ATT7022 chip user manual (2018-09-22, C/C++, 407KB, 下载8次)
The program is not fixed group test case input, pro test, easy to use (2017-08-08, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)
Baidu 2015 school recruit software test engineer, Shanghai test area questions. (2014-11-30, Visual C++, 10179KB, 下载1次)
AT7022 DATASHEET (2012-05-17, DOS, 68KB, 下载168次)
The new academic year, the Senate, the first to join the grade information, and choreography classes, basic information input to students, new students by academic staff in the enrollment system to complete the maintenance of the new student information (2012-03-19, Windows_Unix, 370KB, 下载3次)
Out-patient registration system design reports, needs analysis, architecture analysis, network options analysis, functional analysis (2011-12-14, Visual C++, 183KB, 下载5次)
The three-phase watt-hour meter based on ATT7022C power acquisition system of pure software automatically table of backend software school
(2011-08-05, Visual C++, 258KB, 下载15次)
Use test platform provides the hardware resources to design a spreadsheet. The electronic form in hours, minutes, seconds display the current time, and has a calibration function, use the keypad calibration with standard time (2011-07-01, Others, 2687KB, 下载1次)
cisco 校园网3校区组网模拟 完全可通 运行环境PT5.3
cisco 3 Campus Network Campus Network Simulation Environment PT5.3 fully into operation in (2011-05-07, DOS, 103KB, 下载12次)
台灣的大學校長兼中研院院士,李家同,的 compiler 課程的詳細文件。
The detail document about the compiler project of 李家同。 (2010-01-25, Visual C++, 3471KB, 下载4次)
李家同(台灣的大學校長,兼中研院院士),教如何寫 Compiler 的講義
The compiler course of 李家同. (2010-01-25, Visual C++, 223KB, 下载2次)
This document includes msp430f Series MCU operating environment and the IAR development of installation and use of detailed documentation to facilitate the beginners and in-school students and msp430f Series MCU Development lovers easy to use. (2010-01-05, Objective-C, 43818KB, 下载4次)
Software testing is a good tutorial software engineering major U.S. elite of the testing and quality control of teaching materials (2009-10-08, CHM, 1755KB, 下载6次)
CHSC Qualcomm integrated solution, including servers, equipment, terminals, software detailed design. (2008-12-05, Java, 559KB, 下载59次)
Note: This source is for reference only, not some function prototypes, learn from its means of communication and its settings. CRC calibration may be another reference to other code. (2008-11-10, C/C++, 2KB, 下载1次)
ATT7022B chip based on the measurement of three-phase energy meter multi-function software school form, very useful. (2008-08-07, Others, 83KB, 下载349次)
programmers face all day, computer color accuracy in fact for us is very important. Upload here this thing is not the source document is not, adjust the color and shading display information, etc. reference picture. This use of two pictures, their basic black in the entire room to adjust the display to approximate the state standards. (2007-05-06, Others, 60KB, 下载1次)
8051-CRC 16 校驗檢查碼
CRC16 校驗檢查碼- 源碼 asm
8051-16 CRC checksum verification check code CYXLIC REDUNDANCY check code-source asm2 (2007-01-31, Asm, 1KB, 下载119次)
《Writing Clean Code ── Microsoft Techniques for Developing Bug-free C Programs》
Steve maguire 著
Microsoft Press 出版
《编程精粹 ── Microsoft 编写优质无错C 程序秘诀》
姜静波、佟金荣 译,麦中凡 校
电子工业出版社 出版
Solmyr:序、某些背景、命名约定、引言、第1、2、3、8 章、后记、参考文献
iliad: 第4、5 章
lavos: 第6 章、附录A
warz: 第7 章
chief: 附录B、C
Original title : "Writing Clean Code-- Microsoft Techniques fo r Developing bug-free C Programs "Steve maguir e is published by Microsoft Press According to a translation : "Programming the best-prepared high-quality Microsoft no wrong C program secret," Jiang Jingbo, Kim Tong Translation, wheat school where the electronics industry published collated : Solmyr : sequence, some background, naming conventions, the introduction and section 1,2, 3,8 chapter Postscript references, iliad : 4,5 lavos chapter : Chapter 6, Appendix A warz : Chapter 7 chief : Appendix B, C (2006-07-23, C/C++, 566KB, 下载48次)
全C语言编制.....适合学生在学校课程设计参考..功能比较齐全...有创建,查找,排序,显示,插入,删除...附带子程序..校验输入的正确性...在turbo c 2.0下测试通过
array is formed using the "student performance management system" full C language ..... suitable for students in the school curriculum .. functional design reference ... a more complete creation, search, sort, display, insert, delete fringe ... Subroutine .. check the validity of the turbo c ... 2.0 ... the test (2006-03-17, C/C++, 4KB, 下载62次)