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[图形图像处理] Real-estate-dynamic-project

通过以用户为中心的网站增强了房地产营销,该网站具有轻松导航、定时弹出窗口和图像滑块。通过Bcrypt加密、MongoDB和会话管理确保安全的用户注册。利用Node.js Express.js、MongoDB、HTML、CSS、JavaScript ES6和Bootstrap进行响应性设计和管理控制。
Enhanced real estate marketing with a user-centric website featuring easy navigation, timed popups, and image sliders. Ensured secure user registration via Bcrypt encryption, MongoDB, and session management. Utilized Node.js Express.js, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, JavaScript ES6, and Bootstrap for responsive design and admin controls. (2024-03-29, EJS, 0KB, 下载0次)



A College webpage that serves as a centralised hub for students to access a plethora of information related to academics, extracurricular activities, placements, and more. Stay connected with your college community and stay informed about the latest updates and events. (2024-02-18, EJS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] Online_Tech_Society

The Online Tech Society Platform is a dynamic web application designed to streamline community and society management, serving as a centralized hub for communication and information. From here one can take part in hackathons, see society members info, join society ,go through societies gallery page. Admins can make announcements. (2024-01-30, EJS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[元宇宙] metaverse02

A CNS or UNS blockchain domain. Use it to resolve your cryptocurrency addresses and decentralized websites.Unstoppable Domains is The #1 provider of NFT domains you can use to replace your long complex wallet addresses, verify ownership of your NFTs, as a login into web3 apps and more! Join 10’s of thousands of people using them as their (2022-05-12, EJS, 243KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] NewsApp

使用Express、EJS、NodeJS和JavaScript开发的web应用程序。用于提取新闻的API是WordPress API fro...
A web app developed using Express, EJS, Node JS and JavaScript. The API used to Extract the news is WordPress API from a Blogging Site. The Next Step is to use Twitter News API. (2021-07-01, EJS, 25KB, 下载0次)


[Node.js] Project-number-01-estudo-js-node

6月,在Udemy lado客户服务中心的形式上,实现了目标
Desenvolvimento de atividades sendo realizadas junto a curso de forma o na Udemy-lado cliente servidor (2023-04-04, EJS, 3871KB, 下载0次)


[MongoDB] ga-sei-project2

A full-stack community-focused application to find community sports teams in London, created with Node.js, Express and a MongoDB database featuring full CRUD functionality, (2022-08-21, EJS, 11452KB, 下载0次)


[MongoDB] covido-saviour

News and Media Web App reporting all the positive things happening in the world and targeting to help people in a pandemic. (2021-05-30, EJS, 61KB, 下载0次)
