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[Windows编程] ch

VC++制作渐变的文字,文字的色彩会越来越暗,也会越来越亮,最终形成渐变文字,帧较慢,效果并不是太好。还需要再优化完善,具体思路是先安装一个定时器,通过CDC 类的SetTextColor 函数在OnTimer()函数中改变字符串的颜色,并且注意尽量使颜色变化的梯度减校
VC++ produces gradually changed text, the color of the text will become darker and darker, and will become brighter and brighter. Eventually, it will form gradual text, and the frame will be slow. The effect is not very good. It also needs to be optimized. The idea is to install a timer first, change the color of the string in the OnTimer () function through the SetTextColor function of the CDC class, and try to reduce the gradient of the color change as much as possible. (2018-04-21, C/C++, 28KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 3Dbiaoqian

3D sphere tag cloud is a text-based JS achieve 3D text keywords tag cloud dynamic effects code. By the beauty, photo, irrigation, movies, novels, Europe, Japan and South Korea, attractive, funny, sexy, wallpaper, swimwear, romance, romantic, funny, girly, colleagues, martial arts, science fiction, lesson plans, papers, charming, black silk, horror, music, games, GG resources, courseware, humor, big breasts, private photos, schools, money, thousands of brain, pure, cloud computers composed of text keywords spherical 3D dynamic effects. (2016-05-31, ASP, 5KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] AspSchool_dangan

a.超级管理员可以通过后台设置系统LOGO 标题 首页连接等操作,无需软件支持直接后台设置。 b.一般管理员可以收录数据 查询数据 修改数据 添加评论 查看评论 删除评论等操作。 c.随时随地备份数据库让你的数据安全高效。 d.所有的文本域都经过五层过滤让您的数据安全无忧。 e.数据库留有未用字段方便系统升级。 f.数据库经过加密不用担心被下载。
a. super administrator can connect through the background to set the system LOGO title page and other operations, without software support direct backstage settings. b. Usually the administrator can modify the data included in the data query data delete comment Add comment View comments and other operations. c. Back up the anywhere to get your data safely and efficiently. d. All five text fields have been filtered to keep your data secure. e. No upgrade left the field with a convenient system. f. the is encrypted without fear of being downloaded. (2016-04-27, ASP, 2255KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] CVOSAutoCheckSet

1.禁止屏幕保护 2.禁用电源管理 3.显示文件扩展名 4.显示全路径 5.设置网络访问用户组 6.设计禁止访问用户组 7.允许远程空密码访问 8.禁用Internet校时 9.禁用防火墙 10.禁用系统还原 11.设置自动更新 12.设置虚拟内存 13.拖动不显示窗口内容 14.删除无用文件 15.禁止Guest用户 16.禁止UAC 17.禁止WindowsSearch服务 18.设置系统日志 19.设置应用程序日志大小
1 prohibition of screen protection 2 disable power management 3 display file extension 4 show full path 5 set up the network access user group 6 design to prohibit access to user groups 7 allows remote password access 8 when the Internet is disabled 9 disable firewall 10 disable system restore 11 set auto update 12 set virtual memory 13 drag not to display the contents of the window 14 delete useless files 15 No Guest users 16 prohibition of UAC 17 prohibition of WindowsSearch services 18 set system log 19 set the application log size (2015-10-13, Visual C++, 428KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] textshadeprj

VC++制作渐变的文字,文字的色彩会越来越暗,也会越来越亮,最终形成渐变文字,帧较慢,效果并不是太好。还需要再优化完善,具体思路是先安装一个定时器,通过CDC 类的SetTextColor 函数在OnTimer()函数中改变字符串的颜色,并且注意尽量使颜色变化的梯度减校
VC++ production gradient text, text color will become dark, will be getting brighter, eventually forming a gradient text, frames slower, the effect is not very good. Still need to optimize the sound, the specific idea is to install a timer function by SetTextColor CDC class () function to change the color of the string in OnTimer, and pay attention to possible changes in the color gradient of less school (2014-05-28, Visual C++, 28KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] fanyeflash

