clock c51 Clock program and simulation based on MCU C51, assembly language, realize clock and timing function (2018-03-25, C51, 50KB, 下载2次)
C language (2017-05-05, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载1次)
汇编语言课件 内涵32位汇编实例 来自985/211名校 助初学者快速掌握汇编技术
Assembly language courseware examples from the compilation connotation 32 985/211 schools to help beginners grasp assembly techniques (2014-03-31, Visual C++, 4112KB, 下载1次)
em198850 初始化代碼 和 rssi校對功能程式
em198850 initial code and rssi calibration code (2012-05-08, Asm, 4KB, 下载6次)
the asm of digital clock,and you can correct the time by clicking the button. (2012-04-09, Asm, 1KB, 下载3次)
(2011-07-27, Asm, 3KB, 下载2次)
多功能数字钟设计 主体功能一个多功能数字钟,包含以下主要功能: 1.计时及校时,时间可以24小时制显示 2.日历:显示年月日,及设定设定功能 3.闪烁调时4.时间日期的快进和快退
Multifunction digital clock features a versatile design the main digital clock, includes the following main functions: 1. Time and school, 24-hour time display 2 calendar: display month, day, and set the setting function 3 flash tune at 4 time and date of the fast-forward and rewind (2011-07-21, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载3次)
hit code hjgjgjgjgkhkhkhkhkhkhkhk (2010-06-17, Asm, 23KB, 下载6次)
设计一电子钟,要求显示时、分、秒,时为24小时制 有晶体振荡器或555定时电路提供标准时间的基准信号 还要具有清零功能 扩展部分(具有校时功能,可以对小时和分单独校时,对分校时的时候,停止分向小时的进位,校时时钟源可以借用电路中的时钟 具有正点报时功能。
Design an electronic clock, require a showing hours, minutes, seconds, when a 24-hour system a crystal oscillator or timing circuitry 555 provides a standard time reference signal would also like to have a Clear function extension (with the school when the function, you can separate school for hours and minutes when the right time when the campus to stop the entry points to the hours-bit, school clock source can be borrowed from time to time in the clock circuit with punctual timekeeping function. (2009-11-24, Visual C++, 710KB, 下载3次)
《汇编语言程序设计自学教程》[美]Mark Goodwin著,周予滨、田学锋译,王勇校。
" Self-Assembly Language Programming Tutorial" [America] Mark Goodwin a, Zhou Yu-bin, Tian Xue-feng translation, Wang Yong school. (2009-11-21, Asm, 2218KB, 下载5次)
This is an assembler, is a simple alarm clock program, you can get the system time, to school, when! (2009-09-15, Asm, 24KB, 下载8次)
Multi-function digital clock: In the manual, when the school functions, the option is to adjust hours, or minutes, if a long time hold the key, so that second signal can be cleared for accurate time transfer (2009-09-04, VHDL, 1KB, 下载6次)
School students in a school in a number of query results and ranking of students, and display (2009-08-17, DOS, 1KB, 下载2次)
(1) MCU:AT89C2051或AT89C4051
(2) FM接收器:TDA7088或SC1088
(3) 数字电位器:X9315
(4) 运放:MAX4294
(4) LCD显示器:LCM06XK
The use of the timer 51 to achieve a complete hardware assembler: (1) MCU: AT89C2051 or AT89C4051 (2) FM receiver: TDA7088 or SC1088 (3) Digital Potentiometers: X9315 (4) Op-Amp: MAX4294 (4) LCD display: LCM06XK ---------------------------------------------------------- code: 1.6KB ---------------------------------------------------------- performance: (1) automatic search radio stations, automatic calibration clock (2 ) automatically identify the characteristics of the time signals used all over the globe (3) the school when the error is less than 0.5 ms (4), when adjusted manually (5) low battery power tips (6) No radio tips (7) audio monitoring interface (8) power-saving control (2009-06-18, Asm, 5KB, 下载14次)
此程序是实现数字钟的,包括校时 闹钟 二十四小时和十二小时的转换
This procedure is to achieve digital clock, including the school alarm clock 24 hours and 12 hours the conversion (2008-12-25, VHDL, 563KB, 下载3次)
The design of a simple digital clock with a school function: 1, to at least six LED digital display hours, minutes and seconds, time for the 24-band. 2, using up to eight key functions to achieve school. (2008-12-24, VHDL, 59KB, 下载2次)
EDA 数字钟实现文件 能够实现计时,闹钟,校时功能
EDA digital clock time to achieve the realization of paper, alarm clock, school functions (2008-12-18, VHDL, 176KB, 下载44次)
Canton traffic source, and found a lot of things can really have a school, (2008-06-26, Visual C++, 109KB, 下载2次)
模拟某校九层教学楼的电梯系统。该楼有一个自动电梯,能在每层停留。九个楼层由下至上依次称为地下一层、第一层、第二层、……第八层,其中第一层是大楼的进出层,即是电梯的“本垒层”,电梯“空闲”时,将来到该层候命。 乘客可随时地进出于任何层。对于每个人来说,他有一个能容忍的最长等待时间,一旦等候电梯时间过长,他将放弃。 模拟时钟从0开始,时间单位为0.1秒。人和电梯的各种动作均要消耗一定的时间单位(简记为t),比如:有人进出时,电梯每隔40t检测一次,若无人进出,则关门;关门和开门各需要20t;每个人进出电梯均需要25t;如果电梯在某层精致时间超过300t,则驶回1层候命。 (2008-06-03, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载15次)
贪食蛇of a simple assembly language school procedures, drawing on U.S. and Kazakhstan (2008-05-10, MultiPlatform, 2KB, 下载5次)