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[其他] 美国名校的非线性有限元教程1

C language reference books, in a very comprehensive, please use downloaded put (2005-11-17, DOS, 2938KB, 下载252次)


[其他] schools_of_world

世界百校 : E书简介: 菲律宾大学是根据菲律宾首届立法机构颁发的第1870号法令(亦称大学宪章)于1908年6月18日创办的,实际上是依靠美国人,并按照兰德公司资助大学的模式,为菲律宾人开办的一所大学。该校的第一任校长是美国人默里·巴特利特博士(Murray Bartlett)。经过85年的发展,现已是菲律宾规模最大的国立综合性大学。建校之初,全校仅有两个教学单位,即1908年成立的美术学院和农学院。1910年,菲律宾医科学校(成立于1907年)并入菲律宾大学,并于1923年扩大为医学院。
world 100 schools : E brief introduction to the book : According to the University of the Philippines is the first legislative body Philippines awarded the 1870 Act (also known as the Charter of the University) 190 8, June 18 to establish, and in fact rely on the Americans, according to the Rand Corporation and the University Grants model Filipinos run a university. The school is the first president Dr. Americans Molibate Gbadolite (Murray Bartlett). After 85 years of development, the Philippines is now the largest national comprehensive university. The beginning of school, the school only two teaching units, which in 1908 established the College of Art and agriculture. 1910, the Philippines School of Medicine (founded in 1907) into the University of the Philippines. and in 1923 expanded t (2006-12-06, Others, 2574KB, 下载120次)


[其他] SportMeeting

学生运动会成绩数据库 问题描述:学生运动会成绩数据库系统记录某校运动会上全部运动项目,各系获得的分数及排名的情况,包括50、100、200,400,1500米,跳高,跳远,标枪,铅球铁饼等。进入系统后可以输入和修改某个项目的结果情况,可以按各系院编号输出总分;按总分排序;按男团体总分排序 ;按系院编号查询;按项目编号查询;按女团体总分排序。 分步实施: 初步完成总体设计,搭好框架,确定人机对话的界面,确定函数个数; 完成最低要求:建立一个文件,包括某个系,5个项目的得分情况,能对文件中的信息进行扩充(追加),修改和删除; 进一步要求:完成对多个系,多个项目的得分排序,以及完成系统查询功能。有兴趣的同学可以自己扩充系统功能。 键盘输入:系院数目,男子项目数女子项目数,(每项目取前三名,分别为10,5,2分) 要求:1)界面友好,函数功能要划分好 2)总体设计应画一流程图 3)程序要加必要的注释 4)要提供程序测试方案 5)程序一定要经得起测试,宁可功能少一些,也要能运行起来,不能运行的程序是没有价值的。
Problem Description: Student Games results of a database system for recording all the sports, school sporting events, various departments to obtain scores and ranking, including 50,100,200,400,1500 meters, high jump, long jump, javelin, shot put, discus and so on. Entering the system can enter and modify the results of a project, you can output Total Number of Hospitals by various departments sorted by Total by male groups Total sort by the Department of School No. inquiries by item number search by women groups Total sort. (2009-08-29, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载114次)


[其他] CLOCK

文通过ALTERA公司的quartus II软件,用Verilog HDL语言完成多功能数字钟的设计。主要完成的功能为:计时功能,24小时制计时显示;通过七段数码管动态显示时间;校时设置功能,可分别设置时、分、秒;跑表的启动、停止 、保持显示和清除。
Through the ALTERA company quartus II software, using Verilog HDL language to complete the design of multi-function digital clock. The main function of the completion are: time function, 24-hour time display through the Seven-Segment LED dynamic display time school settings function, can be set hours, minutes, seconds the stopwatch to start, stop, and maintain display and removal. (2008-12-11, VHDL, 178KB, 下载100次)


[其他] top_clock

Multifunction digital clock, there are schools, the fake radio timekeeping, the whole point timekeeping, alarm and other functions! (2010-01-23, VHDL, 1KB, 下载95次)


[其他] 破解大全

破解网址大全 软件点播中文网 http://www.ynkm.com/ 无忧软件网 - 不可多得的破解软件下载基地,附有无忧书库,无忧字体,代码基地,无忧教学,免费园地,完全游戏 http://www.51soft.com/ 精品软件秀 - 软件下载网页,可惜更新太慢!分类清楚,更新及时,也值得一看。 http://www.ohsoft.com/ 163软件园 - 163软件园是国内著名的软件网站,网站定位是提供“提供软硬件资讯专业网站”。 http://www.soft163.com/ 中华破解联盟 - 我们的会员达到211人,其中付费的会员45人,成为了一个大家比较欢迎的站点,然而破解站点 http://www.softsdown.com/ 软件万花筒 - 一个破解软件下载。本站提供注册码、软件破解文件、精彩Flash动画。软件能做到每天更新, http://www.superdown.com/ 盗亦有道 - 本站提供:国产软件 国外软件 精品软件 股票软件 加密工具解密工具 网络安全 ICQ/OICQ 破解 http://forum.winzheng.com/~winzheng/forum/forums.cgi?forum=5 番外地工作室 - 破解文献、破解工具、注册码、口令破解、杀毒软件、国产软件 http://fwd.****/
crack the Chinese software-on-demand network software http://www.ynkm.com/ ease network-rare crack download software base, with no worries Stack, worry-free fonts, code base, worry-free teaching, free garden, complete games http:// www.51soft.com/-quality software-software download page, but updates too slow! Categories clear, timely updates, but also an eye-catcher. Http://www.ohsoft.com/ Software Park 163-163 Software Park is a well-known software web site, positioning is to provide "software and hardware to provide information website." Http://www.soft163.com/ China crack Union-our members to 211, of whom 45 paid members, we become a more popular site, but crack site http://www.softsdown.com/ software Kaleidoscope- a crack software download. We offer a license, software crack (2004-12-22, CHM, 5KB, 下载70次)


