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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(91) 

[教育系统应用] sdsdsdsdsd

Very good school online test analysis system, used in graduate design, the practical application of all good (2008-04-29, ASP, 2509KB, 下载31次)


[教育系统应用] 25175jxt

家校互动管理平台 家校互动平台,以互联网和移动通信为依托。促进家校互动,加快学校管理网络化进程。
Home-school home-school interaction management platform, an interactive platform to rely on the Internet and mobile communications. To promote home-school interaction, to speed up the process of school management network. (2010-03-01, ASP, 551KB, 下载30次)


[教育系统应用] yuanma

HTML网页·Asp.Net+SQL Server 2000的学生信息 ·C语言作的图书管理系统 该程序能实 ·本人的毕业设计,获得校2005年优秀 ·学籍管理系统 系统是在VC++6.0和SQ ·通过实现经典的读者写者问题,巩固 ·学生成绩管理系统的文档 ·这是一个学生用VFP 6.0 完成的毕业 ·图书管理系统软件设计说明 一.可 ·图书馆管理系统c++完成版 ·关于H264的几篇硕士毕业论文,选取 联系站长 · 软件工厂 · 版权投诉 · 网站修改建议
Html websibe ddeeeff frff ffss ffh asfdf dd grhr hryy ukkkk. (2009-05-02, HTML, 6KB, 下载28次)


[教育系统应用] software

School information student information management applications. The completion of the "school student management system" software pre-market investigation, a number of different schools at the same time users of the software conducted a comprehensive study and analysis of depth on the basis of the school management system for students to put forward a project team needs this software specification. Powered by Google (2009-06-19, Delphi, 6747KB, 下载24次)


[教育系统应用] yiyuanbiyeisheji

hospital charges a management school dissertation! Delphi spl2000 very good welcome to download (2007-04-17, Delphi, 660KB, 下载23次)


[教育系统应用] DB

校医院门诊收费管理系统的数据库设计报告。 其中包括可行性分析,数据字典,逻辑结构设计和概念结构设计等。
School management system for hospital outpatient charges for database design report. Including feasibility analysis, data dictionary, logical structure and conceptual design of the structure design. (2010-06-28, WORD, 23KB, 下载18次)


[教育系统应用] caizi_score_v6.0.2

才子成绩管理系统。 适用对象广泛:中小学校、民办学校、培训学校、美术学校、各类教育培训机构! 五大功能模块:1、学籍管理 2、成绩管理 3、作业管理(美术培训学校专用) 4、学生素质评价管理 5、家校沟通(互动)管理
Wets performance management system. For a wide range of objects: primary and secondary schools, private schools, training schools, art schools, all kinds of education and training institutions! Five functional modules: 1, enrollment management, performance management 3, job management (fine arts training school dedicated) Evaluation of Students Quality Management 5, home-school communication (interactive) management (2013-01-05, PHP, 7643KB, 下载18次)


[教育系统应用] FenBan

YanJi Sunny FenClass (2012-06-04, Visual Basic, 26825KB, 下载18次)


[教育系统应用] wyExam_v1.0

校无忧在线考试系统采用互联网技术,快速搭建在线考试系统平台,全面实现了考试工作的网络化、无纸化、自动化。系统操作简单,题型丰富,广泛用于企事业单位,学校教育培训机构等在线考试,网络考试,在线考核…… 系统主要功能: 1、设置基本考试系统信息(开通/关闭考试等) 2、自动化提交试卷,智能判断学生是否重复提交 3、支持题型:选择题,判断题,填空题,问答题 4、试题库导入、导出功能 5、支持客观题自动阅卷,统计总分,并统计排名 6、生成成绩分析报表和打印功能 …… 系统使用 1) 在浏览器的地址栏中输入管理登录的页面地址:admin/login.asp。 2) 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin
Worry-free online examination system using school Internet technology, rapid build online exam system platform, the full realization of the examination of Networking, paperless, automated. System is simple, Questions rich, widely used in enterprises, schools, education and training institutions, online test, network test, online assessment ... ... (2011-05-11, ASP, 245KB, 下载17次)


[教育系统应用] website

学生成绩管理系统。(1)适用对象广泛:中小学校、民办学校、培训学校、美术学校、各类教育培训机构! (2)五大功能模块:1、学籍管理 2、成绩管理 3、作业管理(美术培训学校专用) 4、学生素质评价管理 5、家校沟通(互动)管理 (3)B/S模式(什么是B/S模式),只要在能上网的地方,打开IE浏览器就能访问和使用,教师可以在家里上网改作业、录成绩,学生、家长以在家里查询学生的成绩、在校表现、教师的评语并与教师交流……本程序同时也能在单机、局域网中使用
Student achievement management system. (1) Suitable for wide: primary and secondary schools, private schools, training schools, art schools, all kinds of education and training institutions! (2) five functional modules: 1, 2 school management, performance management 3, operations management (art training school dedicated) 4, 5 student quality evaluation management, home-school communication (interaction) Management (3) B/S mode (what is the B/S mode), as long as the Internet where, open the IE browser will be able to access and use the Internet at home teacher can change jobs, recording grades, students and parents to check students' performance at home, in school, teachers reviews and communicate with teachers ...... This program is also able to stand-alone, LAN use (2013-07-09, PHP, 6957KB, 下载17次)


