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[其他] EveryDayCoding

The school enrollment is over, and I decided to open up the front hand written algorithm problems that I sorted out before to the students who need help! I hope it can help the front-end er! It would be better if we could have a star (2022-12-22, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] cyber_sec_info

Repositório of ific da Cyber Security Information,uma aplica o web desenvolvida por estudantes do IFSP-Pirituba校区,cujo objetivo...
Repositório oficial da Cyber Security Information, uma aplica??o web desenvolvida por estudantes do IFSP - Campus Pirituba, cujo objetivo é o fornecimento de conteúdos e ferramentas sobre a ciberseguran?a. (2023-01-01, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] LazyAutoForm

This is a system designed for a healthy person who is currently servicing in the army (Taiwan Army Logistic School) to report their body temperature rapidly without filling out those annoying Google forms. (2023-01-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] network-geography

与[@lifewining](https:github.com lifewining)合作在该校教授诗歌计算课程,
A class taught at the school for poetic computation in collaboration with [@lifewinning](https: github.com lifewinning), (2017-11-27, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Python编程] osrsbox-api

一个开放、免费、完整和最新的RESTful API,用于旧学校RuneScape(OSRS)项目、怪物和祈祷数据
An open, free, complete and up-to-date RESTful API for Old School RuneScape (OSRS) items, monsters and prayer data (2021-08-05, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Sandbox

Sandbox BITS Pilani,果阿校区的动态网站。使用php使用SMTP服务从网站向用户发送请求
Dynamic website for Sandbox BITS-Pilani, Goa Campus. Used php to send requests from website to user using SMTP services (2020-05-14, HTML, 112222KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SimulationOfVirus

Simulate and visualize the spread of infectious diseases on the Smith campus (2015-05-26, HTML, 17KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] cda

麻省大学阿默斯特校区分类数据分析(BIOSTATS 743)课程内容和网站,2017年秋季。
Course content and website for Categorical Data Analysis (BIOSTATS 743) at UMass-Amherst, Fall 2017. (2023-02-15, HTML, 12958KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] biol609.github

Course website and materials for Biology 609, Advanced Data Analysis for Biology, at UMass Boston (2019-05-07, HTML, 236511KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] biol607.github

Course webpage and materials for biol607, Intro to Computational Data Analysis for Biology, at UMass Boston (2022-12-18, HTML, 475531KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] -IT-

本项目是给黑龙江大学做的校园内部网站,用于中国和俄罗斯的学生、老师的文化交流,共同发展的内容,主要模块有: 首页、中心概况、新闻中心、政策法规、 战略合作、信息资源、专家数 据库、校企合作、在线交流等,和相应子页面、主要应用ps技术进...
This project is an internal campus website for Heilongjiang University, which is used for cultural exchanges and common development between students and teachers in China and Russia. The main modules are: home page, center overview, news center, policies and regulations, strategic cooperation, information resources, expert database, school enterprise cooperation, online communication, and the corresponding sub pages, which mainly apply PS technology to advance (2016-08-08, HTML, 3536KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] 51job_spiders

51job Crawler (2022-04-24, HTML, 6733KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] qcwy

51job Internet of Things position crawls and analyzes, uses pyecharts to draw graphs, and pyqt5 to display and analyze. (2019-12-30, HTML, 11981KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] DSiS_KCXG

Personal data, the first semester (the first semester of the senior year) of Xuancheng Campus of Hefei University of Technology from 2020 to 2021, and information related to the courses of the Internet of Things engineering specialty, including courseware, experimental reports, course design reports, etc. (2021-01-19, HTML, 924886KB, 下载0次)


[物联网] DSiS_KCXG

Personal data, the first semester (the first semester of the senior year) of Xuancheng Campus of Hefei University of Technology from 2020 to 2021, and information related to the courses of the Internet of Things engineering specialty, including courseware, experimental reports, course design reports, etc. (2022-11-11, HTML, 924793KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] UMDBigDataClub.github

UMass Dartmouth Big Data Club Website (2023-05-27, HTML, 18118KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] sire

Sistema de Reserva de Salas e Equipamentos(SiRe)do Instituto de Ciéncias Exatas e Aplicadas(ICEA)Jo o Monl校区...
Sistema de Reserva de Salas e Equipamentos (SiRe) do Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Aplicadas (ICEA) Campus Jo?o Monlevade da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP) (2022-10-25, HTML, 1432KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] 777-Interview-Notes

2021 Internet School Recruitment Preparation (2022-02-09, HTML, 63749KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] ject-of-Natural-Language-Processing-DATA130030

This is a report including all projects in my 2019 Fall Natural Language Processing course (DATA130030.01) in School of Data Science of Fudan University . (2020-03-16, HTML, 20967KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Tmims

《教师档案信息管理系统》适用于各大院校,对教师档案信息进行管理,主要包括如下功能模块:教师基本信息、变动情况、个人简历、家庭情况、职称、证件情况、考勤、奖惩、任教、社会工作、培训学习、论文著作、课题、师徒带教、竞赛、年度考核、业务考核也可随时查看教师的综合信息情况。该软件界面设计简洁、美观其人性化的管理可以使用户用轻易上手,提升服务质量,提高工作效率。科学的管理方法会给您带来无限的效益,该管理软件将是各大高校明智的选择。 ,
The "Teacher File Information Management System" is applicable to major universities and manages teacher file information. It mainly includes the following functional modules: teacher basic information, changes, personal resume, family status, professional title, certificate status, attendance, rewards and punishments, teaching, social work, training and learning, papers and works, topics, mentorship, competitions, annual assessments, and business assessments. The comprehensive information of teachers can also be viewed at any time. The software interface design is simple, beautiful, and user-friendly management can make it easy for users to get started, improve service quality, and improve work efficiency. Scientific management methods will bring you unlimited benefits, and this management software will be a wise choice for major universities. (2022-07-19, HTML, 4335KB, 下载0次)
