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[其他小程序] xgoktnou

This system is used for all Web applications, such as website management backstage, website member center, CMS, CRM, OA. (2018-10-16, Scala, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] myprogram

Monte Carlo method based authentication center limit theorem program, this program uses a random number generator 16807, with pdf description of the program uses. (2014-11-06, C/C++, 331KB, 下载7次)


[其他小程序] cpath

This is aimed at "ZTE holds 2013" program design competition "for network path between two points in the" task programming (2013-08-25, C/C++, 148KB, 下载6次)


[其他小程序] Seg-Rect

And the width of a line is known, find the line segment as a center axis and the side of the side length, with wide side to the other side of the rectangular form. vb source (2013-07-16, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] lw_oopc-v1.2

一种轻量级的面向对象的C语言编程框架:LW_OOPC。LW_OOPC是Light-Weight Object-Oriented Programming in(with) C的缩写,总共一个.h文件,20个宏,约130行代码,非常的轻量级,但却很好的支持了很多面向对象的特性,比如继承、多态,可以优美的实现面向接口编程。这个框架系由台湾的高焕堂先生以及他的MISOO团队首创,之后由金永华继续改进优化,最后,经高焕堂同意以LGPL协议开源(开源网址参见后文)。 用C语言实现OO?我没听错吗?这听起来真是太疯狂了!… 大家都知道,C++支持了面向对象和面向泛型编程,比C要更强大些。那么,为什么要在C语言中实践面向对象呢?为什么不直接使用C++呢? 希望这套宏,能够真正帮助到想用C语言写出面向对象代码的C程序员们! 源码包括几个使用这套宏的代码示例,可以认真钻研下。
A lightweight, object-oriented C language programming framework: LW_OOPC. LW_OOPC is an acronym for Light-Weight Object-Oriented Programming in (with) C, total. H file, 20 macro, about 130 lines of code, very lightweight, but very good support for object-oriented features, such as inheritance, polymorphism, and interface-oriented programming can be beautiful. This framework is the first team by of Taiwan Mr. Gao Huantang his MISOO continue to improve optimization, followed by Jin Yonghua, see below) agreed to LGPL the agreement open source (open source URL, GAO Huan-tang. Using C language implementation of Estimates of? I did not hear it? It sounds really crazy! ... As we all know, C support object-oriented and oriented generic programming than C to be more powerful. So, why do you want to practice in C language object-oriented? Why not just use C? I hope this set of macros, can really help to write object-oriented code C programmers who want to use the C language! Source includ (2012-11-21, C/C++, 239KB, 下载57次)


[其他小程序] VB

Outbound template used in the type of sales or call center to use excel as a sales data storage call (2012-06-11, Visual Basic, 2KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] juzhenpailie

A 5X5 matrix in the center of the largest element on the four corners were placed four minimal elements (the order from left to right, top to bottom in the order from small to large storage), write a function to achieve it. With the main function call. (2011-07-05, C/C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] yingyuxiaodangjia

自己做的小软件 希望大家喜欢 里面含有我搜集整理的词库 英语小当家 方便你我他 1 网上已有的单词随意背等软件,不能任意添加自己喜欢或制作的词库,使我们用来学习很不方便.此款小软件占用内存很小,任意文本文件都可以作为词库(单词或精美短句) ,选好词库以后可以设置不同的学习进度并可以存档 .另外可以根据自己喜好设置窗体透明度与颜色与字体样式与颜色、浏览速度(可以调节上一课单词、下一课单词、上一单词、下一单词、暂停等功能)。可以设置鼠标穿透,不影响你继续做其他事情2 看电影时可以遮挡中文字幕,只看英文,在娱乐中学习哈.如果设置好词库与与课程后遇到没意思的情节可以顺便偷学几个英文单词或精美短句.3详细使用说明请看说明文档
The software make of myself for all of us to learn English (2010-10-06, Visual C++, 2156KB, 下载96次)


[其他小程序] desktopClock

The preparation of a VC round the clock and transparent, except opaque pointer and dial, the rest are transparent, hold down the center of the clock can be manually move the clock, double-click to close. (2010-01-13, Visual C++, 18KB, 下载46次)


