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[数据库系统] umasscs430projects

This is a remote repository for all of my UMass Boston Database Management Systems (CS430) homework and other files. (2024-04-29, SQL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] crebas

Warehouse management (2018-07-05, SQL, 1KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] phpsay

From the initial worry paste it to the later PhpSay, we have come together for three years and a half time, three and a half years, PHPSay accumulated a total of 99 users and three business portal-level users, of course, we care about more the user is free, but due to limited personal energy, a lot of follow-up services can not keep up, but please forgive me. (2016-05-09, SQL, 480KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] sqlyyys

SQL语言艺术.pdf 本书分为 12 章,每一章包含许多原则或准则,并通过举例的方式对原则进行解释说明。这些例 子大多来自于实际案例,对九种 SQL 经典查询场景以及其性能影响讨论,非常便于实践,为你 的实际工作提出了具体建议。本书适合 SQL 数据库开发者、软件架构师,也适合 DBA ,尤其是 数据库应用维护人员阅读。   资深 SQL 专家 St é phane Faroult 倾力打造   《软件架构设计》作者温昱最新译作   巧妙借鉴《孙子兵法》的智慧结晶   传授 25 年的 SQL 性能与调校经验   深入探讨九种常见查询方案及其性能
SQL语言艺术.pdf (2010-04-29, SQL, 645KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] SQL

《SQL语言艺术》中文 pdf版 电子书下载。本书分为12章,每一章包含许多原则或准则,并通过举例的方式对原则进行解释说明。这些例子大多来自于实际案例,对九种SQL经典查询场景以及其性能影响讨论,非常便于实践,为你的实际工作提出了具体建议。本书适合SQL数据库开发者、软件架构师,也适合DBA,尤其是数据库应用维护人员阅读。 1 资深 SQL 专家 Stéphane Faroult倾力打造 2 《软件架构设计》作者温昱最新译作 3 巧妙借鉴《孙子兵法》的智慧结晶 4 传授25年的SQL性能与调校经验 5 深入探讨九种常见查询方案及其性能
err (2008-11-15, SQL, 645KB, 下载174次)


[企业管理] ed

Institutions of higher learning is a research and teaching for the primary purpose of organization.校科研处is mainly responsible for the high school of scientific research, the results of identification and transformation, technology services and academic exchanges, etc. The functions of institutions. Research and information management in higher education management in an extremely important aspect. Research information management system is a scientific research colleges and universities in order to realize the business information management, enhance scientific research and business management personnel, as well as efficiency of a unified information management system (2008-05-23, SQL, 233KB, 下载51次)
