世界百校 :
E书简介: 菲律宾大学是根据菲律宾首届立法机构颁发的第1870号法令(亦称大学宪章)于1908年6月18日创办的,实际上是依靠美国人,并按照兰德公司资助大学的模式,为菲律宾人开办的一所大学。该校的第一任校长是美国人默里·巴特利特博士(Murray Bartlett)。经过85年的发展,现已是菲律宾规模最大的国立综合性大学。建校之初,全校仅有两个教学单位,即1908年成立的美术学院和农学院。1910年,菲律宾医科学校(成立于1907年)并入菲律宾大学,并于1923年扩大为医学院。
world 100 schools : E brief introduction to the book : According to the University of the Philippines is the first legislative body Philippines awarded the 1870 Act (also known as the Charter of the University) 190 8, June 18 to establish, and in fact rely on the Americans, according to the Rand Corporation and the University Grants model Filipinos run a university. The school is the first president Dr. Americans Molibate Gbadolite (Murray Bartlett). After 85 years of development, the Philippines is now the largest national comprehensive university. The beginning of school, the school only two teaching units, which in 1908 established the College of Art and agriculture. 1910, the Philippines School of Medicine (founded in 1907) into the University of the Philippines. and in 1923 expanded t (2006-12-06, Others, 2574KB, 下载120次)
<<Algebra, Topology, Diferential Calculus, and
Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Engineering>>
The world's top universities, Ivy League schools, computer mathematics, English original (2019-12-23, Others, 17689KB, 下载7次)
校园计算机网络已成为学校办学的基础设施和必备条件.公众信息电脑公司立足中国,服务教育.以开发教育软件和网络集成为主,推进教育教学信息化和现代化为主要经营方向的综合型企业. 经过广泛的市场调研,针对中等学校办学特点和应用需求,我公司开发出"中等学校千兆校园网整体解决方案".该方案以千兆主干网络为基础平台,以校园网应用为主线,以实现广泛的教育资源共享,提高教育教学的现代化水平为目的,为建设信息化学校提供了一个完整的解决方案.
校园网的信息点覆盖整个校园,教室、办公室和宿舍等地方都是十分开放的,很多人都可以自由出入这些地方,任何一个人都可以利用这些地方的信息点,通过便携连接到学校办公内部网,这将对校园网造成巨大安全隐患。全网接入采用统一认证技术,保证了只有合法授权的用户才能使用内部或外部网络,而且还能对网络的使用情况进行了审计 。
err (2008-12-31, Others, 83KB, 下载6次)
This information is mainly used for the recruitment and internship of Huawei Company. I hope you can find a pleasant job with the help of it. (2019-03-05, Others, 34764KB, 下载3次)
A file of ppyy as an introduction to introduction (2020-03-29, Others, 6585KB, 下载1次)
its realize some function of digital armed clock (2018-06-03, Others, 1133KB, 下载1次)
Wu you function box, add some simple gadgets.used iApp. (2018-05-02, Others, 733KB, 下载1次)
World famous Columbia University department of CS 2010 fall are using teaching material I am using (2017-04-04, Others, 5KB, 下载1次)
paper from the overall picture of the Xiantao education, "School-to-School" network needs, building and design principles, the network architecture and technology direction and equipment selection (2006-06-14, Others, 15KB, 下载1次)
Abstract : This article from the overall picture of the Xiantao education, "School-to-School" network needs, building and design principles, the network architecture and technology direction and choose equipment. (2006-06-14, Others, 28KB, 下载1次)
把文件夹里面的Generic PnP Monitor1.icm和CalibratedDisplayProfile4.icc移到C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color 然后打开控制面板颜色管理 设备 显示器:XXXXXX勾选‘使用我对此设备的设置’
Move the Generic PnP Monitor1.icm and CalibratedDisplayProfile4.icc in the folder to C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color and open the Control Panel Color Management Device Display: XXXXXX check 'Use my settings for this device' (2018-11-26, Others, 171KB, 下载0次)
Break the limit of the 2014 use date of the natural water supply and drainage (2018-07-15, Others, 1181KB, 下载0次)
近年来,无论是校招生的毁约、卡试用期、裁应届,都屡见不鲜。本项目 汇 总 国内公司对于校招生不友好的现象。往者不可谏,来者犹可追。希望本名单能够为未来的应届同学选择工作提供参考,也希望能够让雇主对应届生下手时多一点顾虑。
In recent years, it is not uncommon for the university to break the enrollment agreement, the card probation period, and the dismissal of new graduates. This project summarizes the phenomenon that domestic companies are unfriendly to school enrollment. The former cannot be remonstrated, while the latter can still be pursued. I hope this list can provide reference for future students to choose jobs, and also hope that employers can have more concerns about new students when they start. (2022-09-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
互联网校招面经 汇 总 (大家多多贡献下)
Summary of online school enrollment experience (under the contribution of everyone) (2016-10-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
腾讯 百度 华为 商汤等AI公司算法岗内推 汇 总 (含校招、社招、实习生岗)
Internal summary of algorithm posts of AI companies such as Tencent Baidu Huawei Business Soup (including school recruitment, social recruitment and intern posts) (2020-09-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
2024届互联网校招信息 汇 总
2024 Internet School Recruitment Information Summary (2023-07-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
2017mcm / ICM excellent paper,高清pdf, word version in other
2017mcm / ICM excellent paper, HD PDF, word version in other (2021-02-05, Others, 6118KB, 下载0次)
2017mcm / ICM 优秀论文, HD PDF, word version in other
2017mcm / ICM excellent paper, HD PDF, word version in other (2021-02-05, Others, 1076KB, 下载0次)
2017mcm / ICM 优秀论文,高清pdf,word在其他
2017mcm / ICM excellent paper, HD PDF, word version in other (2021-02-05, Others, 1187KB, 下载0次)
2017mcm / ICM excellent paper, HD PDF, word version in other (2021-02-05, Others, 1311KB, 下载0次)