[其他小程序] c

杂谈 分类:工作备忘 我们常用Excel统计一些数据,如果善用VBA,就能自动做出各种复杂的报表,懒人就是追求一劳永逸!不过,也不是真懒啦,只是用智慧(脑力劳动)将自身从体力劳动中解放出来而已,人类也是这样进步的
Category talk: a reminder of our work a number of commonly used Excel Statistics data, if the use of VBA, will be able to automatically make a variety of complex statements, is the pursuit of laziness once and for all! However, you are not really lazy, but with wisdom (mental) to their own liberation from the physical but also the progress of humanity (2009-05-11, C/C++, 6KB, 下载3次)


[其他小程序] modify_1

This process, some small modifications, mainly in the nuclear matrix of that part of the center, we can discuss Kazakhstan ~ Thank you, oh (2009-04-23, matlab, 1KB, 下载8次)


[其他小程序] 24point

24点原是民间娱乐,后来发现和数学有关,被称为数学娱乐,数学节还有24点,奥数上也有24点 。6 7 8 8 (6里*8里/(8里-7里)=24公里 )7 7 8 9 (8立方根等于2,9根号等于3,7+3+7*2 =24)。有2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、J、Q、K、A共13张牌,运用数据结构编一程序,判断对任意给定的4张牌,能否在进行加、减、乘、除运算后,其运算结果等于24。其中J按11计算,Q按12计算,K按13计算,A按1计算。如果能得到结果24,则输出可得到该结果的计算表达式。若输入数据符合要求,且经过加、减、乘、除运算后,运行结果能得到24,如输入3,4,8,2,则显示可得到该结果的计算表达式,如(8-4)*3*2=24。若输入数据小于1或者大于13或者不是整数时,提示输入错误。若输入不能运算出24的数据,如1,1,1,1,则显示经过加、减、乘、除运算后,运行结果不能得到24。
err (2008-12-30, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载38次)


[其他小程序] colorSignature

OpenCV extract images using pixel value segmentation by clustering to identify the center of each cluster, clustering is a dynamic number of decisions can be re-set the upper limit of the number of the largest. (2008-12-24, C/C++, 2KB, 下载110次)


[其他小程序] jj

To 150 four-dimensional micro-data are divided into three categories according to cluster and identify the center of each cluster (2008-12-03, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载11次)


[其他小程序] ExerciseC2

A 5* 5 matrix elements of the largest on the center, four corners, respectively, put the four smallest element (sequence from left to right, from top to bottom the order from small to large storage) (2008-07-18, C/C++, 3KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] abc(new)

Hearing a bird call center customer satisfaction survey customized statements, IVR service statements, can be exported Excel. (2008-07-09, Java, 35KB, 下载28次)


[其他小程序] yuhuoyuan

航空公司的货运飞机往返于各个国家和货物分理中心之间,分理中心的货物运送到各个国家,再将各个国家发出的货物送到分理中心。 分理中心非常庞大,每个国家都有一个自己的货运站,每个货运站有两个平台用于堆放货物。其中 A 平台用于堆放运送到该国的货物,而 B 平台堆放着其它国家的货物。各个国家的货运站排成一个环形。 平时,有货运汽车沿着环形的线路在各个国家的货运站之间运行。货运汽车的仓库是非常狭窄的,先放进去的货物只能等后放进去的货物移走之后才能搬出来。 当货运汽车到达一个站点 X 时,它首先卸货。卸货的过程是:首先查看最外面的箱子是否标记着 X 标签,如果是,代表这是运送到 X 国的货物,则放到 A 平台上,如果不是,则把该货箱放到B平台货物队列的末尾,然后处理下一箱货。当 B 平台放满或者是车被搬空,则开始装货。装货的过程是:从 B 平台货物队列的开始处装车,把车装满或把 B 平台搬空则装货结束。车子开往下一个货运站。 分理中心已经堆积了大量的货物,程序计算一下要完成搬运需要多长的时间
err (2008-04-14, C/C++, 1KB, 下载14次)


[其他小程序] trans

Beza curve source, as well as the operation of the curve on the center of rotation, translation, and so on. (2008-03-10, Visual C++, 3448KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] CB_Tree

I spent the early c++ Realize the b-tree data structure example, in debugging vc2005 passed, under reference to the U.S.! (2007-08-28, Visual C++, 565KB, 下载16次)


[其他小程序] Cal_vc6.0

This is, the preparation of the calculator software, knowledge is Xin Sun 10 teachers before classes as a small sum up : including control, attribute form, the basic operation of the registry, configuration files to read and write. . the newcomers believe there is still some way to help! (2006-11-25, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载41次)