When VB realize electronic dictionaries flip animation effects, mouse click on the page automatically flip, very realistic, using VB to achieve this effect is very good. Load the resource file picture, Timer2 effective, page forward, if within the scope of the picture, the next picture is loaded, if out of range, empty picture frames, picture background color is black, back flip and effective. Attention , frx file with lots of pictures resources, so this source archive of nearly 8M, part of the source code is actually very school (2014-05-15, Visual Basic, 7362KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] VC.NETnoform

VC.NET source code to create a rounded window, oval window, create a non-rectangular windows, though not a conventional window type, but also considered " the Rules" window, because in addition to the four corners are rounded, the other place with the standard rectangular window is no different, but unfortunately at the expense of the lower right corner of the window and drop feature, you can not hold down and drag the mouse to achieve, can only change a little bit and then change the height of the edge width, which can widen or shrink the window School (2014-04-21, Visual C++, 27KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] HMCoding

About hamming coding theory, error correction principle, decoding principle given to the supervision of the Hamming code matrix able to write the generator matrix, through supervision matrix or generator matrix to encode, by monitoring matrix correction code and decode knowledge of computing Hamming code error probability as well as export growth Yuhan Ming code. (2013-04-12, Visual C++, 835KB, 下载18次)


[Windows编程] Microsoft-C-programming-pithy

原文书名: 《Writing Clean Code ── Microsoft Techniques for Developing Bug-free C Programs》 Steve maguire 著 Microsoft Press 出版 所据译本: 《编程精粹 ── Microsoft编写优质无错C程序秘诀》 姜静波、佟金荣 译,麦中凡 校 电子工业出版社 出版 整理: Solmyr:序、某些背景、命名约定、引言、第1、2、3、8章、后记、参考文献 iliad: 第4、5章 lavos: 第6章、附录A warz: 第7章 chief: 附录B、C
Original title: " Writing Clean Code ─ ─ Microsoft Techniques for Developing Bug-free C Programs" Steve maguire According to a translation published by Microsoft Press that: " Programming Gems ─ ─ Microsoft write high-quality error-free C program secret," Jiang Jingbo, Tong Kim Young-translation, wheat in the Electronics Industry Publishing House where the school order: Solmyr: sequence, some background, naming conventions, Introduction, Section 1,2,3,8 chapters, postscript, references iliad: Chapters 4 and 5 lavos: Chapter 6 Appendix A warz: Chapter 7 chief: Appendix B, C (2011-06-29, Visual C++, 162KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] 00WindowsXP

Windows变慢原因分析及解决方法 第一部份系统变慢   一、软件篇   1、设定虚拟内存   硬盘中有一个很宠大的数据交换文件,它是系统预留给虚拟内存作暂存的地方,很多应用程序都经常会使用到,所以系统需要经常对主存储器作大量的数据存取,因此存取这个档案的速度便构成影响计算机快慢的非常重要因素!一般Windows预设的是由系统自行管理虚拟内存,它会因应不同程序所需而自动调校交换档的大小,但这样的变大缩小会给系统带来额外的负担,令系统运作变慢!有见及此,用户最好自定虚拟内存的最小值和最大值,避免经常变换大小。要设定虚拟内存,在“我的电脑”上按右键选择“属性”,在“高级”选项里的“效能”的对话框中,对“虚拟内存”进行设置。   2、彻底删除程序 ……………………
how to do when your window have been slowly and slowly,it that something we can do to it? yes,this document will help you to sold this problem. (2010-04-17, DOS, 16KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] ITdisabuse

中国IT 领域的发展速度之快令世界瞩目,但是中国的计算机教育却没有能够跟上。因 此,在各大高校扩招的同时,IT 培训机构同样发展的很快。 然而,学习IT 的学生却仍然面临着其他专业不一样的困惑。因为IT 技术发展很快,而 课程体系并不能很快跟上,因此学生在学校并不了解企业需要什么,自己需要学习什么。
China' s IT field is growing faster than attracted worldwide attention, but its computer education has not been able to keep up. Thus, while enrollment in the major universities, IT training institutions in the same growing fast. However, students studying IT is still not the same as other professionals facing the confusion. Because IT technology has developed rapidly, and the curriculum system and can not keep up very quickly, so students do not understand the business needs in the school what they need to learn anything. (2010-04-10, Visual C++, 847KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] zruijie4gzhu

