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[其他] Threads-SwiftUI

探索高级SwiftUI技术、MVVM架构、自定义动画、网络、身份验证、实时功能和App Store优化,以创建功能强大、以用户为中心的iOS应用程序。
Explore advanced SwiftUI techniques, MVVM architecture, custom animations, networking, authentication, real-time features, and App Store optimization to craft powerful and user-centric iOS applications. (2024-03-01, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] H4XORNewsiOS

An iOS application for Hacker News enthusiasts that was built using SwiftUI. Fetches the most recent and popular articles from an API, presents them in a List View, and allows users to navigate to the corresponding webpage by selecting an article. (2024-03-01, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] GoToSleep_App

Go to sleep App: my final project during the bootcamp “App Development: iOS Basic course”. The challenge: build a data-centred app using with Swift, SwiftUI. Check out the Figma prototype below! (2024-02-05, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] LLSegmentViewController

可添加header的多控制器列表,主流APP分类切换滚动视图(京东,网易新闻,爱奇艺,QQ弹性小球等,可高度自定义,项目结构清晰);UIScrollView 嵌套,可做个人详情页,商品详情页,页面多tableView滑动悬停
The multi controller list of the header can be added, and the mainstream APP classification switch scrolling view (JD, NetEase News, iQIYI, QQ Elastic Ball, etc., can be highly customized, and the project structure is clear); UIScrollView nesting can be used as personal details page, product details page and multi tableView sliding hovering page (2021-06-28, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] MKMapView-zoom-on-pins-with-inset

Imagine you had a info view, that you drag over a map. How would you still keep the map pins centered in the remaining visible area , (2019-10-06, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] Shopping-App-iOS-MVC-CoreData

使用Swift 5、MVC架构、核心数据、通知中心、UIKit、XCTest和Xcode Storybo进行iOS开发的个人项目...,
Personal project in iOS development using Swift 5, MVC architecture, Core Data, Notification Center, UIKit, XCTest, and the Xcode Storyboard. This native iOS e-commerce application deals with updating a shopping cart. (2023-03-15, Swift, 0KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] STTabbar

A subclass on UITabbar that provides allows you to customize the shape of UITabbar with a raised center button and curved tabbar layer., (2020-06-19, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] TORQ-Swift

TORQ is an iOS application that utilizes collision detection sensors to identify severe road incidents and report them to paramedics and health care centers. (2022-01-11, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] NEChatroom

网易云信推出语聊房场景方案,支持语聊 + K 歌、语聊 + 一起听、游戏开黑、多人相亲等多种娱乐社交玩法。提供现成的 Demo App 、可定制的 UI 界面、开源的 Demo 源码,开箱即用,帮助您快速接入、轻松上线语聊房相关业务。
Netease Yunxin launched the scenario scheme of chat room, which supports a variety of entertainment and social play methods such as chat+karaoke, chat+listening together, game blackout, and multi person blind date. It provides ready-made Demo App, customizable UI interface, and open source Demo source code for out of the box use to help you quickly access and easily launch chat room related businesses. (2023-06-19, Swift, 61408KB, 下载0次)


[图标/字体] BadgeHub

A way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view. Make any view of a full-fledged animated notification center. (2022-06-17, Swift, 57KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟/增强现实-VR/AR] mobile-augmented-reality

Companion repository to the FioriAR tutorial in the SAP Developer Center. It contains the complete project that gets built through the tutorial. Written in SwiftUI, the repo s purpose is to be a complete project sample for the tutorial users. (2022-02-07, Swift, 666KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] qrcoderly-macos

Desktop app for macOS to turn QRCode image into text but with URL focused to automatically open browser tab (MVP ready) (2018-04-27, Swift, 235KB, 下载0次)
