom, a combination of large school compound has been prepared in the bedroom (2010-03-08, Java, 126KB, 下载9次)


[教育系统应用] JXT

家校通 实现 老师学生 家长 之间的联系更加方便他们的关系融洽
Home-school teacher to achieve contact between parents easier rapport their (2015-10-26, Java, 1453KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] jiaxiaotong

home and school (2015-05-05, Java, 29129KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] jiaoshi

A small C/S mode network synchronization school systems, applications, Socket programming, server/client can be time synchronized households correction. (2007-07-16, Java, 116KB, 下载9次)


[Java书籍] 关于java 的 Classpath全解java入门

ava 的新入门者对classpath往往比较困惑,为何在开发环境中能运行的东东出去就不好,或在外面运行的东东挺溜的进了开发环境就死菜,烦死了! 看完俺这篇文章包您万事无忧(夸张点吧) :)
new beginners tend to classpath puzzled why the development environment can run out on the vertical well, or outside of the Eastern Ting running away into the development environment on the death of vegetables, the draw! I read your article pack everything Inc. (exaggeration spot) :) Oh (2005-09-22, Java, 2KB, 下载9次)


[Java编程] jindie-Middleware-2011-bishiti

This archive is Kingdee Middleware 2011 school recruit pen questions, mainly after reading java' s benefit, to share with you friends (2011-11-17, Java, 41KB, 下载8次)


[ActiveX/DCOM/ATL] ComAssistant

[Android_ComAssistant] Android串口开发与调试,支持文本和hex显示。 [Android_Com_Assistant] Android串口开发工具,便于在android平台串口相关应用的开发与调试。 [JSON_Formatter] safari浏览器显示格式化json插件 [ComAssistantV1.2] Android下的串口调试工具,可以发送监视串口数据,重写过串口类,比普通版本新增了串口校
private void DispRecData(ComBean ComRecData){ StringBuilder sMsg=new StringBuilder(); sMsg.append(ComRecData.sRecTime); sMsg.append("["); sMsg.append(ComRecData.sComPort) (2019-05-08, Java, 469KB, 下载7次)


[Java编程] JAVAJSP

Huayuan Wang Xiao+ JAVA+ JSP JSP version of the software West, on the software download site, or want to make friends on campus BBS is very useful, design and interface are good. (2010-12-30, Java, 589KB, 下载7次)


[J2ME] a-sample-of-j2me

School j2me phone design development documents, development of an example, word version (2009-04-29, Java, 246KB, 下载7次)


[GPS编程] GpsOffsetData_TXT

When Google earth picture trajectories for the actual GPS location latitude and longitude for calibration bias, pro-test, available (2014-05-30, Java, 307KB, 下载7次)


[Java编程] Gridworld-Project

gridworld 实训内容一览可供多校常年靠借鉴
gridworld 实训内容一览可供多校常年靠借鉴 (2012-10-07, Java, 1154KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] xiaolidaima

Mainly to write about a school, school calendar, the content is relatively clear (2012-06-25, Java, 130KB, 下载7次)


[其他行业] The-dinner-system

The dinner system (2012-03-06, Java, 981KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] database6

What s New in the 6th Edition? New running example of a university database: More intuitive and motivating for students. Illustrates more complex design tradeoffs in the database-design chapters. All example tables collected in an appendix in the text and available online. Larger database based on example schema available online for projects and assignments. All chapters have been revised to reflect the latest advances in technology. Chapter 2 (Relational Model) gives brief introduction to relational algebra. Technical details of the relational algebra and relational calculus are postponed to Chapter 6. Instructors may omit these topics if desired. Chapter 6 can be moved ahead and covered immediately after Chapter 2 for instructors preferring a more traditional sequence. Chapters 3-- 5: Revised coverage of SQL Greater attention to variants of SQL in actual systems. More detail on SQL features. Puts SQL first: All SQL features covered in the book, including OLAP constructs (2012-02-26, Java, 10669KB, 下载6次)


[医药行业] Hospital-info-manager

医院流程的管理系统 校医院为了适应工作发展的需要,委托项目组为其开发一套新的《高校医院电脑管理系统》
Hospital process management system the university hospital in order to meet the needs of development work, commissioned for the project team to develop a new " university hospital computer management system" (2010-07-20, Java, 111KB, 下载6次)


[酒店行业] UML

J2EE项目,关于餐厅业的查询系统,可以对校区内的饭店信息进行查询点评 这是UML部分
the uml design about a J2EE project (2011-06-12, Java, 764KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] courseSelection

Because many college students now, the original campus has been unable to accommodate each new semester elective teacher when the Senate will be very busy, so the development of the elective system, which consists of three modules, user management module, students and administrative modules . (2013-06-05, Java, 13107KB, 下载5次)
