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[搜索引擎] SeoulMetro_Congestion_Regression

Project at MultiCampus, (2023-09-27, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] smilcool

Smilcool:微校 - 高校资源综合发布系统(新闻、论坛、二手交易、文章、失物寻物、即时通讯、文件管理),
Smilcool: Micro school - university resources comprehensive publishing system (news, forums, second-hand transactions, articles, lost and found objects, instant messaging, file management), (2023-07-10, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] SitePageRank

The ranking data collection of the school website in the search engine is used to observe and record the ranking of the number of pages searched by Google. (2015-07-02, PHP, 7105KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] blog

emlog是国人开发的一个博客程序,功能绝不含糊,性能十分出色。与wordpress相比,更贴近国人的使用习惯,而且比wp速度快很多he。 功能介绍 支持日志url自定义,对搜索引擎更为友好 独有的碎语(微博)功能,让你用简单的文字记录生活 一键式更换模板,方便快捷打造个性博客 清爽的日志撰写页面、配以自动保存,书写博文更加舒适无忧 日志草稿箱功能,方便保存你未完成的日志 完美支持手机访问,随时随地记录你的生活 支持离线写作
emlog is people develop a blog program, function unambiguously, the performance is very good. Compared with wordpress, closer to people' s habits, but he is much faster speed than wp. Features support for custom log url, more friendly to search engines unique broken language (microblogging) feature that allows you to record life with a simple one-button text replacement template, quick and easy to create personalized blog refreshing bloggers pages, with auto-save, worry more comfortable writing Bowen log Drafts function, convenient to save your unfinished logs perfect support for mobile access, anytime, anywhere recording support offline Writing Your Life (2014-01-02, PHP, 127KB, 下载3次)


[搜索引擎] dFilleSearchho

文件搜索系统 智能排序 能按文件内容或文件名搜索,并且能按文件名,修改日期... ...排序当初学入门校java实训的项目 那时侯不知知道有LinkedList竟然自己花了3天时间自己写了的LinkLiist有什么问题请与我联系.
File search system, intelligent sort by file content or file search by file name, modification date ... sort the original entry school java training project Back then I do not know know LinkedList even spent three days written LinkLiist have any questions please contact me QQ: 281284015Email: ibm (2012-08-05, Visual C++, 20KB, 下载8次)


[搜索引擎] Searcher-File

一个文件搜索系统 智能排序 能按文件内容或文件名搜索,并且能按文件名,修改日期,排序当初学入门校java实训的项目 那时侯不知道有LinkedList竟然自己花了3天时间自己写了的LinkLiist
A detailed description of the program in 3G WCDMA radio resource management and simulation methods in Matlab software simulation carried out under the complete source code has been tested. (2011-06-21, Java, 20KB, 下载4次)


[搜索引擎] MetaSeeker-4.11.2

主要应用领域: • 垂直搜索(Vertical Search):也称为专业搜索,高速、海量和精确抓取是定题网络爬虫DataScraper的强项,每天24小时每周7天无人值守自主调度的周期性批量采集,加上断点续传和软件看门狗(Watch Dog),确保您高枕无忧 • 移动互联网:手机搜索、手机混搭(mashup)、移动社交网络、移动电子商务都离不开结构化的数据内容,DataScraper实时高效地 采集内容,输出富含语义元数据的XML格式的抓取结果文件,确保自动化的数据集成和加工,跨越小尺寸屏幕展现和高精准信息检索的障碍。手机互联网不是 Web的子集而是全部,由MetaSeeker架设桥梁 • 企业竞争情报采集/数据挖掘:俗称商业智能(Business Intelligence),噪音信息滤除、结构化转换,确保数据的准确性和时效性,独有的广域分布式架构,赋予DataScraper无与伦比的情报采 集渗透能力,AJAX/Javascript动态页面、服务器动态网页、静态页面、各种鉴权认证机制,一视同仁。在微博网站数据采集和舆情监测领域远远领 先其它产品。
The main application areas: • Vertical Search (Vertical Search): also known as professional search, speed, mass and precision is the SDI Web crawler to crawl the strengths DataScraper 24 hours a day 7 days a week periodic unattended batch capture self-scheduling, Canada and software watchdog on the HTTP (Watch Dog), make sure you sit back and relax • Mobile Internet: mobile search, mobile mashups (mashup), mobile social networking, mobile commerce are inseparable from the structure of the data content, DataScraper efficiently capture real-time content, the output is rich semantic metadata XML format for the capture outcome document, to ensure that automated data integration and processing, across the small size screen display and high precision information retrieval obstacles. Mobile Internet is not a subset of Web but all, by building bridges MetaSeeker • Competitive intelligence gathering/data mining: commonly known as Business Intelligence (Business Intelli (2011-06-14, Java, 4120KB, 下载147次)


[搜索引擎] clucene-core-0.9.19

蟹褞邪孝clucen写袛孝褘袃袑歇效袠褨挟楔袞袌袟袀邪邪袗褑袃袑蟹褩蝎斜蝎褩胁 搂 效褑袟袧校褑袝肖袩些胁写袙挟袩袦胁袥携孝衼袃 (2007-07-29, Visual C++, 2120KB, 下载90次)
