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[数据库编程] BbqGridDemo

CBbqGrid网格控件及其应用于运动会积分统计示例程序 声明:此代码包里包含中学校运会积分统计程序实例代码、生成的.exe程序、演示实例环境搭建说明、控件CBbqGrid的头文件、.lib、.dll文件,没有网格控件CBbqGrid的cpp文件。 一、CBbqGrid控件特点。 本控件是基于Chris Maunder有名的MFC Grid Control 2.26的魔改后,控件更名为CBbqGrid。主要的改动主要有以下几个方面: 1、原来的控件对中文词组输入支持不好,现已修正;如单元格在选中,Edit框未出现的情况下输入中文词组会出现文字出错的现象; 2、修改复制、粘贴的代码,使控件能对于复制于Excel的区域数据正确粘贴; 3、增加行、列移动的功能; 4、增加了合并单元格的功能; 5、修改了区域选择的代码,使其可选取大块的区域时不会变卡; 6、增加了导出数据为Excel文件的功能; 7、排序方法方面,更改了快速排序为归并排序,在大量行的排序时间缩短十分明显,且中文的排序顺序与Excel的排序顺序一致,
Cbbqgrid grid control and its application in the sample program of games integration statistics Declaration: this code package contains the instance code of the integral statistics program of the middle school sports meeting, the generated. Exe program, the construction description of the demonstration instance environment, the header file,. Lib,. DLL file of the control cbbqgrid, and the cpp file without the grid control cbbqgrid. (2019-11-11, Visual C++, 6050KB, 下载2次)


[数据库编程] relational-operators---concatenation

某校教学质量奖(数据库原理 2.4.2节 专门的关系运算——连接运算)讲稿
Teaching Quality Award Handouts (Database Theory Lecture Section 2.4.2 specialized relational operators- concatenation) (2014-09-03, PPT, 24KB, 下载3次)


[数据库编程] ISOIEC-9075(1-4-9-11-13-14)2011

ISO/IEC 9075(1-4,9-11,13,14):2011 数据库标准,最校标准。很全,不容易找到免费的。
ISO/IEC 9075 (1-4,9-11,13,14): 2011 database standards, most school standards. Very wide, not easy to find for free. (2014-08-30, Others, 13578KB, 下载16次)


[数据库编程] hh

实现校园内的最短路径查询,[daoyou.rar] 校园导游咨询:编制一个为来访客人进行最短路径导游的程序从厦门大学漳州校区的平面图中选取10个有代表性的景点,抽象成一个无向带权图。以图中顶点表示景点,边上的权值表示两地之间的距离。 2.本程序的目的是为用户提供路径咨询。根据用户指定的始点和终点输出相应路径,或者根据用户指定的景点输出景点的信息。
The campus within the shortest path query [daoyou.rar campus tour guides, consulting: preparation of a visiting guests shortest path guided the program from the Zhangzhou Campus of Xiamen University, plan to select 10 representative points of interest, abstracted as an undirected with the right diagram. Attractions to vertices in the graph, the edge of the right value represents the distance between the two places. (2) The purpose of this program is to provide a path Advisory. According to user-specified starting point and end output the corresponding path, or attractions based on user-specified output attractions. (2011-06-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] database6

What s New in the 6th Edition? New running example of a university database: More intuitive and motivating for students. Illustrates more complex design tradeoffs in the database-design chapters. All example tables collected in an appendix in the text and available online. Larger database based on example schema available online for projects and assignments. All chapters have been revised to reflect the latest advances in technology. Chapter 2 (Relational Model) gives brief introduction to relational algebra. Technical details of the relational algebra and relational calculus are postponed to Chapter 6. Instructors may omit these topics if desired. Chapter 6 can be moved ahead and covered immediately after Chapter 2 for instructors preferring a more traditional sequence. Chapters 3-- 5: Revised coverage of SQL Greater attention to variants of SQL in actual systems. More detail on SQL features. Puts SQL first: All SQL features covered in the book, including OLAP constructs (2012-02-26, Java, 10669KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] sqlyyys

SQL语言艺术.pdf 本书分为 12 章,每一章包含许多原则或准则,并通过举例的方式对原则进行解释说明。这些例 子大多来自于实际案例,对九种 SQL 经典查询场景以及其性能影响讨论,非常便于实践,为你 的实际工作提出了具体建议。本书适合 SQL 数据库开发者、软件架构师,也适合 DBA ,尤其是 数据库应用维护人员阅读。   资深 SQL 专家 St é phane Faroult 倾力打造   《软件架构设计》作者温昱最新译作   巧妙借鉴《孙子兵法》的智慧结晶   传授 25 年的 SQL 性能与调校经验   深入探讨九种常见查询方案及其性能
SQL语言艺术.pdf (2010-04-29, SQL, 645KB, 下载5次)


[数据库编程] AutoStuMis

Steam school management system, database ACCESS, in DEGUG2 directory, use the name back to Debug (2009-04-14, Visual C++, 4427KB, 下载31次)


[数据库编程] SQL

《SQL语言艺术》中文 pdf版 电子书下载。本书分为12章,每一章包含许多原则或准则,并通过举例的方式对原则进行解释说明。这些例子大多来自于实际案例,对九种SQL经典查询场景以及其性能影响讨论,非常便于实践,为你的实际工作提出了具体建议。本书适合SQL数据库开发者、软件架构师,也适合DBA,尤其是数据库应用维护人员阅读。 1 资深 SQL 专家 Stéphane Faroult倾力打造 2 《软件架构设计》作者温昱最新译作 3 巧妙借鉴《孙子兵法》的智慧结晶 4 传授25年的SQL性能与调校经验 5 深入探讨九种常见查询方案及其性能
err (2008-11-15, SQL, 645KB, 下载174次)