[其他] BS_Contact_VRML_61

This is my school, prepared the exhibitions please, thank you. (2010-02-07, HTML, 2238KB, 下载61次)


[其他] shuzidianzizhong

The design of a multi-function digital clock, 24 hours a day for a cycle count. Accurate time, a (2008-09-03, VHDL, 330KB, 下载42次)


[其他] 基于wifi的室内定位校应用

Indoor location based on RSSI (2017-10-27, matlab, 69KB, 下载39次)


[其他] diy-page_65

DiY-Page = 论坛门户 + 简易CMS + 自动采集 一个论坛就可建站,没有论坛也能建站,海量内容瞬间采入。 支持 Discuz / PHPWind 论坛程序的所有主流版本 清爽美观的前台模板风格 独创的 设计视窗(TM) 技术,在线可视化设计,轻松定制您的网站 完善的HTML生成功能,有效降低服务器负担 显著增加搜索引擎收录量,用户网站有收录过百万的纪录 业界领先的自动采集功能,实现网站内容无忧更新 完全开放源代码,可以免费下载和使用,只有不到1MB CMS特点 ◎ 不到1M的超小体积 ◎ 完整的CMS元素,万能模型/无限频道/子目录/字段扩展/标签等 ◎ 支持UC整合,一个账号全站通用 ◎ 主流论坛数据调用,帖子生成静态 ◎ 调用UCHome的日志、相册、空间、群组等 ◎ 模板可视化在线修改 ◎ 自动采集,内容更新无忧
DiY-Page = Forum Simple CMS+ Portal+ Automatic Collection Can be a forum for website construction, there is no forum can also website construction, mining rich content into an instant. Support Discuz/PHPWind process with all major versions of the Forum Fresh beautiful template style front Original design of Windows (TM) technology, online visual design, easy to customize your Web site Improved HTML generation function, effectively reduce the burden on the server Included a significant increase in the amount of search engine users site contains records of more than a million Industry-leading automatic capture function, to achieve worry-free update website content Completely open source, you can free download and use, less than 1MB CMS Features ◎ ultra-small size less than 1M ◎ CMS elements of a complete, universal model/Unlimited channel/subdirectory/field extension/labeling ◎ Support UC integration of a full-stop general account ◎ mainstream fo (2009-10-26, PHP-PERL, 523KB, 下载31次)


[其他] automation

automation (2009-09-18, PPT, 1097KB, 下载28次)


[其他] RN8209D

Contains the RN8209 data sheet, circuit design and calibration algorithm formula calculation table (2019-05-09, C/C++, 20408KB, 下载28次)


[其他] 1024全能后台第四版

精灵复兴挂机 自动打怪 打钱 无忧升级 后台版 (Elven revival hang up)
Demon revival hang Daguai automatic money free upgrade version of the background (2017-09-29, Visual C++, 4000KB, 下载25次)


[其他] 自然村选址问题

Natural village site (2017-08-05, matlab, 5KB, 下载24次)


[其他] 微厦网校运营系统 v1.0

Micro Xiamen campus operations system is a B/S structure of the online learning system based on mobile phone terminal, computer terminal, support, can be used in Android, apple, WeChat, convenient students use fragmentation time for learning can be widely used whenever and wherever possible, training institutions, Career Academy, institutions, organizations and so on. (2017-08-04, C#, 31106KB, 下载23次)


[其他] exam8_nankai100

through this examination on the plane (in April 2004) and from the major candidates forum friends, taken on the plane that we can see that all examinations and that the plane, all from Nankai 100 title, but the spread of the Internet and books on the formal solution has many mistakes, and therefore mislead the deep foundation friends, I will this 2004 version of Nankai 100 that all of the worries that in the first half of 2004 edition simulation system for testing (no worries simulation system also install the latest patches), to correct, the essence of the solution adopted, in which there are many that have joined the program, I thought, tried to take some deep foundation as well as C language Pointer Solution very afraid of friends, so easy to understand and easy to master (2006-04-02, C/C++, 206KB, 下载22次)


[其他] FateHand

This is what I do with QBasic a complete game, "the fate of hand" I was in school when the "mountains of as" there Dos+ QBasic+ PDos95 environment can play, great plot. I remember when the computer was not anything out of the game, I do all this in class fun. (2009-01-16, DOS, 87KB, 下载17次)


[其他] 1024精灵各职业挂机(非后台)版

精灵复兴挂机 自动打怪 打钱 无忧升级
Elven revival hang up (2017-09-08, Visual C++, 848KB, 下载16次)


[其他] SojournerProgram

这里是我在学校时所写的一些程序,其中有些Java程序可能要重新编译一下才能运行,具体如下:C Course Disign——C语言编写的时钟程序Very Simple CPU——CPU仿真工具StudentQuery——基于SQL语言数据库的学籍管理系统Theory of Computation——一些关于计算理论算法的实现,详见内附说明Hotel——酒店管理系统另外还有一些硬件VHDL方面的程序,整理好后会陆续上传
here at school I wrote some of the procedures, some of which may be Java recompile about to run, as follows : C Course Disign-- C language clock procedures Very Simple CPU-- CPU simulation tool StudentQuery-- based on SQL database the Information Management Theory of Computation-- some theoretical algorithm for the calculation of the realization of enclosing detailed statement Hotel-- hotel management system there are some VHDL hardware of the procedures, will be sorted out gradually upload (2005-04-02, Java, 3340KB, 下载13次)


[其他] pingpang

Ping-pong effect model and solutions (for both campuses the base station simulation, relatively simple, basic) (2011-01-29, LabView, 10KB, 下载12次)