基于802.1协议的认证软件源代码 本项目为 稳定 使用目前广州大学大学城校区的校园网的锐捷协议而兼容,但并不限于广州大学使用。 同时在此感谢广州大学惠风和畅网络版版主小赖的辛勤工作,还有经常给校园网的设备放假,留时间给童鞋们复习功课的网管们。
802.1 certified software based on protocol source code for this project is to stabilize the University in Guangzhou University City Campus of the campus network Ruijie agreement is compatible, but not limited to the use of Guangzhou University. At the same time would like to thank the Guangzhou University Online Moderator Wai Fung Cheong Lai hard work of small, there are always vacation to the campus network equipment, leaving time for children' s shoes were the administrators who review their homework. (2010-03-30, Visual C++, 62KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] Student_management_VC

随着各大院校的扩招,学生数量不断增加,学生管理成为学校管理中的重中之重。传统的学生管理方法,就学生的个人的自然情况出发,对其进行管理,但是,这种方法不但效率低,而且还要耗费大量的人力,已经不能满足各大院校的学生管理要求。 提高学生管理的管理水平,优化资源,尽可能地降低学校的管理成本,成为学生管理的新课题。学生管理系统是从学生管理的现状出发,根据学生管理的新要求进行开发设计的,它解决了学生管理中数据信息量大,修改不方便,对一系列数据进行统计与分析花费时间长等问题,帮助学生管理人员有效管理学生信息,成为高校管理中必不可少的管理工具。 本系统主要实现了以下功能:  学生信息录入  学生成绩录入  程序等级设置  学生违规处理  学生成绩排行  学生信息查询  学生成绩查询、打印
student management system (2009-09-01, Visual C++, 8022KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] nowshop40

只要会打字就可以快速建立自己的电子商务网站 技术领先:集百家之所长,技术领先、功能完备; 快速建店:只需简单设置,10分钟即可以建立一个功能完备的网上商城; 操作简便:采用人性化的布局,界面规范,操作简捷; 安装方便:只需传到您的虚拟空间即可; HTML编辑器:内置优秀的HTML在线编辑器; 可扩展性:软件构架灵活,考虑未来功能扩充之需要,具有较强的可扩展性; 完善的接口:您可以通过接口实现与其他系统结合,内置网银在线支付接口; 完善的安全机制:前后台用户分开管理,密码不可逆加密,让您高枕无忧; 强大的模板功能:只需要简单填写商品信息,一个豪华的商城就呈现在您面前; 完备的功能模快:购物商城、新闻系统、邮件系统、在线支付、留言反馈、评论系统、会员中心 等等; 商品无限级分类:再也不用为众多不同的商品如何摆放发愁了; 强大的后台管理:为您管理众多的商品、订单、会员提供极大的方便
只要会打字就可以快速建立自己的电子商务网站 技术领先:集百家之所长,技术领先、功能完备; 快速建店:只需简单设置,10分钟即可以建立一个功能完备的网上商城; 操作简便:采用人性化的布局,界面规范,操作简捷; 安装方便:只需传到您的虚拟空间即可; HTML编辑器:内置优秀的HTML在线编辑器; 可扩展性:软件构架灵活,考虑未来功能扩充之需要,具有较强的可扩展性; 完善的接口:您可以通过接口实现与其他系统结合,内置网银在线支付接口; 完善的安全机制:前后台用户分开管理,密码不可逆加密,让您高枕无忧; 强大的模板功能:只需要简单填写商品信息,一个豪华的商城就呈现在您面前; 完备的功能模快:购物商城、新闻系统、邮件系统、在线支付、留言反馈、评论系统、会员中心 等等; 商品无限级分类:再也不用为众多不同的商品如何摆放发愁了; 强大的后台管理:为您管理众多的商品、订单、会员提供极大的方便 (2009-04-16, Visual C++, 4310KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] stopcar

