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[Redis] shortlink

热门推荐 SaaS 短链接系统,承载高并发和海量存储等场景难题。专为实习、校招以及社招而出的最新项目,项目质量不亚于 12306 铁路购票项目。
SaaS short link system is highly recommended to carry high concurrency and massive storage scenarios. The latest project specially designed for internship, school recruitment and social recruitment, the project quality is no less than 12306 railway ticket purchase project. (2023-11-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] yiyexy

yiyexy,西电一页校园是一个校校园团队,致力于设计垂直化的校园服务系统,本项目分为三个模块(拼车、美食、驾校),这个代码库用于把之前的代码重构,基于 Spring Boot + Spring + Mybatis 的主流框架,redis 提供缓存...
Yiyexy, Xidian One Page Campus is a campus team dedicated to designing a vertical campus service system. This project is divided into three modules (carpooling, food, driving school), and this code library is used to refactor the previous code. Based on the mainstream framework of Spring Boot+Spring+Mybatis, Redis provides caching (2023-05-14, Java, 114KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] campus_recruitmen_questions

campus_recruitmen_questions,2021年最新整理,5000道秋招 提前批 春招 常用面试题(含答案),包括leetcode,校招笔试题,面试题,算法题,语法题。
campus_ recruitmen_ Questions, newly organized in 2021, with 5000 commonly used interview questions (including answers) for autumn recruitment approved in advance, including leetcode, school recruitment pen test questions, interview questions, algorithm questions, and grammar questions. (2021-08-25, Others, 895KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] InterviewGuide

InterviewGuide, 「InterviewGuide」是阿秀从校园->职场多年计算机自学过程的记录以及学弟学妹们计算机校招&秋招经验总结文章的汇总,包括但不限于C C++ 、Golang、JavaScript、Vue、操作系统、数据结构、计算机网络、M...
InterviewGuide, 「InterviewGuide」是阿秀从校园->职场多年计算机自学过程的记录以及学弟学妹们计算机校招&秋招经验总结文章的汇总,包括但不限于C C++ 、Golang、JavaScript、Vue、操作系统、数据结构、计算机网络、M... (2023-05-11, Others, 12918KB, 下载0次)
