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按分类查找All Flutter开发(96) 

[Flutter开发] flutter_bloc_news_app

A beautiful and user-friendly news app built with flutter that demonstrates the use of flutter_bloc to achieve separation of concerns. It helps you to keep your code properly managed and separates the UI, business logic and network logic in three different sections. (2024-02-12, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] AutoCareHub

The AutoCareHub app is a client-focused, interactive mobile app designed to transform user interactions with mechanical services. The project s purpose is to make car care easier by offering a centralized platform for organizing car maintenance packages, ordering replacement parts, and connecting with professionals. (2024-01-31, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] whatsnews

“Whats News”是一款创新且引人入胜的移动应用程序,将流行的刷卡功能与最新的新闻文章相结合。
"What s News " is an innovative and engaging mobile app that combines popular swiping card features with the latest news articles. (2024-01-09, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] Islami_App

Discover Islamic Hub, your all-in-one Flutter app. Access the complete Quran, 50 Hadith, Tasbeeh counter, and listen to Islamic radio. Switch between light and dark mode, and explore in Arabic or English. Your spiritual journey, simplified. (2023-12-26, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] certificates_flutter_series_23

谷歌开发人员学生中心组织的Flutter Series 2023参与者证书的官方存储库...
Official repository for certificates awarded to the participants of the Flutter Series 2023 organized by the Google Developer Students Club, Makerere University (GDSC MUK). (2023-11-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] skyfeed

Decentralized SkyDB-based alternative to Twitter, YouTube and Instagram with a native iOS, Android and web app., (2023-06-29, Dart, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] Ask-Me-Anything-app

Ask Me Anything应用程序将通过使AMA球在新闻发布会上做出响应来为您提供问题的答案...
The Ask Me Anything app will give you the answers to the question by making the AMA ball respond at the press of the AMA ball s button. This simple app is created using flutter and dart (2021-01-17, Objective-C, 2284KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] BalliaKhabar

Cubit(Bloc) pattern based short news application with infinite scrolling using API with FCM notification. Available on Play store. (Flutter/Andriod) (2022-02-27, Makefile, 746679KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] FlutterNews

使用Inshorts API的新闻应用程序。该项目具有带Provider的MVVM结构,还具有带java的插件以...
A News application using Inshorts API. This project has MVVM structure with Provider and also has plugin with java to use native features of device. (2023-05-14, Makefile, 16083KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] xplan_native_flutter

业余app,包含图片浏览、视频播放、新闻等功能。xplan Android native版本和flutter版本混合,默认为原生界面,点击设置--》flutter版本-->进入flutter版本。 纯flutter版本git地址:[ht...](https: github.com JustRight815 xplan_flutter_module)
业余app,包含图片浏览、视频播放、新闻等功能。xplan Android native版本和flutter版本混合,默认为原生界面,点击设置--》flutter版本-->进入flutter版本。 纯flutter版本git地址:[ht...](https: github.com JustRight815 xplan_flutter_module) (2019-12-12, Java, 4715KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] flutter_shop

A Flutter e-commerce practice project, including home page, list page, detail page, shopping cart page and member center, is equipped with a full set of text and video tutorials. (2020-10-23, Dart, 100KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] FlutterDouBan

Flutter豆瓣客户端,Awesome Flutter Project,全网最100%还原豆瓣客户端。首页、书影音、小组、市集及个人中心,一个不拉。( <https: img.xuvip.top douyademo.mp4>)
Flutter豆瓣客户端,Awesome Flutter Project,全网最100%还原豆瓣客户端。首页、书影音、小组、市集及个人中心,一个不拉。( <https: img.xuvip.top douyademo.mp4>) (2023-05-22, Dart, 3621KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] LetterShelf

使用谷歌Gmail API和Flutter for Android、iOS和Web的简单新闻稿应用程序
A Simple Newsletter Application using Google s Gmail API and Flutter for Android, iOS and Web (2022-08-19, Dart, 3781KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] r-News-Application-with-Admin-Panel-using-Flutter

This is a complete news application with an admin panel which is developed on Flutter framework developed by Google. It works on both android & iOS. It has all the common and special features that a typical news application has. A lots of animations has been used to make this app user friendly. It could be able to satisfy users with impressive (2021-06-17, Dart, 11041KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] News-Flutter-App

A News app that provides users with the outmost user experiance built with Google s flutter. this application uses http to fetch the latest news from Newsorg Api base on the user s location, however the user has an option to change the location in which the app provides news from. (2022-06-30, Dart, 140KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] news_toolkit

一个由Google和Very Good Ventures在Flutter中构建的新闻模板应用程序。有关详细信息,请访问:[https:flutter.github...](https:flutter.github.io news_toolkit)
A news template application built in Flutter, by Google and Very Good Ventures. Learn more at: <https://flutter.github.io/news_toolkit> (2023-06-05, Dart, 5506KB, 下载0次)