1)对所有入校车辆进行登记,包括车辆信息的修改,删除,添加,停车时间,出车时间的更新等。 2)对所有固定车主的信息进行登记,并且分类,将本校教职工和校外个人分开管理。 3)对非固定车辆进行停车登记,出车管理,以及计费。 4)对系统的管理员进行信息登记,包括系统信息的修改,删除和更新。
1) for all vehicles registered to the school, including changes to vehicle information, delete, add, stop time, trip time updates. 2) for all fixed-owners to register the information, and classification, our staff will be managed separately from and outside individuals. 3) non-stop registration of vehicles, vehicle management, and billing. 4) the administrator of the system to register information, including system information changes, delete and update. (2009-04-07, Visual Basic, 85KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] c++_procedures

Below is the newspaper I was learning the full C source code, based on some of Qinghua University, Mr Lu Fengtai soar code, and some modifications; Still others are taking tests for a school of C code. The package dedicated to the C beginners, I wish a happy learning! (2007-05-06, Visual C++, 1155KB, 下载11次)


[Windows编程] 左雄杰和钱丹课程管理系统

curriculum management system is the management of the Senate one of the major tasks, the system was developed to manage all the courses set up the basic information, arranged for the class to the curriculum and school hours and school classrooms, the management of the course examination results, and to achieve results on the examination of inquiries and statistics. The system includes the use of the office staff, school faculty leadership, the class teacher, and teachers. (2005-12-11, Visual Basic, 480KB, 下载62次)


[Windows编程] 1065702005030921522121117

本系统是学校教材科内部的一个教材订购系统,实现教材的销售和采购。 b.本项目有学校教材科提出,由老师委托我小组开发,开发人员包括: 组长兼系统分析员:AAA、系统设计员:BBB、程序设计员:
this the school system within the Division, a textbook ordering system, achieving sales of materials and procurement. B. The project schools are teaching Branch, entrusted to me by teachers Development Group, developers include : head and systems analysts : AAA, the system designer : BBB, the programming staff : (2005-12-10, Visual Basic, 2180KB, 下载88次)


[Windows编程] 119128687

本系统是学校教材科内部的一个教材订购系统,实现教材的销售和采购。 b.本项目有学校教材科提出,由老师委托我小组开发,开发人员包括: 组长兼系统分析员:AAA、系统设计员:BBB、程序设计员:
this the school system within the Division, a textbook ordering system, achieving sales of materials and procurement. B. The project schools are teaching Branch, entrusted to me by teachers Development Group, developers include : head and systems analysts : AAA, the system designer : BBB, the programming staff : (2005-12-10, Visual Basic, 123KB, 下载63次)


[Windows编程] fenshutongji

该文件是关于运动会分数统计的程序。问题描述: 参加运动会的有n个学校编号为1-----n。比赛分成m个男子项目和w个女子项目,项目编号分别为1---m和m+1---m+w。由于各项目参加人数差别较大,有些项目取前五名,得分顺序为7,5,3,2,1;有些项目取前三名,得分顺序为5,3,2。写一个统计程序产生得分报表。 基本要求: 产生总分报表,内容包括校号、男子团体总分、女子团体总分和团体总分。 测试数据: 对于n=4,m=3,w=2,编号为奇数的项目取前五名,编号为偶数的项目取前三名,设计一组实例数据。 实现提示: 可以假设n<=20,m<=30,w<=20,姓名长度不超过20个字符。每个项目结束时,将其编号、类型名(区分前五名还是前三名)输入,并按名次顺序输入运动员姓名、校名。
Games scores of statistical procedures. Problem description : participation in the Games n School No. 1----- n. Competition is divided into men item m and w-woman projects that were No. 1--- and m m m w 1---. Because of the projects vary greatly in the number of participants, some of the items from the top five scores in chronological order 7,5,3,2,1; Some of the items from the top three scores order of flu. Write a statistical procedures scoring statements. The basic requirements : have scores statements, including schools, the men's team scores, the women's team scores and scores groups. Test data : For n = 4, m = 3, w = 2, the odd-numbered items from the top five, even numbered from the top three projects, design examples of a group of data. Implementation Tip : it can be a (2005-07-03, Visual C++, 48KB, 下载97次)
