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[C/C++基础] sin-213-projeto-de-algoritmos

实现了ordena o em C++的一个lise dos原则算法。Um projeto desenvolvido durante a disciplina SIN 213-projeto de Algoritmos,da Universidade Federal de Viosa-Rio Paranaíba校区。
Implementa o e análise dos principais algoritmos de ordena o em C++. Um projeto desenvolvido durante a disciplina SIN 213 - Projeto de Algoritmos, da Universidade Federal de Vi osa - Campus Rio Paranaíba. (2024-02-08, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] projeto-de-algoritmos

实现了ordena o em C++的一个lise dos原则算法。Um projeto desenvolvido durante是SIN213-Algoritmos项目,维奥萨联邦大学-巴拉那巴校区。
Implementa o e análise dos principais algoritmos de ordena o em C++. Um projeto desenvolvido durante a disciplina SIN213 - Projeto de Algoritmos, da Universidade Federal de Vi osa - Campus Rio Paranaíba. (2023-12-10, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] hfut-cs

合肥工业大学宣城校区(HFUT-XC) 计算机科学与技术专业(CS)。本仓库存有大一至大三的专业课程, 学长还没有毕业,有需求可以提Issue。欢迎Star,会不定时更新
Hefei University of Technology Xuancheng Campus (HFUT-XC) Computer Science and Technology (CS). There are professional courses from freshman to junior in this warehouse, and the seniors have not graduated yet, so you can raise the issue if you need. Welcome Star, it will be updated irregularly (2023-01-16, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] h-OLED-Display-Duino-coin-Balance-Monitor-project

我的名字是**Oshan Dissanayaka**。我是这所学校的学生。我最新的是**ESP32,带OLED显示器Duino硬币平衡监视器**。在此,我首先创建了**Duino硬币**徽标和您的**Duino-coin用户名**、**Minners**、**Hashrate**和**Duino-coin余额**。这将每5秒刷新一次。我有一个Youtube频道。如果是...
My name is **Oshan Dissanayaka**. I am a student of the school. My latest is the **ESP32 with OLED Display Duino-coin Balance Monitor**. In this I have created the **Duino-coin** logo first and your **Duino-coin Username**, **Minners**, **Hashrate** and **duino-coin balance**. This will refresh every 5 seconds. I have a Youtube channel. If (2023-04-19, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CampusRecruit

23 秋招 校招 面试笔记,C C++ Java Go Python 前端 后端面经合集(含答案),从秋招一直到春招补录,陪你找到满意工作,欢迎提交pr补充信息,每天持续更新...
23 Interview notes of autumn school recruitment, C C++Java Go Python front end and rear end collection (including answers), from autumn recruitment to spring recruitment supplement, accompany you to find a satisfactory job, welcome to submit pr supplementary information, and keep updating every day (2023-02-04, C++, 840KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] HFUT_2020_OS_Design_WH

合肥工业大学宣城校区2020年《操作系统》课程设计。题目:段页式虚拟存储管理系统:建立一个段页虚拟存储管理系统的模型。Course Design of Operating System in Xuancheng Campus of H...
The course design of Operation System in Xuancheng Campus of Hefei University of Technology in 2020. Title: Segment page virtual storage management system: establish a segment page virtual storage management system model. Course Design of Operating System in Xuancheng Campus of H (2022-03-02, C++, 3585KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] MAXString-without-repeating

光宇游戏校招题目:简答题 求字符串内最长不重复的子串长度是多少,输入 "abcabcbb", 不重复子串最大为3,例如: "abc”或“bca”;输入 "bbbbb", 子字串为 "b", 长度为 1; 要求: 1. 使用测试驱动开发...
Guangyu Game School Recruitment Question: Short answer question: To find the length of the longest non repeating substring within a string, enter "abcabcabb" and the maximum non repeating substring is 3, such as "abc" or "bca"; enter "bbbbb" and the substring is "b" and the length is 1; Requirements: 1 Use Test-driven development (2016-11-07, C++, 1KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] clean_robot

A c++ algorithm based on intelligent analysis of sweeping robot path selection, or school modeling contest prize. (2014-05-27, C++, 1369KB, 下载183次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] zhinengche

The package for our school race smart car source+ PCB layout, directly available, good results, PCB, on PT1 do guns entered incorrectly, PT1, and PT7 can take flight line. (2010-04-15, C++, 675KB, 下载9次)
