A simple API that returns the list of faculties from the official VIT website. Currently only supports Chennai campus (2021-09-06, JavaScript, 2025KB, 下载0次)
FFCSeZ is an app to facilitate the smooth and hassle-free preparation of timetables during FFCS. The app can be used by any student studying in VIT right from the first years to the final years. (2022-06-30, Java, 828KB, 下载0次)
Repository containing all the codes created for the lab sessions of CSE3020 Web Mining at VIT University Chennai Campus (2018-12-06, Python, 14488KB, 下载0次)
仿vista时钟的一款 png桌面时钟,带语音校时功能,自动校时功能
png Clock with alarm (2012-04-15, Visual Basic, 1597KB, 下载7次)