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按分类查找All 数据库系统(431) 

[数据库系统] auth-server

授权服务,使用 mysql 存储授权信息,并集合【网关】【注册中心】【服务监控】等服务的简单 demo
Authorization service, use MySQL to store authorization information, and collect simple demos of [Gateway], [Registry], [Service Monitoring] and other services (2017-12-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] NovelRead

The lightweight app for leisure and entertainment has newly added local persistent storage, has the function of searching novels on the whole network, is expected to realize the function of watching comics, and will also play movies in the future (2018-07-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Trisolaris-frontend

An open source interface for Trisolaris -- a community-driven decentralized exchange for Aurora and Ethereum assets with fast settlement, low transaction fees, and a democratic distribution -- powered by Aurora. (2022-11-24, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] delta

DDD-centric event-sourcing library for the JVM, (2023-04-30, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Spring-REST-API

以WIP后端为中心的Spring Boot RESTful API实现,展示了重要的后端概念、软件开发最佳实践等...,
WIP back-end focused Spring Boot RESTful API implementation showcasing essential backend concepts, software development best practices, advanced architectural approaches, database, and front-end integration. (2023-08-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] assassin

Assassin is a decentralized database that uses background threads to kill slow JavaScript. (2020-09-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Online-Blockchain-Chatting-Application

Online chatting application through a logical decentralized blockchain network that stores chat information and hashing keys implemented using AJAX, JQuery, PHP, SQL, CSS, and HTML. The blockchain stores a previous hash value, current hash value, time, chat data, and a special key(nonce) used for encryption in each block (node). (2022-01-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] postgresSQL_slacker_news

A mock of Hacker News with functioning forms for submitting articles and a dynamically generated index page. This version uses a PostgresSQL databse. (2014-06-05, Ruby, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] TextClusteringForNewsSummary

Aggregate new contents from websites, twitter, RSS and others to cluster similar news items and display them using a web front (2019-08-02, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] flask-blog-post

用Python(Flask)和SQL Alchemy DB编写的完全响应的web应用程序。模板可以用作博客文章或新闻...
Fully responsive web-app written in Python (Flask) with SQL Alchemy DB. Template can be used as a blog-post or a news post. Has many features for logged in users, such as post, show particular users post, reset password , upload images, change account info and delete or edit posts. Template can be customized with bootstrap and CSS. Functionality... (2023-02-16, HTML, 74KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Movies-Blog-News

Called "Peliiiiiiiculas" is a Basic HTML Website of a Blogs of News about Movies, with PHP Connection to SQL Database (2017-05-25, HTML, 5435KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] healthcare-management-system

Healthcare Management System是一个数据库,旨在获取与医疗保健中心相关联的多个实体...
Healthcare Management System is a database designed to get multiple entities associated with a healthcare center under a centralized database for efficient use of data (2021-06-21, TSQL, 1020KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] HealthCare-Management-System

A DBMS application which can be used by hospitals, clinics and healthcare centres to manage records for patients, doctors, prescriptions, medical tests and various departments. (2021-02-14, Python, 46KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] php-yqfk

The PHP epidemic prevention and control system is a hospital disease prevention and control system. The front-end functions include user login registration, epidemic reporting, personal center editing, etc. The back-end functions include news announcement management, user management, epidemic reporting management, etc. The system page is well-designed, rich in content, and fully functional, making it suitable for studying course and final design. Please click on the warehouse name to view the website before and after (2022-03-18, PHP, 574KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 100DaysOfCode

Repository focus to update all my journey through 100DaysOfCode challenge. Here you re gonna find a lot of C++, Rust and Database content. (2023-02-20, C++, 2KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] database

A distributed, decentralized, trustless, peer to peer database that exists in the browser on top of The Browser Network. (2022-12-13, TypeScript, 196KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] pq_parser

Script to parse text file downloads from ProQuest s Global Newsstream database into CSV of metadata and full text. (2020-06-16, Jupyter Notebook, 228KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] soilcarbon

Soil carbon database generated by USGS Powell Center working group and Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (2019-07-01, HTML, 7533KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Datasets-for-Recommender-Systems

This is a repository of a topic-centric public data sources in high quality for Recommender Systems (RS) (2020-10-01, Jupyter Notebook, 49418KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] v6630_liehuo

烈火之家整站程序 本程序集商业娱乐一体,本来是给自己用的但是我的国外空间支持不够好,就送给大家了. 1. 栏目包括 最新信息,下载,影音娱乐,作品展示,定制业务,支持服务,留言,关于本站. 2.管理员密码采用md5加密. 3.后台功能强大所有栏目采用后台统一管理. 4.支持ubb代码及无组件上传 5.为减轻数据库负担,影视娱乐和其他栏目分开采用2个数据库在data目录下 后台用户名 admin 密码 admin 内容应该是比较全了,有什么问题大家提出来共同学习呀 演示地址 http://www.amap.com.cn/home/ http://liehuo.com.ru/ 我的站点 http://liehuo.uni.cc 我的qq 55782000 专用q群:3370873 Email: liehuogo@126.com
Agni home stations throughout the procedure set one commercial entertainment, was originally used to own but I support the space abroad is not good enough, it gave people. 1. Columns include the latest information, downloads, video entertainment, works display, customized business support services, voice mail, Kuan in the site. 2. administrators use md5 password encryption. 3. background powerful all columns used background unified management. 4. support UBB code and upload five-components. To alleviate the burden databases, video entertainment and other programs using two separate databases under the data directory background username admin password admin content should be relatively whole, what is the question you propose to jointly study ah demonstration addresses http://www.amap.com.cn (2004-12-16, ASP, 583KB, 下载8次)