[教育系统应用] ECNU-3D

Produced by using Google' s Sketchup, East China Normal University, Minhang Campus Library of 3D models. (2009-09-19, Windows_Unix, 5375KB, 下载15次)


[教育系统应用] highschoolmanager

本系统面向学校管理员,即直接使用者。 本系统主要用于学校管理员管理学校教职工的基本信息,包括增加、修改、删除在校教职工的基本信息,设有浏览全体职工基本资料的功能,同时可以通过不同类查询具体职工的详细资料。还可以计算部分职工的工资。
the system for school administrators, that is, direct users. The system is mainly used for school administrators to manage staff of the basic information, including add, modify, delete the school staff in the basic information, all workers have the basic browser function information, while inquiries through various specific categories of workers detailed information. Also can calculate the wages of some workers. (2006-06-16, Visual C++, 693KB, 下载14次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Exam

Worry school online examination system. Function well. Interface is very good and clear. (2014-10-28, ASP, 1341KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] jspxiaoyuansusheguanli

1) 学生信息管理功能:主要是添加学号,姓名,性别,年龄,政治面貌,班级,登录帐号以及登录密码等属性,也可以删除不存在的学生。 2) 宿舍信息管理功能:主要是添加房间号,学生人数,学生班级和楼号等属性,也可以删除无用的宿舍信息。 3) 公告信息管理功能:设置学校的静校时间和熄灯时间。 4) 卫生检查信息功能:主要是录入卫生检查信息,查询卫生检查信息以及根据得分排名。 5) 保修审批功能:学生使用系统申报需要修的设备,管理员使用保修审批功能进行操作。 学生模块实现的功能有: 1) 保修模块:学生可以添加保修信息,并且查看我的保修。 2) 卫生排名信息:可以查看各宿舍卫生排名的信息。
Main is to add 1) student information management functions: student id, name, gender, age, political affiliation, class, the login account and password properties, students can also delete does not exist. 2) the dormitory information management functions: mainly to add room number, the number of students, students in the class and number of building property, also can delete the useless dormitory information. 3) announcement information management function: set the school non-static time and time to go to bed. 4) health check information function: mainly health check information of the input, query sanitary inspection information, and according to the score ranking. 5) warranty approval functions: students use declaration system need to repair equipment, administrators use guarantee function of examination and approval. Student module implements functions are: 1) maintenance module: students can add the warranty information, and check my warranty. 2) health ranking information: (2014-10-17, Java, 4726KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] yuandaima

学生课堂考勤系统,简单的用户信息:包括的数据项有:用户名、密码、用户描述。 ● 学生基本信息:包括的数据项有:学生学号、学生姓名、性别、出生日期、班号、联系电话、入校日期、家庭地址、备注等。 ● 班级信息:包括的数据项有:班号、所在年级、班主任姓名、所在教室等。 ● 课程基本信息:包括的数据项有:课程号、课程名称、课程类别、课程描述等。
Student classroom attendance system (2013-07-02, Java, 119KB, 下载11次)


[教育系统应用] eduwind1.6.3

EduWind assist organizations and individuals to quickly build a strong network teaching platform to interact with in-campus management, curriculum publishing, courses, curriculum transaction, exam, social interaction and other functions. Use Eduwind, quickly have their own classes online platform. (2014-10-31, PHP, 13245KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] JXT

家校通 实现 老师学生 家长 之间的联系更加方便他们的关系融洽
Home-school teacher to achieve contact between parents easier rapport their (2015-10-26, Java, 1453KB, 下载9次)


[教育系统应用] u

定义一个大学生类Graduate,私有数据成员:姓名,学号,校名,并为它定义带参数的构造函数、拷贝构造函数、析构函数和输出数据成员值的print( )公有成员函数,另定义研究生类Postgraduate,它以公有继承方式派生于类Graduate,新增加“研究方向、导师名”两个私有数据成员,并定义带参数的构造函数,拷贝构造函数、析构函数和输出研究生数据的print( )公有成员函数,另外,要求学号自动增加,且Graduate和Postgraduate的学号起始值不同。在主函数中定义派生类对象进行测试。
Definition of a college class Graduate, private data members: name, student number, school name, and define parameters for its constructor, copy constructor, destructor and member of the value of the output data print () public member function, the other definitions Graduate Class of Postgraduate, it to public inheritance derived class Graduate, additional " research, teachers were" two private data members, and define the parameters of the constructor, copy constructor, destructor and output data of the print graduate () public member function In addition, student number required automatic increases, and the Graduate and Postgraduate initial value of learning different number. Defined in the main function to test the derived class object. (2010-06-14, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载9次)


[教育系统应用] Xiao5u_Exam_2.0

Worry-free online examination system, students can log online exam, the system automatically score, efficient, easy to use (2013-06-02, C#, 847KB, 下载8次)


[教育系统应用] xuexiaojiaocaidinggouxitong

School materials ordering system online ordering system teaching materials teaching materials ordering system (2011-01-05, Visual Basic, 125KB, 下载8次)
