出于无聊,更改了我学校的WIFI SSID(名称)的名称
Made this out of boredom to change the name of my school s WIFI SSID (name) (2024-09-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
Fresher Assistant网站是BITS Pilani Hyderabad校区黑客马拉松期间创建的项目。它旨在帮助新加入者、新生和客人熟悉BITS海得拉巴。
The Fresher Assistant Website is a project created during a hackathon at BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus. It is designed to assist new joiners, freshers, and guests in getting acquainted with BITS Hyderabad. (2024-05-01, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)
Repositório of ific da Cyber Security Information,uma aplica o web desenvolvida por estudantes do IFSP-Pirituba校区,cujo objetivo...
Repositório oficial da Cyber Security Information, uma aplica??o web desenvolvida por estudantes do IFSP - Campus Pirituba, cujo objetivo é o fornecimento de conteúdos e ferramentas sobre a ciberseguran?a. (2023-01-01, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)
Source code and wp of web questions in the preliminary contest of 2019 Jinling University of Science and Technology, (2019-05-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)
校 园 网 IP 地 址 规 划 与 设 计 规 范.
Campus network IP address planning and design specifications (2021-04-27, Others, 555KB, 下载0次)
此源码为个人所使用的一个源码,包含功能有:一键关机,灰色按钮克星,文件粉碎机,重建图标缓存,启动项管理,系统校时,注册表管 (2018-01-06, MultiPlatform, 291KB, 下载1次)