SisMEF-西班牙国家监测系统(Sistema de Monitoramento de Espa os Físicos)。IFSC Itajaí校区延伸项目。执行中心10 2023 e 05 2024。
SisMEF - Sistema de Monitoramento de Espa os Físicos. Projeto de extens o do IFSC Campus Itajaí. Executado entre 10 2023 e 05 2024. (2024-09-10, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
This was one of my projects for school. I had to make a web application using PHP and HTML for a hypothetical situation where a farm needed to keep track of the reports for their beehives in a database. (2024-07-08, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
This system uses Genetic Algorithms to generate class schedule for BISU Balilihan Campus (2024-03-31, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
This is a tool to manage speechdays in schools. (2024-03-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
This system uses Genetic Algorithms to generate class schedule for BISU Balilihan Campus (2024-03-11, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
A CMS for managing your Old School RuneScape clan with exclusive features (2023-01-07, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
Le quai古董是Savoyard餐厅的web应用程序。这是我在学校的期末考试,一个培训评估(称为EC...,
Le quai antique is a web application for a Savoyard restaurant. This is my final exam for my school, an in-training assessment (called ECF in French). The project works under Tailwind and Symfony (2023-10-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
TYPO3 Extension für Campus Events, (2023-09-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
学校管理系统是MyBizna ERP系统的一个组件,专门用于管理学校相关操作。,
The School Management System is a component of the MyBizna ERP system designed specifically for managing school-related operations., (2023-08-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
后端通过Thinkphp5实现数据信息抓取基于Thinkphp5 +phpQuery 整理的API接口 + 招聘信息抓取(前程无忧 智联招聘 boss直聘 拉勾网)数据接口 + 新闻分类(头条 军事 娱乐 体育 科技 艺术 教育 要闻)数据接口 + 视频分类(精品视频 搞笑...,
The back-end uses Thinkphp5 to capture data information. API interface based on Thinkphp5+phpQuery collation+recruitment information capture (51job Zhilian recruitment boss direct recruitment hook) data interface+news classification (headline military entertainment sports science, technology and art education news) data interface+video classification (high-quality video funny, (2019-01-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
数据库系统课程项目。EATERIO,德克萨斯州SIIT BKD校区食堂食品订购和管理系统。,
Project for Database System Courses. EATERIO, the Canteen Food Ordering and Management System at SIIT BKD Campus, TU., (2023-03-05, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
基于开源weiphp 微 信 公众平台开发的一套“家校通” 微 信 项目
A set of "home school connection" WeChat project developed based on the open source weiphp WeChat public platform (2016-12-07, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
A PHP package to redact array values by their keys. (2022-08-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
NFC Attendance System | 智慧校園NFC考勤系統 | 智慧校園NFC考勤系統配套後端服務器
NFC Attendance System | Smart Campus NFC Attendance System | Smart Campus NFC Attendance System Supporting Backend Server (2021-04-10, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
The ranking data collection of the school website in the search engine is used to observe and record the ranking of the number of pages searched by Google. (2015-07-02, PHP, 7105KB, 下载0次)
Industry Pre-Training Program for CS Students of Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (2019-01-22, PHP, 6285KB, 下载0次)
一个Craft 3插件,用于从编校器字段获取第一个图像。
A Craft 3 Plugin to get first image from a redactor field. (2022-12-29, PHP, 24KB, 下载0次)
Focus on online course system, online school system, online education system, knowledge payment system. True to its name, it is free for commercial use. Docker is deployed in containers to quickly build a dedicated course on-demand and live learning platform. (2023-05-11, PHP, 2790KB, 下载0次)
A multi language school library management system with roles, permissions, full text search, API, image cropping & compressing, GitHub login, CSV import, newsletter, reCAPTCHA, and so on! (2023-06-01, PHP, 4791KB, 下载0次)
A Laravel Based Online System to Manage All School Activities Ranging From Fees Payment, Keying in of Grades and Generation of Reports (2018-02-24, PHP, 189KB, 下载0次)